There’s been no activity on this thread for over a year, but I’ll add my two cents here. I too am working on a chronological MCU edit including all films, one-shots, deleted/extended scenes (insofar as they do not contradict the film narrative and have reasonably finished effects) and any useable bonus content on the Blu-rays. The idea is to present it as a single chronological 40+ hour film, so I will not be doing any side-by-side for simultaneous scenes. For differing perspectives of the same scene, e.g. All Hail the King’s main narrative’s Trevor Slattery viewpoint and the credits’ Justin Hammer viewpoint, I am using the selections that present the most engaging cinematic narrative and cutting the duplicates. For disparate scenes, I will simply put one after the other in the order that makes most sense, e.g. after Odin pushes Thor into the Bifrost, it cuts to to Jane, Selvig, and Darcy in New Mexico at the beginning of the movie until the Bifrost reaches Earth. In presenting this as a cinematic experience, I am also narrative focused to an extent. The time travel elements from Endgame will be placed in the 2023 segment because that is the character’s present and it avoids contradictions in the original timeline. The few new bits unrelated to time travel will be placed in their original times, e.g. Hulk having to take the stairs.
I have been debating whether or not to include date stamps. I am using as my timeline reference. There is a lot of contradictory date information in the movies and supplemental material - this wiki analyzes it all and applies ranges and weighting factors to come up with the best fits.
As far as the shows go, my rule is I have to own the content on disc to include it. I currently don’t own or have any intention of buying any show seasons. I do, however, have season 1 of a few different shows on my Amazon Wishlist as gift ideas for my family. If I ever receive any, I will include those and consider purchasing season 2. I have no expectation of ever including all of Agents of Shield. I feel like around the time of the Framework, the show really started to go off the rails and lost what little connection it had to the rest of the MCU.
Unfortunately, I don’t really see how I can share the results of my work (I’m about half-way through currently) as I don’t want to have to continually pay for the cloud space to host this much HD video.