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Post #1380708

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I just attended a screening of The Empire Strikes Back SE at my local theater
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Date created
13-Oct-2020, 10:20 PM

I miss going to the movies. I had planned to see several movies this year but most, if not all, have been rescheduled for next year. I’m also curious about the next Star Wars adventure we get to see on the big screen (that’s worth seeing). The last time I saw the OT at the movies is when George released the Special Editions back in ‘97. I’d like to see the 4K versions as long as I’m not cringing over the changes that were made to the original cut, hah. But then again, I was okay with the SE since I didn’t become aware of Star Wars until ROTJ came out on VHS and I didn’t get to see the OT at the theatre until the SE anniversary.