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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 129


Movies Remastered said:

Being colourblind tjat whole scene is a nightmare for me to edit. I’m really debating whether I should use the purple lightsaber scene, because I can’t see the colour haha.

For some reason the Gray LUT really allows me to see so much more detail and depth within those scene so I definately think a more natural post Palp pallet could be used. Thanks for you feedback.

Sure thing.

And totally get why the greyscale would help. It would be better contrast, along with the cones/rods not needing to decipher colours they’re struggling with.


Interesting concept but feels too on the nose to me


Ed Slushie said:

Idea for a way to tie the saga together: Adding audio from Jedi: Fallen Order and CW03 to the voices-of-Jedi-past scene to make Rey become a Jedi Knight.


I like this, but cut without the Yoda line at the end? It’s a little more subtle if it’s just ‘by the right of the council, by the will of the force’, with no, ‘dub thee, i do’, etc.


Even blue blaster-fire has been more associated with the clones/stormtroopers.

Actually, since the PT they’ve been pretty good at giving good guys blue and bad guys red. Case in point: the Resistance fire blue bolts.

I’m really debating whether I should use the purple lightsaber scene, because I can’t see the colour haha.

Personally, I think the purple saber is silly, but that’s because I like sticking purely to RGB for saber colors. Throwing random purple sabers in the mix I find confusing and visually jarring.

Idea for a way to tie the saga together: Adding audio from Jedi: Fallen Order and CW03 to the voices-of-Jedi-past scene to make Rey become a Jedi Knight.

No subtlety. I don’t like it.

Honestly, if people are so worried about consistency in Force lightning color, why not making it red in the other movies too? Oh, I guess that’d be way too much work, wouldn’t it. And god forbid we edit this site’s namesake. /s


I did suggest making all lightning red, if you wanted to go that direction.

I like the purple saber because it’s what Carrie Fisher wanted, and I feel like she deserves it more than Samuel L Jackson. And as far as only RGB sabers, like… I get it, but that also ignores a lot of cool Lucasfilm Animation.


I actually wanted to film a Rey building her Saber scene and have her merge Luke and Leia’s kyber crystals to make her own colour but couldn’t decide on with mix would work best.

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It would have been both cool-looking and symbolic if she got a white lightsaber, representing both purity and a fresh start for the Jedi Order.


^ I saw that! Pretty cool but way too washed out for me


I think it’s similar in style to TLJ.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


The cyan tint of the original is pretty bad, but monochrome and uninteresting is worse. Something in the middle would be my cup of tea.

“Always in motion is the future” 🌌


Any edit that reduces the seizure-strobe effect gets an automatic 2 thumbs up.


Love the Cantina color correction. Hal’s is also fantastic, but I’m not sure if I could tell the difference between the unaltered movie and Hal’s color correction.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


SparkySywer said:

Love the Cantina color correction. Hal’s is also fantastic, but I’m not sure if I could tell the difference between the unaltered movie and Hal’s color correction.

Take a look to the skin colors especially on character faces. The original blue or greenish hue made them look sickly in some shots.


Knight of Kalee said:

SparkySywer said:

Love the Cantina color correction. Hal’s is also fantastic, but I’m not sure if I could tell the difference between the unaltered movie and Hal’s color correction.

Take a look to the skin colors especially on character faces. The original blue or greenish hue made them look sickly in some shots.

What, you mean to tell me that Kylo Ren doesn’t have cancer?

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


I’m on and off on the forum this year due to no time to look through countless messages, but I posted my super quick nightsister green mist Exegol clip way back in April. It’s not the best but it’s still the only attempt I’ve seen on this forum unless I’ve missed something. It got taken down so I had to reupload it.


If anybody actually wants to see more green, please give this a go and make it look better. In a perfect world, the temple structure would be red and only the fog would be green without looking like a coloring book.