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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 279


Damn it, just got out of work and went to download but the download limit is already up. Atleast It can still be streamed though. Hope i get to download eventually. Thanks for the hard work, Hal.


The Rey Nobody cut will just take some clever trimming. A lot of the dialogue about Rey’s backstory can stay. Basically only any explicit mention of “my grandchild” and stuff like that has to go, I think.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Really good work on this version. Vast improvement from the last one I saw.

Bear in mind I was only able to stream it in stereo, here are a few changes I would suggest…

Overall volume was really quiet. My Mac was maxed out but still quiet.

Last section of the crawl text seems to change speed before the fade?

Weird orchestral stab just before we see vaders mask. I managed to mute the score and fade in the sound fx to make it a smoother transition.

There’s a jarring cut between both shots of everyone running in the desert.

Kylo Rens voice fx on “you were right” sounds a little tinny and heavy ringing compared to the original audio.


I’m not sure if Lucas did it but I usually use a directional wipe between scenes so the clip from Finn or Ewoks would go in the direction as the falcon, maybe?

LUT on “Endor” seems to overly wash out the sky.

KoR used the “traitor” clip twice.

Very minor changes but not to detract from the huge amount of work everyone has put in on this project. Firm handshakes all round. 👏

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Not sure how I feel about new Knight of Ren lines on Exegol, feels like the most out of place change yet. But I can live with it, the line on Kajimmi worked though.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


This was his last post:
"Hey all, I know I’ve been inactive e for a good minute but I wanted to provide an update. I am still working on the crackling saber, progress has been slowed a little, I’ve recently had a cancer diagnosis in someone very close to me, so I’ve been doing some casework. Things have taken a turn for the better recently. I’ve still been chugging along when I can with work in after effects and will post content when it looks good lol

But I am alive and still very much working om this project!"


I don’t recall if it was brought up recently (I know I didn’t), but I’m not sure I like Rey telling Palpatine “My parents were strong. They saved me from you.” I know this movie reveals that to be true (which I dislike for obvious reasons), but Rey immediately having this optimism weakens the threat of the scene a bit imo. I also think that her still leaning on her parents this late, literally in the final battle, is pretty lame after all she’s done to try to grow past them. Plus, with the ghosts in this edit and Ben in the theatrical, she ends up being saved by everyone except her parents. It doesn’t matter that she’s her parents’ daughter, it matters that she’s heir to the Jedi. Her parents giving her hope here is thematically destracting not only in the context of the previous movies, but also in the context of this one, where she rejects her blood and becomes a Skywalker.

She can say “all you want me to do is hate, but I won’t,” a desperate willful defiance, but that line at least has some shakiness to it like she’s not sure she even believes it, which shows there’s still a threat as Palpatine goes into his speech about how she has no one (until Ben arrives). I think Rey’s parent line could be cut without too much issue too; it lingers a bit on her after she says it and Palpatine begins his speech, giving a clean cut from Palpatine’s “weak like your parents” to “your master was saved by his father” and making it an uninterrupted speech.

Also, I think I have mentioned it before, but I really dislike Finn’s “people are rising up all over the galaxy.” Just “Poe, we did it” is so much nicer.

In terms of the new workprint specifically, I don’t have much new to say that hasn’t already been said (like the double use of “traitor”). Still hoping jonh can fix Luke’s awful hair, but if not it’s otherwise looking good over all!


Part of me would like to remove that in order to bend toward TLJ, but this film in and of itself sets her parents up to be noble martyrs.

I’ll take a listen to that Finn line and see, I guess.

JEDIT: Well, I think the Finn line, clumsy as it is, serves a purpose. As I think we’d come to earlier, it helps frame what follows as being something other than a death parade going though the galaxy killing all FO.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Watched the last workprint.
You guys are making me enjoy this movie, and that’s more than I could have hoped.
Thank you.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


Hopefully I can put up a slightly updated workprint after addressing the things mentioned so far (that I thought needed addressing anyway).

MoviesRemastered, what’d you do with the transition to Vader’s helmet? I didn’t find myself able to improve on the clip as received from DominicCobb.

Maybe I could just put out a V1 soon and leave the door open for the crackly saber and any other visual tweaks in the future. Will need to find time to record a commentary, though.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’ve been learning After Effects and I might be willing to take a stab at adding Coruscant to the briefing scene. I’ll let you know if it pans out.


Some ideas and references for possible Coruscant background landscapes/ scenery:








Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Skywalker Arts tried playing with some ideas implenting coruscant, heres what he came up with just as a concept, we’re not sure on scale but in these positions line up for both shots.

Coruscant Concept: https://imgur.com/a/DzfEfeB

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


I’m planning on just adding the planet to the establishing shot, but even that might prove too difficult because of the whip pan. I’ll play with it.


My Vader mask scene is the opening act so I managed to have the Tie Fighter passing sound fade out while I slowly faded in the mask reveal. I think the same thing will work for your edit.

Nice work @idr_hh @Cinefy, I’m still looking for around 12 seconds of new planet scenes if anyone has any WIP?

Hal, Trying to view the new workprint but it won’t let me preview or download. Could that be you or something I’ve done?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

Hal, Trying to view the new workprint but it won’t let me preview or download. Could that be you or something I’ve done?

You’ll need to make a copy to your own drive, then make a copy of that copy. The copy’s copy will be downloadable. That’s what I’ve always had to do for Hal’s stuff since they hit their view/download limit so fast.

As for the updated workprint: even with the two "traitor"s now being different voices, I still think it’s weird that it happens twice in the same scene mere seconds apart. “Traitor” being a meme from TFA doesn’t help, either.


Personally I like the smash cut to the Vader mask. It feels intentional and gives that moment energy.


Ah, I thought you meant you tweaked the workprint transition. As it is, I think it works well as Dominic delivered.

I can certainly just remove the one instance of “Traitor!” I’ll watch the scene again and see how it strikes me.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Great to see the Coruscant idea may be implemented! Could After Effects be used to add Vader’s castle too?

I haven’t watched the full workprint yet but I’m confident that thanks to all of you guys I will be able to unironically enjoy this movie in the future 😄


Cinefy said:

Skywalker Arts tried playing with some ideas implenting coruscant, heres what he came up with just as a concept, we’re not sure on scale but in these positions line up for both shots.

Coruscant Concept: https://imgur.com/a/DzfEfeB

This is the favorite version of this concept I’ve seen so far, mostly because it would require minimal masking. Like Octorox said, the biggest thing is getting to look right with the camera movement. But I have a feeling that challenge can be overcome with some tweaking.