Additionally, I find it interesting that the actual Sequel Trilogy is loosely based on George’s original plans but with a female lead: VII: Rey searches for Luke (Luke searches for sister), VIII: Rey is trained by Luke (Sister is trained by Luke), and IX: Rey and Ben fight Palpatine (you get the point.)
I think that was just more of a coincidence, seeing how there wasn’t a plan. Still, it is interesting.
I actually wanna include characters from all eras from Star Wars, EU and Disney and created ones. And I do have a few title ideas for Episode VII based on an ACT I outline of Episode VII outline I did just a few days ago before starting this:
Episode VII: The Emperor’s Heir
Episode VII: Throne of the Empire
Episode VII: The Empire’s Shadow
Episode VII: The Glove of Power
Episode VII: Terror of the Empire
Episode VII: The Dark ShadowPersonally, I like the first three, but that’s my own bias…
I’d go with The Empire’s Shadow, as I believe (and correct me if I’m wrong) our heroes are still fighting the long shadow of a now-dead Empire.