Thanks for the offer, but as I mentioned earlier, I don’t really have a way of sharing the finished product. I acknowledge that this is just going to be a fun way to marathon the movies with my friends and family. Once I found this thread, I just wanted to share that I was working on this too. I am over halfway done already (13 out of 23 movies combined so far) and I enjoy the editing, so I am going to keep at it and will probably finish it up early in the new year.
You are right about the MCU being held together by a thread. I think when you look at all of the movies, there is evidence directly dating the original Iron Man to each year from 2007 through 2010 or something like that. There is definitely a significant degree of judgement on what gets counted, what is ignored (I think everyone ignores the 8 years later at the beginning of Spider-Man: Homecoming), do you massage this number or that number to make something work, etc. I am putting everything in according to the wiki timeline right now. Once it’s all in, I will go through and see if it makes sense to me to switch any scenes around.