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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 298


May the Force be with you, Hal. I was going to suggest a creative decision about the crackly saber once Kewlfish is back to bring you it, but I guess I should save it for another time.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Thanks, everyone! I’m not leaving or anything.

And the commentary should be in each version, as a separate audio track. Google Drive doesn’t let you select which track plays, so you’ll have to download it to do that.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Well, anyways. I had an idea for the crackly saber, which I’m not entirely sure if you have this intention in mind, Hal, but here it is.

We all know exactly why Kylo Ren’s crossguard saber has an unstable blade. Symbolically, it reflects the internal conflict in his character. Now the scene in The Force Awakens where he attempts to use the Force on Anakin’s saber and flies towards Rey shows that he is not worthy to wield the Skywalker lightsaber, due to his place on the Dark Side, despite being a part of the family line.

The decision to make Anakin’s saber have an unstable blade in this edit is to obviously connect with how it broke in half in The Last Jedi. I figured, what if the kyber crystal forged back together properly once Rey hands it to Ben on Exegol to symbolize that his internal conflict is no more, and that he is now worthy to wield it. One last fizzle, and then the proper blade should do it for VFX. Afterall, Rey did heal his scar when healing him on Endor.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


That’s the exact way I see it for my edit. Just a subtle VFX change that people will barely notice. I just really hope Kewlfish can return at some point to finish his amazing crackling Saber work.

I’ve still been unable to download this workprint. Is anyone actually seeding?

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That idea was brought up, but I don’t think I’d go that way. Fortunately, it’d be easy to edit that way by anyone who’d like to see it that way.
I think it’d be confusing. I don’t think lightsabers really mirror their wielder’s spiritual state that closely. I imagine it’s more about what went into them as they were being forged or made, rather than a continual thing. Also, if that took place, why not keep it instead of burying it?

^And I’m seeding… from behind a VPN.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Personally, my favorite part of the crackly saber would be when Ben wields it. I see it as this: He’s been obsessed with his grandfather for a long time, and as we see in TFA and TLJ, he’s desperate to have the lightsaber too. After his redemption in TROS, he finally gets the saber but it’s imperfect and crackly, just like his saber as Kylo. To me, this represents him finally accepting the light side of the Skywalker legacy, but he can’t ignore the sins of his past. So while he gets to wield the object which represents the light side of the Skywalker legacy (Anakin, Luke, Rey), it’s still crackly to show he can’t ignore what he was and what he has done, but can do his best to atone for his past.

This is why it’s the most important edit to me and I really hope it can be completed 😃


I just brought it up as a suggestion, I do agree with you on the technical side of lightsabers, Hal. I did have a feeling someone brought this up, though.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


May the force be with you Hal.
Several of your Star Wars edits, are my preferred ones.
Your work is awesome! Thanks!


Thanks for all your efforts and your patience Hal 😉

So long 🙌


ChainsawAsh said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

You know what the KoR dialog feels like? A pointless SE change. You know, like Vader’s or Luke’s lines being changed in ESB.

I’ve only heard four acceptable impersonators. One, Ian Abercrombie, has sadly since passed away. The others, Sam Witwer, Tim Curry, and Nick Jameson, are all out of the budget I imagine 😅

Personally Witwer’s Palpatine never sounded quite right to me.

My god, you are just incapable of being constructive or tactful with your criticisms, aren’t you?

I’m just incredibly oblivious. I lack self-awareness and since it’s been pointed out recently I have become more conscious of it and tried to improve but it can be difficult. Like here what I said didn’t sound particularly negative to me, but I guess it did to others. Sorry about that.

Also lol at Malàstrana 2. When’s the hammer suit returning?

Hal 9000 said:

As I finish working on an update to my ANH project, the only thing outstanding about my SW edits is the Rey Nobody version of TROS. That aside, being an alternate cut anyway, things have never felt this complete. Like it’s time to let it be.
It’s been a great experience the past 8 years or so putting these together. It’s been a hobby and communal thing. There’ll be some sadness, but I know it can’t go on forever.
I will stick around in any event, and I won’t say “never,” even if I set things down intending to do so for good with SW fan editing. I know there’s work to be done yet, but at the same time, it feels like I’d better plan to “retire” once it is.

If the right idea grabs me, I would be happy to tinker with other things, but the SW saga can soon be laid to rest comfortably. And that feels good to this looooongtime OT.com weirdo.

You’re not leaving the site are you?


I’ve lurked around these forums for a long time and wanted to take an opportunity to thank Hal9000 and all the collaborators for a job well done! Hal, your work on the entire sequel trilogy is my go to edit…your prequel trilogy, also my go to edit. Just wanted to thank you for your hours and hours of hard work and love poured into these edits. They’re all very enjoyable!


Congratulations on finishing the sequels, Hal!

Could you send me a link ot it as well?



Hello everybody, How I find this version. Thanks!!!


So, I know I’m slow (sorry, been busy) but 3/5 of the PT subs is finished.
My question would be, do we have any native speaker here that would find some time to take a look (proofread) at it when it’s done? 😉


szopman said:

So, I know I’m slow (sorry, been busy) but 3/5 of the PT subs is finished.
My question would be, do we have any native speaker here that would find some time to take a look (proofread) at it when it’s done? 😉

Hey, i’m brazillian, so if it is PT-BR i could take a look 😃

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural