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Post #63146

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Star Wars 2004 OT SE DVD release preview!
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Date created
9-Sep-2004, 10:02 AM

Originally posted by: Regicidal_Maniac
Yeah Hayden and Kiwi Fett were all it took for me to change their minds.

I'd hate to be working on the refunds counter at any DVD store in the next month.

8am September 22nd.

"Good morning sir. How can I help you today?"

"Uhm... Hi, yeah. There seems to be something terribly wrong with this copy of the Star Wars trilogy. For some reason it sucks now."

"Yes I'm afraid that's a problem with all of the copies, it's because there's something terribly wrong with the series' creator."

"Huh... Okay, well can I exchange this piece of crap for something better?"

"Certainly sir."

After the first few hours it'd get to the stage where as soon as the clerk saw a guy in his late-twenties to early-forties heading over to the counter with a parcel under his arm and a pissed-off/confused look on his face they'd have a routine worked out.

"Good afternoon sir, you can just drop your Star Wars trilogy DVDs in the bin provided to your left, take this ticket and go pick out something from the shelf. Thank you and welcome to the rest of your life."

LOL If only it were true, I'd get in that line...