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The NumeralJoker/MechaSalesman 4K HDR Edits Megathread, Clips Previews, and Release Info — Page 2


Here’s how to watch the PREQUEL timeline in chronological order:

  1. Knight of the Old Republic
  2. Knights of the Old Republic 2
  3. The Old Republic
    The Darth Bane Trilogy
  4. The Cloak of Deception
    Darth Plagius: A STAR WARS story
  5. The Phantom Menace (TPM Extended Edition)
    JANGO FETT: A STAR WARS Story (The Bounty Hunter Video Game film)
  6. The Approaching Storm
  7. Attack of the Clones (Extended Edition)
    Kenobi and Anakin - A STAR WARS story (The pre-2008 Clone Wars Video game/The Dark Reaper Crisis)
  8. The Rising of the Clone Wars (The first 2 2D Clone Wars episodes Re-Cut and TCW film extended edition)
    Republic Commando: A STAR WARS Story
  9. Clone CADETS
  10. Battle for Ryloth
  11. The Rise of Malevolence
  12. Rookies
  13. Wrath of Greivous
  14. Bombad Jedi
  15. Cloak of Darkness
  16. Jedi Crash
  17. Defenders of Peace
  18. Trespass
  19. Blue Shadow Virus
  20. The Mystery of 1,000 moons
  21. The Attack of the Zillo Beast
  22. The Second battle of Geonosis
  23. The Deserter
  24. Lightsaber Lost
  25. The Mandalore Plot
  26. The DEATH TRAP
  27. R2 Come home
  28. Assault of a Bounty Hunter
  29. Corruption
  30. The Academy
  31. ARC Troopers
  32. Sphere of Influence
  33. The Menace of Cad Bane
  34. The Senate Mystery
  35. The Nightsisters of Dathomir
  36. Realm of Mortis
  37. Escape from the Citadel
  38. A Padawn Lost
  39. Wookie Hunting
  40. The second battle of Mon Cala
  41. Shadow Warrior
  42. Mercy Mission
  43. Nomad Droids
  44. Shadows of Umbara
  45. The Slaves of the Republic
  46. A Friend in Need
  47. Deception of a hunter
  48. Siege of Onderon
  49. Gathering of Younglings
  50. R2’s Squadron Trip
  51. Return of Maul
  52. Ahsoka the Fugitive
  53. Conspiracy of Order 66
  54. Clovis of the Banking Clan
  55. The Disappeared
  56. Yoda’s Journey of the Whills
  57. Crisis on Utapau
  58. Dark Disciple
    Maul of Dathomir - A STAR WARS Story
  59. Ahsoka’s Whereabouts
  60. The Bad Batch
  61. The Labyrnith of Evil (Survival of Nelvaan)
  62. Revenge of the Sith (The 4.5 Extended Edition! PS: One scene was cut due to cringe. And also some scenes weren’t included due to VFX unfinished like Shaak Ti killed by Anakin, Clones being Jedi and the Hangar and some scenes that are shot aren’t in the film like Obi-Wan encountering a Nos Monster, Anakin killing San Hill, Shu Mai, and Wat Tambor, Obi-Wan visiting Padme before leaving Coruscant to Utapau, Anakin being moved from the capsule to the table by the droids, C3-PO and R2D2 taking Padme to her ship, Obi-Wan doing mind tricks on thesenate guard, Organa and his aides giving the ID card to the senate guard, Palpatine and Anakin having a conversation after Obi-Wan leaves Coruscant and before Anakin is in Padme’s apartment, Obi-Wan retrieving Boga, and an extended duel of Obi-Wan and the Magnaguards and other scenes like Barriss getting killed, Yoda, Chewbacca, and Tarful finding the escape pod, and Qui-Gon talking to Yoda aren’t shot or finished and other scenes from Promos and the video game like Padme’s ship leaving Mustafar, Palpatine’s shuttle arriving on Coruscant, and Dooku’s bonus line aren’t in this. Also Fallen Order isn’t in this.)

My review on ROTS DELUXE:

I’m so dissapointed that the 20th century fox Logo, the disney+ plus logo, and the 2005 Lucasfilm logo aren’t in the opening. I do enjoyed the new crawl which is so amazing. Seeing Kanan in this is setting up Rebels, and there is an ROTJ reference here. The transitions during the transitions can be seen. Should’ve sync the wipes with the actual wipes. The score “Anakin and Obi-Wan speak” is in this film. Unfortunately, 00:48-1:38 was dialed out when Anakin is talking to the hologram of Ahsoka Tano, as well as the part at 0:16-00:49 for the track “Ahsoka is back”! There are a couple music that was unused like “The Elevator scene” and the part of “Greivous and the droids” where Obi-Wan and Anakin fought Magnaguards and the part of “I am the Senate” where Mace is deflecting Paplatine’s lightning. However there are numerous scenes I didn’t get to see such as Dooku’s line from the PS2 game, the other half of the balcony part (Due to cringe), and other scenes that are in the screenplay but not in the film (Despite most of them were shot but were cut off, some have unfinished CGI, and others weren’t shot or finished). Now where was I… Greivous kidnapping Palpatine makes sense and Mace making Greivous cough got cut off because Greivous did this in the TCW episodes. The one mistake is that Anakin and Obi-Wan have red eyes when the scar is back from blue to red. I must admit the mention of Vos makes sense although he was cut from the film. For Ahsoka, her events after Maul escapes the sewers had to stop because and after the battle of Kashyyk start, we return to Ahsoka. That was after Obi-Wan visited Padme before he leaves Utapau which wasn’t in the film. I think pushing the Delegation of the 2,000 before Obi-Wan selected Boga off-screen makes sense. It was very quick that he defeated the Magna Guards because George Lucas removed him fighting the Magnaguards takes too long. It is also quick that Mace and the others got word that Obi-Wan defeated Greivous which is so awkward. Having Maul and Ahsoka sensing ANakin’s downfall during that felt very messy and jarring and there are no establishing shots of Cato Nemoidia and Saelucami. Having the Ahsoka Order 66 scene after Jett gets killed which was after the Order 66 montage music concluded felt like you didn’t want to ruin the montage. One of the edits that can barely be seen is it cuts from Rex’s helmet to the Mandalorian Cage that Maul is in. The reasons why is because Clones and Mandalorians have a similar viewpoints on their helmets and the clones are now hunting the jedi similar to the ancient Mandalorians who did the same. There are removed shots which are C3-PO approaching to Padme and Ahsoka and Rex arriving to the shack to where the hologram meeting is taking place. I’m so upset that Ahsoka and Rex vs the clones whould’ve been with Yoda vs. Palpatine and Obi-Wan Vs. Anakin. Seeing them at the same time would’ve been insane and brilliant. There isn’t much of Fallen Order because no one knows what happens to Cal, Trilla, and Cere during this film. There’s should’ve been Qui-Gon speaking to Yoda because there are some edits that have that. Pushing Yoda going to Dagohbah after the Death Star thing felt like it’s more tragic and Ahsoka’s final scene would’ve been after Yoda goes to Dagobah, not before the sad funeral. Anywho, the very last montage is similar to Return of the King which we see the characters for one last time in this film and it goes to the Ahsoka Tano and Rex, Padme Amidala, Palpatine, Yoda, Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and finally to Anakin, the major character of the prequels. With the credits, it features everyone, if not everyone. THere’s should’ve been a #CloneWarsSaved. The film is the true ROTS! I’m giving it 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.


If you make a DVD out of your edits here’s the chapters for ROTS 4.5:

  1. Opening Logos
  2. Revenge of the Sith
  3. Siege of Yerbana
  4. An Urgent Encounter
  5. Coruscant Under Attack
  6. Return of a Padawan
  7. General Grievous
  8. Departing Gifts
  9. Battling at the Train Station
  10. The Chancellor’s Abduction
  11. The Siege of Mandalore
  12. Battle Over Coruscant
  13. Elavator Antics
  14. Taking the Undercity
  15. Return of Maul
  16. Rescuing the Chancellor
  17. Confronting Grievous
  18. Happy Reunions
  19. Grievous on Utapau
  20. Bad Dreams
  21. Counsel With Yoda
  22. The Chancellor’s Request
  23. Taking Direct Control
  24. Stirring in the Senate
  25. On the Jedi Council
  26. Secret Assignment
  27. Not the Chosen One?
  28. Seeds of Distrust
  29. Tragedy of Darth Plagueis
  30. Kashyyyk
  31. Obi-Wan contacts Ahsoka
  32. Seeds of a Rebellion
  33. Brothers’ Farewell
  34. A Hero Lost
  35. The ARC Trooper Kidnapped
  36. Part of the Plan
  37. Questioning the Prime Minister
  38. Maul rallies his comrades
  39. Arrival on Utapau
  40. Approaching the throne
  41. Every Choice has led to this Moment
  42. Battle for Mandalore
  43. Ahsoka Vs. Maul
  44. Confronting the Chancellor
  45. Obi-Wan Vs. Grievous
  46. Aftermath on Mandalore
  47. Jedi War Council
  48. Ahsoka departs
  49. Sidious Revealed
  50. Utapau Chase
  51. Mace Learns the Truth
  52. Anakin’s Fatal Decision
  53. Peace Keepers and Soldiers
  54. Mace Vs. Sidious
  55. Rise Lord Vader
  56. March on the Jedi Temple
  57. Order Sixty-Six
  58. Time to Leave
  59. Marked for Termination
  60. Survived
  61. “I’m Not Rooting for You”
  62. The inhibitor chips
  63. Maul Vs. the Clones
  64. Ahsoka Taking Rex’s Chip Out
  65. Escaping Utapau
  66. “That’s One Word for It”
  67. “Wait for Me”
  68. Hyperspace crushed out
  69. Crashing to the Moon
  70. “I’m not the one who is going to kill them”
  71. The Heroes Regroup
  72. Birth of the Empire
  73. Breaking for the Shuttle
  74. Ahsoka and Rex Vs. the Clones
  75. Getting out of the Venator ship
  76. The Terrible Truth
  77. Obi-Wan Confronts Padmé
  78. Padmé’s Departure
  79. “You’re Breaking My Heart”
  80. Yoda Visits the Emperor
  81. Battle of the Heroes
  82. Yoda Vs. Sidious
  83. Narrow Escapes
  84. Immolation
  85. The Emperor Arrives
  86. Secret Delivery
  87. Birth and Rebirth
  88. Darth Vader Awakes
  89. The Future of the Twins
  90. A New Hope
  91. End Credits

Artan42 said:

hedgesmfg said:

I’ve released a new series of Clone Wars TV Film edits, 7 more, now bringing the total to 61 episodes from Seasons 1-6 that I’ve upscaled/edited so far, or about half of the content from those seasons. Like the previous batch, I am releasing both the 4K HDR files natively, as well as downscaled versions of the new 4K HDR transfers in 1080P SDR.

The new content of the episodes themselves is 100% intact in these cuts, and the episodes are put in chronological order where they might have originally aired out of order. The only thing removed is the narrator on various episodes after the start of each arc, and even then I create new audio transitions where necessary to preserve any new non-recapped shots/visual content where possible. This helps it all flow nice and seamlessly.
All video links will stream in 4K HDR if you are using a broswer/display capable of supporting it (Chrome/Edge), or are playing on a properly calibrated 4K HDR compatible device (Smartphone, 4K Smart TV, Tablet, new HDR Gaming monitor, ect ect)

Again, Email sheevsenate0505@gmail.com for an automated reply with DL links/info, or DM me if that doesn’t work for whatever reason.

I’ll check them out. The old email link will have updated won’t it?

Do these new edits have any integrated deleted scenes?

There are no new deleted scenes in these edits this time, but the same 4K HDR process applies, and is even used for the downscaled 1080P SDR versions.


SandMTV said:

If you make a DVD out of your edits here’s the chapters for ROTS 4.5:

  1. Opening Logos
  2. Revenge of the Sith
  3. Siege of Yerbana
  4. An Urgent Encounter
  5. Coruscant Under Attack
  6. Return of a Padawan
  7. General Grievous
  8. Departing Gifts
  9. Battling at the Train Station
  10. The Chancellor’s Abduction
  11. The Siege of Mandalore
  12. Battle Over Coruscant
  13. Elavator Antics
  14. Taking the Undercity
  15. Return of Maul
  16. Rescuing the Chancellor
  17. Confronting Grievous
  18. Happy Reunions
  19. Grievous on Utapau
  20. Bad Dreams
  21. Counsel With Yoda
  22. The Chancellor’s Request
  23. Taking Direct Control
  24. Stirring in the Senate
  25. On the Jedi Council
  26. Secret Assignment
  27. Not the Chosen One?
  28. Seeds of Distrust
  29. Tragedy of Darth Plagueis
  30. Kashyyyk
  31. Obi-Wan contacts Ahsoka
  32. Seeds of a Rebellion
  33. Brothers’ Farewell
  34. A Hero Lost
  35. The ARC Trooper Kidnapped
  36. Part of the Plan
  37. Questioning the Prime Minister
  38. Maul rallies his comrades
  39. Arrival on Utapau
  40. Approaching the throne
  41. Every Choice has led to this Moment
  42. Battle for Mandalore
  43. Ahsoka Vs. Maul
  44. Confronting the Chancellor
  45. Obi-Wan Vs. Grievous
  46. Aftermath on Mandalore
  47. Jedi War Council
  48. Ahsoka departs
  49. Sidious Revealed
  50. Utapau Chase
  51. Mace Learns the Truth
  52. Anakin’s Fatal Decision
  53. Peace Keepers and Soldiers
  54. Mace Vs. Sidious
  55. Rise Lord Vader
  56. March on the Jedi Temple
  57. Order Sixty-Six
  58. Time to Leave
  59. Marked for Termination
  60. Survived
  61. “I’m Not Rooting for You”
  62. The inhibitor chips
  63. Maul Vs. the Clones
  64. Ahsoka Taking Rex’s Chip Out
  65. Escaping Utapau
  66. “That’s One Word for It”
  67. “Wait for Me”
  68. Hyperspace crushed out
  69. Crashing to the Moon
  70. “I’m not the one who is going to kill them”
  71. The Heroes Regroup
  72. Birth of the Empire
  73. Breaking for the Shuttle
  74. Ahsoka and Rex Vs. the Clones
  75. Getting out of the Venator ship
  76. The Terrible Truth
  77. Obi-Wan Confronts Padmé
  78. Padmé’s Departure
  79. “You’re Breaking My Heart”
  80. Yoda Visits the Emperor
  81. Battle of the Heroes
  82. Yoda Vs. Sidious
  83. Narrow Escapes
  84. Immolation
  85. The Emperor Arrives
  86. Secret Delivery
  87. Birth and Rebirth
  88. Darth Vader Awakes
  89. The Future of the Twins
  90. A New Hope
  91. End Credits

That’s a great list. If I ever break it down into chapters for some kind of ISO/Disc, I’ll be sure to use it and will namedrop you somewhere when appropriate.

Not planning to do it at the current moment since the original file is 4K HDR and 4K Blu Ray burning tech isn’t exactly cheap, but that’s a good list that I’ll keep track of for the future, thank you.


Opening to ROTS the 4.5 cut DVD:

  1. FBI Warning
  2. 20th Century Fox Attention
  3. MPAA Rating
  4. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
    Main Menu Opening like ROTS 2005 dvd (But this time with Siege of Mandalore and 2003’s Battle of Coruscant)
  5. THX “Genesis”

DVD Menu Areas: Utapau, Coruscant, Mustafar, Mandalore

Main Menu’s Character reel footaage: Obi-Wan (Same like 2005 DVD Menu), Anakin (Brooding on Mustafar), Ahsoka (Witnessing the clones breaking through the doors at the end of Shattered), Padme (Same Like Obi-Wan), Yoda (Sensing the Jedi’s deaths), Mace Windu (Seeing Shaak Ti tied up), Rex (Seeing Ahsoka again), Bo-Katan (Looks at the gunship landing with Maul in it), Greivous (Same like Obi-Wan and Padme), Maul (does the join me thing), Palpatine (Same like Obi-Wan, Padme, and Greivous), Darth Vader (Watching Morai from above)

Set Up:

AUDIO: English 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround-EX, English Dolby Surround, Backstroke of the West, English Audio Description, French 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround-EX, Portuguese 5.1 Dolby Digital, Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround-EX, Japanese 7.1 Dolby Digital Plus, Music Only, Dialogue Only, SFX Only

Subtitles: English for the Hearing Impaired, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish

Disc 1 Special Features: Filmmakers’ Commentary, Editor’s Commentary, Starwars.com

Disc 2 Special Features:

  1. Deleted Scenes (Greivous slaughters the Jedi/Escape from the General, Elevator Antics, Star Tours Coruscant, “Do not assume you have the advantage”, Escape through the hangar, Blinded by love, Cal’s Training 1, A plot to destroy the jedi?, Cal’s Training 2, Cal’s Training 3, Utapau Chase animatics, Order 66 animatic, Cere/Trilla Order 66 scene, Jaro senses Order 66, Anakin Kills Shaak Ti, Kashyyk Attack animatic, Cal escapes Order 66, Jedi Imposters at the Temple, Senate Duel Animatic, Mustafar Duel Animatic, Mustafar Duel/Lava River Animatics, Yoda communes with Qui-Gon)
  2. Featurettes: It’s All for Real: The Stunts of Episode III, The Chosen One, Within a Minute: The Making of Episode III, The Journey, ILM Episode III Siggraph Reel, Star Warriors, Star Wars Tech, Inside the Mandalore Duel: Ahsoka Vs. Maul.
  3. Webisodes of Episode III (All webisodes from the ROTS 2005 DVD)
  4. The collection (Wardrobes, Props, and Maquettes) of Episode III
  5. Interviews (Coruscant Overview, Samuel L. Jackson Interview, Utapau Overview, Mustafar Overview, Natalie Portman Interview, Kashyyyk and Order 66 Overview)
  6. TCW Downloaded: Siege of Mandalore
  7. Easter Egg: Hip-Hop Yoda in 4K!
  8. Trailers (Nostalgia Teaser, Epic Trailer, PixMagic Trailer “Breathing”, “A Hero Falls” Music Video, “A Galaxy at War” AMV)
  9. TV Spots (Jedi Action (Kids), Jedi Unite, Showdown, To Protect You, Seduction, End of the war, Celebration, Brothers, Epic Tragedy, Teaser Cutdown, Trailer Cutdown, Dark Side Unleashed, Tragedy, Sith Happens, Jedi Action, Review, DVD commercials, Revenge of the Sith Merchandise commercials, ROTS Video Game commercials, Pepsi Ad, Blu-Ray Trailer)
  10. Video Games and still galleries (Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga trailer, EA’s Star Wars Battlefront II Trailer, Exclusive Production Photos, One-Sheet Posters, Outdoor Print Campaign, Starwars.com)

I’m not sure if Lucasfilms do deleted scenes of Siege of Mandalore because I seen the BTS footage of Ashley Eckstien recording the line that wasn’t in the Siege of Mandalore which is “Who finishes their mission first”. I will be pleased of they make S7 to the Blu-Ray Disc with tons of Bonus Features.


In response to your comment about timeline order, here’s how I’ve got the chronology set up so far for the prequel era. It also mentions which batch each Clone wars TV film cut release is in. I try to keep this as close to official order as possible.

Extended Episode I Cut
Extended Episode II Cut

2D Clone Wars Episode edit:
Episode 1 - The Battle of Muunilinst and Duel on Yavin IV
Episode 2 - The War Expands as the Jedi Lead

Extended Clone Wars 2008 Film Cut

3 301 Clone Cadets | Stream on Disney+
6 102 Rising Malevolence | Stream on Disney+
7 103 Shadow of Malevolence | Stream on Disney+
8 104 Destroy Malevolence | Stream on Disney+
9 105 Rookies | Stream on Disney+
10 106 Downfall of a Droid | Stream on Disney+
11 107 Duel of the Droids | Stream on Disney+
12 108 Bombad Jedi | Stream on Disney+
13 109 Cloak of Darkness | Stream on Disney+
14 110 Lair of Grievous | Stream on Disney+
15 111 Dooku Captured | Stream on Disney+
16 112 The Gungan General | Stream on Disney+
17 113 Jedi Crash | Stream on Disney+
18 114 Defenders of Peace | Stream on Disney+
19 115 Trespass | Stream on Disney+
20 117 Blue Shadow Virus | Stream on Disney+
21 118 Mystery of a Thousand Moons | Stream on Disney+

The Battle of Ryloth Film Cut (Batch II)
The Battle of Geonosis Film Cut (Batch II)

28 217 Bounty Hunters | Stream on Disney+
29 218 The Zillo Beast | Stream on Disney+
30 219 The Zillo Beast Strikes Back | Stream on Disney+

The Mandalore Plot Film Cut (Batch I)
The Menace of Cad Bane Film Cut (Batch II)

36 209 Grievous Intrigue | Stream on Disney+
37 210 The Deserter | Stream on Disney+
38 211 Lightsaber Lost | Stream on Disney+
42 220 Death Trap | Stream on Disney+
43 221 R2 Come Home | Stream on Disney+
44 222 Lethal Trackdown | Stream on Disney+
45 305 Corruption | Stream on Disney+
46 306 The Academy | Stream on Disney+
47 307 Assassin | Stream on Disney+
48 302 ARC Troopers | Stream on Disney+
49 304 Sphere of Influence | Stream on Disney+
53 310 Heroes on Both Side | Stream on Disney+
54 311 Pursuit of Peace | Stream on Disney+
55 215 Senate Murders | Stream on Disney+

The Nightsisters Film Cut (Batch I)
The Mortis Film Cut (Batch I)
The Citadel Film Cut (Batch II)

65 321 Padawan Lost | Stream on Disney+
66 322 Wookiee Hunt | Stream on Disney+
67 401 Water War | Stream on Disney+
68 402 Gungan Attack | Stream on Disney+
69 403 Prisoners | Stream on Disney+
70 404 Shadow Warrior | Stream on Disney+
71 405 Mercy Mission | Stream on Disney+
72 406 Nomad Droids | Stream on Disney+

The Battle of Umbara Film Cut (Batch I)

77 411 Kidnapped | Stream on Disney+
78 412 Slaves of the Republic | Stream on Disney+
79 413 Escape from Kadavo | Stream on Disney+
80 414 A Friend In Need | Stream on Disney+

The Rako Hardeen Arc Film Cut (Batch II)

89 502 A War on Two Fronts | Stream on Disney+
90 503 Front Runners | Stream on Disney+
91 504 The Soft War | Stream on Disney+
92 505 Tipping Points | Stream on Disney+
93 506 The Gathering | Stream on Disney+
94 507 A Test of Strength | Stream on Disney+
95 508 Bound for Rescue | Stream on Disney+
96 509 A Necessary Bond | Stream on Disney+
97 510 Secret Weapons | Stream on Disney+
98 511 A Sunny Day in the Void | Stream on Disney+
99 512 Missing in Action | Stream on Disney+
100 513 Point of No Return | Stream on Disney+

The Return of Darth Maul Film Cut (Batch I)
The Wrong Jedi Film Cut (Batch I)
The Order 66 Arc Film Cut (Batch II)
The Banking Clan Film Cut (Batch II)

116 608 The Disappeared | Stream on Disney+
117 609 The Disappeared: Pt. II | Stream on Disney+

Yoda’s Journey Film Cut (Batch I)

The Crystal Crisis Incomplete Animatic Arc

Son of Dathomir (Bonus) Audio Comic Cut (Batch I)

122 705 Gone with a Trace | Stream on Disney+
123 706 Deal No Deal | Stream on Disney+
124 707 Dangerous Debt | Stream on Disney+
125 708 Together Again | Stream on Disney+

Dark Disciple (Novel)

126 701 The Bad Batch | Stream on Disney+
127 702 A Distant Echo | Stream on Disney+
128 703 On the Wings of Keeradaks | Stream on Disney+
129 704 Unfinished Business | Stream on Disney+

2D Clone Wars Edit:
Episode 3 - The Final Weeks and The Battle of Nelvaan

Revenge of the Sith - The Siege of Mandalore Cut


I just noticed 00:48-01:38 from the track “Anakin and Obi-Wan speaks” got dialed out! It’s best if you readd that part in. And also 00:16-00:49 from the track “Ahsoka is Back” got dialed out as well, so you need to readd that back. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w_5GENK-XbYSWsKg8JV0akU8-VjMqVpEjy5LNEhqOEg/htmlview#

Also the track “Elevator Scene” was unused. “I Am the Senate,” a piece drastically altered in the film, originally featured music to score the scene where Palpatine is attempting to persuade Anakin to join him while shocking Mace Windu. This music was cut from the film, but it can be heard in the video games.

You should’ve used Star Wars Opinion’s ROTS with unused score for you Revenge of the Sith 4.5 cut:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDn-kEgB_Ig
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Jh3LVVOkHQ
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLqbFxrPLYc

I’m not planning on a version 3 release of the ROTS cut at this time, but if I do ever update these cuts, I will take that into consideration.


Can you imagine if the ROTS cut was released in 2005 with the 2003’s Siege of Coruscant and Siege of Mandalore being live action and was shot?

I can imagine Rosario being Ahsoka in this edit…

If you do add them to the Illustrated screenplay, that’s how it should be.


The morals for the Arc cuts and the quotes that align them:

The Battle of Ryloth: If There’s a will, there’s a way! = “We did it! We did it! ROAR! CHAHOOO!” - Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, Han from AHN

The Battle of Geonosis: A true heart should never be doubted. = “99, you can’t!” “I’m a soldier like you!” - 99 and Rex from TCW

The Mandalore Plot: If you ignore the past, you jeopardize you future. = “Forget the past! Forget your memories!” - Maul from Rebels

The Menace of Cad Bane: A lesson learned is a lesson earned. = “The crazy thing is the force, a jedi, all of it is true.” - Han from TFA

The Nightsisters arc: The swiftest path to destruction is through vengeance. = “I…I killed them. I killed them all!” - Anakin from AOTC

The realm of Mortis: Balance is found in the one who faces his guilt. = “I believe you will bring balance to the force that you will face your demons and save the universe.” - Qui-Gon Jinn

The Ciradel: Adaption is the key to survival. = “Of course, I survived! I will always survive!” - Maul

The Battle of Umbara: The first step toward loyalty is trust. = “I hope you trust me.” - Palpatine from ROTS

Rako Hardeen: All warfare is based on deception. = “I want this terrible conflict to end just as much as you do.” - Palpatine from ROTS

The Return of Maul: A fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled one is truly vanquished. - “Your brother saved me from darkness. I am no long the man that you feared.” -

Ahsoka the fugitive: Sometimes even the smallest doubt can shake the greatest belief. = “There is no conflict” - Darth Vader from ROTJ

Order 66 arc: The truth about yourself is always the hardest to accept. = “It is too late for me, son.” - Darth Vader from ROTJ

The Banking Clan Arc: To love, is to trust. To trust is to believe. = “I will come back and free you. I promise.” - Anakin from TPM

Yoda’s voyage: What is lost is often found = “Anakin!” Vader Breathing intensifies - Padme from ROTS


Is there maybe a version of AotC extended without the animated Dooku shots \ scene? 😊
BTW, I saw a lot of your previews on YT today and your work is awesome man 💪🏽


SandMTV said:

Opening to ROTS the 4.5 cut DVD:

  1. FBI Warning
  2. 20th Century Fox Attention
  3. MPAA Rating
  4. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
    Main Menu Opening like ROTS 2005 dvd (But this time with Siege of Mandalore and 2003’s Battle of Coruscant)
  5. THX “Genesis”

DVD Menu Areas: Utapau, Coruscant, Mustafar, Mandalore

Main Menu’s Character reel footaage: Obi-Wan (Same like 2005 DVD Menu), Anakin (Brooding on Mustafar), Ahsoka (Witnessing the clones breaking through the doors at the end of Shattered), Padme (Same Like Obi-Wan), Yoda (Sensing the Jedi’s deaths), Mace Windu (Seeing Shaak Ti tied up), Rex (Seeing Ahsoka again), Bo-Katan (Looks at the gunship landing with Maul in it), Greivous (Same like Obi-Wan and Padme), Maul (does the join me thing), Palpatine (Same like Obi-Wan, Padme, and Greivous), Darth Vader (Watching Morai from above)

Set Up:

AUDIO: English 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround-EX, English Dolby Surround, Backstroke of the West, English Audio Description, French 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround-EX, Portuguese 5.1 Dolby Digital, Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround-EX, Japanese 7.1 Dolby Digital Plus, Music Only, Dialogue Only, SFX Only

Subtitles: English for the Hearing Impaired, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish

Disc 1 Special Features: Filmmakers’ Commentary, Editor’s Commentary, Starwars.com

Disc 2 Special Features:

  1. Deleted Scenes (Greivous slaughters the Jedi/Escape from the General, Elevator Antics, Star Tours Coruscant, “Do not assume you have the advantage”, Escape through the hangar, Blinded by love, Cal’s Training 1, A plot to destroy the jedi?, Cal’s Training 2, Cal’s Training 3, Utapau Chase animatics, Order 66 animatic, Cere/Trilla Order 66 scene, Jaro senses Order 66, Anakin Kills Shaak Ti, Kashyyk Attack animatic, Cal escapes Order 66, Jedi Imposters at the Temple, Senate Duel Animatic, Mustafar Duel Animatic, Mustafar Duel/Lava River Animatics, Yoda communes with Qui-Gon)
  2. Featurettes: It’s All for Real: The Stunts of Episode III, The Chosen One, Within a Minute: The Making of Episode III, The Journey, ILM Episode III Siggraph Reel, Star Warriors, Star Wars Tech, Inside the Mandalore Duel: Ahsoka Vs. Maul.
  3. Webisodes of Episode III (All webisodes from the ROTS 2005 DVD)
  4. The collection (Wardrobes, Props, and Maquettes) of Episode III
  5. Interviews (Coruscant Overview, Samuel L. Jackson Interview, Utapau Overview, Mustafar Overview, Natalie Portman Interview, Kashyyyk and Order 66 Overview)
  6. TCW Downloaded: Siege of Mandalore
  7. Easter Egg: Hip-Hop Yoda in 4K!
  8. Trailers (Nostalgia Teaser, Epic Trailer, PixMagic Trailer “Breathing”, “A Hero Falls” Music Video, “A Galaxy at War” AMV)
  9. TV Spots (Jedi Action (Kids), Jedi Unite, Showdown, To Protect You, Seduction, End of the war, Celebration, Brothers, Epic Tragedy, Teaser Cutdown, Trailer Cutdown, Dark Side Unleashed, Tragedy, Sith Happens, Jedi Action, Review, DVD commercials, Revenge of the Sith Merchandise commercials, ROTS Video Game commercials, Pepsi Ad, Blu-Ray Trailer)
  10. Video Games and still galleries (Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga trailer, EA’s Star Wars Battlefront II Trailer, Exclusive Production Photos, One-Sheet Posters, Outdoor Print Campaign, Starwars.com)

I’m not sure if Lucasfilms do deleted scenes of Siege of Mandalore because I seen the BTS footage of Ashley Eckstien recording the line that wasn’t in the Siege of Mandalore which is “Who finishes their mission first”. I will be pleased of they make S7 to the Blu-Ray Disc with tons of Bonus Features.

How do you create a DVD opening for a DVD anyway?


I’ve been extremely busy the past 2 weeks…

9 more Clone Wars Arcs are coming. They are already up on google drive for those who have access to those files, but it’ll take a bit longer for them to be uploaded elsewhere. I’ll make a more detailed post about it soon, but as of now I’ve made the decision to upscale/remaster all of Seasons 1-6 eventually. This batch will finish all the 3 episode+ arcs from seasons 1-6 already.

New Clone Wars Batch III Teaser Trailer:

There are many more clips, but I’ll post links to them later.

I’m also doing a small update to the Revenge of the Sith cut to fix a tiny few niggling issues and release a version 3.0 (a single broken frame during the first deleted scene, a few subtitle tweaks, and other minor quality of life):

Here’s the first 3 minutes with the new updated intro audio, among other tidbits.

Most of the other changes will be minor cosmetic changes to transitions, and other very minor audio tweaks. The scene order and even the run time will remains frame for frame identical otherwise, so don’t expect anything too radical. 4K HDR and 1080P versions will be offered again like usual.

Having said that, a future revision is possible again depending on how Bad Batch handles the Revenge of the Sith time period. I’m very happy with this cut’s current structure, but I’m willing to be flexible ‘if’ Bad Batch offers any scenes that could ‘tastefully’ fit into the structure of the story. We’ll see. As much as I want a strictly chronological version of Star Wars, Bad Batch may be best left as its own thing. Depends on the story they choose to tell.


I just watched C3-PO Clips’ ROTS 4-hour cut. What I think about if is that it has Fallen Order in it. It features Cal’s Padawan training segments, the Cere Order 66 scene during the Order 66 montage, and Cal and Jaro Order 66 despite they aren’t in the Order 66 montage. This cut also feature Shaak Ti being killed by Anakin. Also there were two scenes that aren’t in the film but were on the PS2 which is Dooku’s bonus line and the other scene before the Mustafar duel where Sidious says “You have done well, Lord Vader.” and Anakin replied “Thank you, my master.”.


I don’t think I noticed those but you removed the shot of Ahsoka and Rex walking up to the bay and the shot of C3-PO walking to Padme as she looking out to Anakin.


Here’s how to watch the prequel story in chronological order:

Extended Episode I Cut
Extended Episode II Cut

2D Clone Wars Episode edit:
Episode 1 - The Battle of Muunilinst and Duel on Yavin IV
Episode 2 - The War Expands as the Jedi Lead

Extended Clone Wars 2008 Film Cut

3 301 Clone Cadets | Stream on Disney+

The Malevolence Film Cut (Batch III)

9 105 Rookies | Stream on Disney+
10 106 Downfall of a Droid | Stream on Disney+
11 107 Duel of the Droids | Stream on Disney+

The Gunray Chase Film Cut (Batch III)

15 111 Dooku Captured | Stream on Disney+
16 112 The Gungan General | Stream on Disney+
17 113 Jedi Crash | Stream on Disney+
18 114 Defenders of Peace | Stream on Disney+
19 115 Trespass | Stream on Disney+
20 117 Blue Shadow Virus | Stream on Disney+
21 118 Mystery of a Thousand Moons | Stream on Disney+

The Battle of Ryloth Film Cut (Batch II)
The Battle of Geonosis Film Cut (Batch II)

29 218 The Zillo Beast | Stream on Disney+
30 219 The Zillo Beast Strikes Back | Stream on Disney+

The Mandalore Plot Film Cut (Batch I)
The Menace of Cad Bane Film Cut (Batch II)

36 209 Grievous Intrigue | Stream on Disney+
37 210 The Deserter | Stream on Disney+
38 211 Lightsaber Lost | Stream on Disney+
42 220 Death Trap | Stream on Disney+
43 221 R2 Come Home | Stream on Disney+
45 305 Corruption | Stream on Disney+
46 306 The Academy | Stream on Disney+

The Young Boba Film Cut (Batch III)

48 302 ARC Troopers | Stream on Disney+
49 304 Sphere of Influence | Stream on Disney+

Heroes on Both Sides Film Cut (Batch III)
The Nightsisters Film Cut (Batch I)
The Mortis Film Cut (Batch I)
The Citadel Film Cut (Batch II)

65 321 Padawan Lost | Stream on Disney+
66 322 Wookiee Hunt | Stream on Disney+

The Mon Cala War Film Cut (Batch III)

70 404 Shadow Warrior | Stream on Disney+
71 405 Mercy Mission | Stream on Disney+
72 406 Nomad Droids | Stream on Disney+

The Battle of Umbara Film Cut (Batch I)
The Slavers of Zygerria (Batch III)
The Rako Hardeen Arc Film Cut (Batch II)
The Rebellion of Onderon Film Cut (Batch III)
The Young Jedi Film Cut (Batch III)
The Droid Adventure Film Cut (Batch III)
The Return of Darth Maul Film Cut (Batch I)
The Wrong Jedi Film Cut (Batch I)
The Order 66 Arc Film Cut (Batch II)
The Banking Clan Film Cut (Batch II)

116 608 The Disappeared | Stream on Disney+
117 609 The Disappeared: Pt. II | Stream on Disney+

Yoda’s Journey Film Cut (Batch I)

The Crystal Crisis Incomplete Animatic Arc

Son of Dathomir (Bonus) Audio Comic Cut (Batch I)

Ahsoka’s Whereabouts Arc

Dark Disciple (Novel)

The Bad Batch Arc

2D Clone Wars Edit:
Episode 3 - The Final Weeks and The Battle of Nelvaan

Revenge of the Sith - The Siege of Mandalore Cut


The 9 additional cuts of Clone Wars Related Film Edits are now live. The new arcs cover 31 more episodes from Seasons 1-6.

The 9 New Feature Length Cuts will cover…
The Malevolence Arc – Season 1 (3 Episodes cut into 1 film) https://youtu.be/3AcCMBtVTHI
The Gunray Chase – Season 1 (3 Episodes cut into 1 film) https://youtu.be/DXp0mF1Fi44
The Young Boba Arc – Season 2 (3 Episodes cut into 1 film) https://youtu.be/dkf_KKZBbUQ
Heroes on Both Sides – Season 3&4 (4 Episodes cut into 1 film) https://youtu.be/SsoMPbVfbBo
The Mon Cala War – Season 4 (3 Episodes Cut into 1 film) https://youtu.be/m_E_ioqC08M
The Slavers of Zygerria – Season 4 (3 Episodes cut into 1 film) https://youtu.be/S0O7eEe6B1Y
The Rebellion of Onderon – Season 5 (4 Episodes cut into 1 film) https://youtu.be/4qnea57rDlQ
The Young Jedi - Season 5 (4 Episodes Cut into 1 film) https://youtu.be/9qnvj6fNLoY
The Droid Adventure – Season 5 (4 Episodes Cut into 1 film) https://youtu.be/TbfPgC21C9s

Just like with Batch II, the file names use a decimal numbering system so you can put these new cuts in the same folder as the cuts from Batches I and II and they will all be in the proper viewing order automatically. Don’t pay too much attention to the numbers themselves. Just know that cuts 01-07 (from Batch I) are considered the show’s most crucial episodes to future plot points as of now.

My intent is to eventually release a 4th batch that covers all the remaining 2 part episodes from s1-6, upscale the few single episodes without editing them, and ‘maybe’ do some cuts for the Season 7 arcs as well (they are already released in 4K HDR on D+, but film edits might still be nice).

I’ve also made some small tweaks to the ROTS edit (mostly audio and a small number of transition changes) and will be updating those links in the coming days with the new v3 release. You can see the updated first 3 minutes of the new version here, where I have replaced the narrator to make it flow a bit more like a regular saga film:



Hal 9000 said:

I’ll send that email address a request and probably make it a weekly viewing once this season of Mando ends.

I’ll DM you with the relevant info to save you the trouble since I’m here now. Just check your inbox. The Email works best when I’m away and can’t respond and or am getting bombarded with numerous requests.


hedgesmfg said:

My intent is to eventually release a 4th batch that covers all the remaining 2 part episodes from s1-6, upscale the few single episodes without editing them, and ‘maybe’ do some cuts for the Season 7 arcs as well (they are already released in 4K HDR on D+, but film edits might still be nice).

This is great news. If the single episodes will be available then I can edit them into your film cuts myself.

I don’t agree with the official chronological order (like the banking clan arc, it should be placed after ‘A Friend in Need’ where it was produced as far as I’m concerned, or 'Shadow Warrior coming before ‘Water War’) and your 4K edits are basically going to be my only copies now (I mean, I have the DVDs but it’s a pain to watch them in order) so having a nice base to edit from will be perfect.