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The "Vader Edition" Star Wars Saga - Episodes 1-6 Edits (1/6 available) (WIP) (Revival) — Page 4


No, because there’s no footage of him doing so unfortunately. If I had like full control I would replace the youngling scene with a whole duel of him fighting like 3 Jedi Masters, but I’m limited with by the footage that’s, you know, actually been shot.

And the VFX aren’t being done by me.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


madmanasunder said:

Hey G&G-Fan,

I’d be really interested in checkout out the edits you have done. I’m very curious to see if I end up liking Jar Jar in your Phantom Menace cut 😄!

I like his Jar Jar



Honestly, the only reason my Revenge of the Sith edit isn’t out yet is because my editing program is being a real bitch, it won’t load the audio from the scene where Obi-Wan tells Padme about Anakin all the way to the end. And this isn’t the first time it’s been fussy like this, sometimes I’ll load up a project and the audio just won’t work. In those cases it usually fixes it after reinstalling but for ROTS it’s just too stubborn. So I’m getting a new editing program. I was using VideoPad Editor and now I’m going to try out DaVinci Resolve.

I apologize for this, I know the wait has been kinda ridiculous considering my ROTS edit is bit more lax then others, but that’s what’s been going on.

I’ve also been kinda debating something on Return of the Jedi. Since I’m moving the Dagobah scenes to earlier (after the scene with Vader on the second Death Star) as a way of having it so Luke got more training from Yoda between ESB and ROTJ, I’ve considered two ways to have the rescuing Han plot line work:

  1. Show Luke leaving Dagobah after those two scenes using ESB footage (Yoda’s death and his talk with Obi-Wan’s force ghost are back to back, as in the actual movie) and then wipe to C-3PO and R2-D2 arriving at Jabba’s Palace and have the rest of the rescuing Han plot line be the same as the original (except I’d move the Emperor’s arrival to after Han is imprisoned and before Luke arrives so it doesn’t take too long for us to see what the bad guys are up to. Plus going from the Emperor and Vader discussing Luke to Luke arriving at Jabba’s palace I feel work’s quite well).

  2. After two Dagobah scenes, we wipe to the evening shot outside the palace and then cut to the SE max rebo band intro (not Jedi Rocks, but the little jazz number before it; this little bit is fun and this quickens the pace I feel; this would also be done for option 1) before cutting to the scene of Leia turning Chewie in. C-3PO, though not R2-D2, is already at the palace (opening crawl says he’s there along with Lando as a part of Leia’s plan to infiltrate Jabba’s palace). Then after Han and Leia are captured and imprisoned, we see Luke leave Dagobah, then Emperor’s arrival, then Luke’s arrival at Jabba’s palace (and therefore R2 as well), and the rest plays out like normal.

I see benefits and negatives to both. With option one I can retain the slow buildup of Jabba and his palace and it also wouldn’t have it so we’re kinda just dropped in the palace and so later on R2 just kinda happens to drop in and we have to assume he came in with Luke (though I don’t feel like this would be much of a problem to be honest). With option two I feel like it could quicken the pace and also makes Luke’s plan make more sense; instead of everybody coming in one at a time and it relying on everything going wrong beforehand (like, if Jabba accepted the bargain for the droids, was Luke planning on actually giving up the droids, even though they’ve proven very valuable and R2 has his lightsaber inside him? And if Leia successfully freed Han without getting caught, are they leaving the droids there?), it’s “Leia had a clear plan but it failed so now Luke has to come to save everybody”.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Take your time, and i like your ideas



This sounds very interesting after reading the entire thread. Really interested in seeing all of your corrections. Might I get links? Thanks!


Forever in search of that one movie experience…


ArtisDead said:

This sounds very interesting after reading the entire thread. Really interested in seeing all of your corrections. Might I get links? Thanks!


Thank you very much! Yes I will send you the link.

TestingOutTheTest said:

Why don’t you plan on doing the Disney/sequel trilogy?

Because I’m among those that dislike it. I liked the Force Awakens but it’s two sequels make me realize that they never should’ve made the trilogy in the first place. I’m not making edits for it because they can’t be edited in a way that would be satisfying to me. The prequels had some issues with execution (though I think they nailed it with ROTS) but the stories themselves and their ideas were amazing. The lore that has come about because of the prequels is incredible. I can edit them into great movies. The sequels on the other hand are fundamentally flawed, they just undo the first 6 movies with way worse characters and stories. The first six movies feel like a continuous story, but 7-9 don’t feel congruent with them at all. It’d be like if I wrote a complete story that came full circle with all loose ends tied, but then somebody else came in and added on to it in a way that made the events of my story completely pointless and then redid it all but worse. I don’t consider it canon to my Star Wars edit-verse (my personal canon in which these edits are in). Mandalorian, Vader Comics, Rogue One? Hell yes. Love those. In fact because of those I think Disney’s acquisition of Star Wars is overall a good thing, especially with what they’ve done with Vader (making him the most powerful Sith instead of a sad shell). Sequels? No.

Anakin/Vader is my favorite movie character of all time and IMO the center of Star Wars (he’s front in center of the image I chose on the front post for a reason; for me, Star Wars is Anakin’s story. That’s not to say I don’t love the other main characters in the prequels and originals, I do, but to me Anakin is the core). His story is incredible and one of the best ever conceived for a fictional character. The fact that they legit made his entire story irrelevant with the new trilogy is almost personally insulting to me.

I know it may seem counterintuitive to not make edits for films you hate but make edits for films you like, but to me, I’m much more willing to put time into improving a film I like but feel there are flaws I’d like to remedy vs. a film that I flat out dislike for fundamental reasons. Even if IMO a movie is just ok I’m still willing to experiment with it to see if I can make something that I really like, rather then a movie I flat out dislike.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


I just saw your clip of Vader informing Palps that he killed Obi-Wan, and I just want to point out that Vader’s voice isn’t accurate to his ANH voice, while Palps’ hologram looks… not very good (I mean, compare it to other holograms, and you’ll see how bad it looks).


TestingOutTheTest said:

I just saw your clip of Vader informing Palps that he killed Obi-Wan, and I just want to point out that Vader’s voice isn’t accurate to his ANH voice, while Palps’ hologram looks… not very good (I mean, compare it to other holograms, and you’ll see how bad it looks).

Are you really expecting lines James Earl Jones recorded in the 2015 or 2016 (whatever year that episode of Rebels came out) to sound exactly the same as lines he recorded in 1977?

I think they sound just fine. They sound like Vader. Even the Battlefront lines blend in, at least for me.

Are you referring to the one in the wide or the medium shots? Because the hologram in the medium shots is legit taken from ROTS.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Also a minor nitpick, but move the hologram to the very middle of the table.

Are you referring to the one in the wide or the medium shots? Because the hologram in the medium shots is legit taken from ROTS.

I am mainly referring to the hologram effects, but also… regarding that shot, the time period is in the OT, so Palpatine should look like in RotJ and in Adywan’s ESB edit.


TestingOutTheTest said:

I am mainly referring to the hologram effects, but also… regarding that shot, the time period is in the OT, so Palpatine should look like in RotJ and in Adywan’s ESB edit.

Yeah, and the hologram effects in the medium shot are from ROTS. Like, it’s actually a clip of a hologram of him from the movie. So that’s why the question matters. If you’re referring to the wide shot, that one I actually did add the hologram effect myself.

You do bring up a fair point about his appearance. When I made it my thought process was that in the 2015 comic series that takes place between ANH and ESB he looks exactly like his ROTS self.

But I have noticed that in the 2017 comics, which take place between ROTS and ANH, he looks more like his ROTJ self. So it’s kinda just inconsistent like that. I do think it would make more sense for his transition to looking older to be in the 20 years between ROTS and ANH then in the three years between ANH and ESB. So I guess I could try making a new hologram with ROTJ clips. I have no idea how Ady did his, it looks remarkably good.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Are you going to reinstate the whole “attachments being forbidden” thing that Hal 9000 removed in his edits? Because it is supposed to reinforce Anakin’s fall as well as the Jedi being flawed so much that Luke moves past those specific flaws in RotJ.

EDIT: Fixed typo.


TestingOutTheTest said:

Are you going to reinstate the whole “attachments being forbidden” thing that Hal 9000 removed in his edits? Because it is supposed to reinforce Anakin’s fall as well as the Jedi being flawed so much that Luke moves past those specific flaws in RotJ?

I definitely agree with you, attachments being forbidden was never going to be removed from my edits.

I don’t even think it was removed in Hal’s edits. He removed Anakin saying that in AOTC because he thought the line delivery was awkward, but he still says “Possession is forbidden”, and the idea that the Jedi forbid marriage I believe is still in his edits. In LoE him and Padme still have the exchange about them having to hide their marriage. This idea is even in the original trilogy (when Yoda insisted Luke not go and save his friends in ESB, and when Obi-Wan told Luke he needed to bury his feelings for Leia in ROTJ).

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Since you’re editing the films partially for consistency… can you remove Palps referring to Luke’s lightsaber as “a Jedi’s weapon” in RotJ? It implies that he doesn’t care about lightsabers, yet still uses one in RotS.


TestingOutTheTest said:

Since you’re editing the films partially for consistency… can you remove Palps referring to Luke’s lightsaber as “a Jedi’s weapon” in RotJ? It implies that he doesn’t care about lightsabers, yet still uses one in RotS.

I mean, Vader also uses a lightsaber and he’s also a Sith. He always was, even in 1977, as evidenced by the deleted line “This Sith Lord sent by the Emperor will be our undoing.” The actual meaning of the line is that he’s trying to make a point that Luke’s father was a Jedi but he was turned to the dark side, so that means Luke is perfectly capable of turning to the dark side permanently as well. And just because he says it’s a Jedi’s weapon doesn’t mean Sith can’t use them. The US military’s weapons are guns but that doesn’t mean our enemies can’t use them.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Watching your TPM edit tonight with my wife. Your ideas seem great so I’m excited to see it in action!

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


Acbagel said:

Watching your TPM edit tonight with my wife. Your ideas seem great so I’m excited to see it in action!

Awesome to hear! I hope you enjoy it.

Btw, ROTS is coming soon. I had to reedit the thing but it’s almost finished.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Speaking of Revenge of the Sith, I really, really wish that LucasFilm would release this deleted scene so I could put it into my edit. I read a previous version of the script from IMSDB and it would’ve been a great scene. It’s very well-written and its really good character development for Obi-Wan.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Any updates G&G? I’ve been looking forward to this saga edit for months!


For Revenge of the Sith, I’m waiting for Octorox’s extended edition with better upscaled deleted scenes. Part of the reason it’s been taking awhile is because I’ve had some debates and back-and-forths about changing certain things, and because it’s my second favorite Star Wars movie I put myself under a lot of pressure to make it perfect. I’ve even started to consider whether I even actually want to include the deleted scenes for pacing reasons. I might even make two versions.

I’ve heard the Obi-Wan show is going to have a scene taking place during Operation Knightfall which will show a Jedi defending younglings from the newly knighted Vader. It sounds really awesome and like it’d be perfect for Revenge of the Sith’s Order 66 sequence. Not going to wait all the way till then to release my edit, but more likely then not there will be a future version of my edit that includes it.

I know I’m going to be doing V2’s for my Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones edits. There are errors I want to fix and some different things I want to do. Plus there’s an issue in which the highest it will let you select for Phantom Menace is 720p when it should be 1080p. So V2 for that one will be first.

For the original trilogy, I’m waiting on Adywan. His edits are just so fantastic that I want to use his as the bases for mine. Empire Strikes Back is going to be first of the original trilogy to be released because my edits are minor and Adywan’s version is going to be out the soonest. I was going to use bryantmh’s 1080p upscale but since Adywan is doing his own upscale I’m just going to wait for that.

I’ve considered using telecine’s awesome edit for A New Hope in which he redid all of the lasers and lightsabers, added Vader’s chest lights, and used the AOTC Death Star plans from the original ANH:R as the base until ANH:R HD is released, though another part of me is thinking that it may just be worth it to wait for Revisited, because it’s just going to be soooooo good from what I’ve seen. Same case for Return of the Jedi (as telecine has made an edit of it too with improved lasers and lightsabers) though more likely so as it’s probably going to take way longer for Adywan to finish ROTJ:R then ANH:R HD. We’ll see how long the wait is for Adywan’s stuff.

If we get a scene with suited Vader vs. Jedi from the Kenobi show it would be perfect for an idea I have for an alternate ANH opening (the other version would just start with Vader slaughtering the Rebels from Rogue One). Either that or I could see if I can use footage from Star Wars Theory’s upcoming part 2 of his fan-film (with Mace Windu either completely omitted or his lightsaber blade recolored). Basically the idea is that it would begin with Vader dueling multiple Jedi that have teamed up to distract him from the Battle of Scarif. He shows off his strength by defeating them and then shows up to the Battle of Scarif where we see him slaughter Rebels before the Yoda scene with Qui-Gon and then the beginning of the actual movie. My reasoning for this is because I felt like it would smoothen the transition between ROTS and ANH, be perfect visual exposition for Vader’s character, starting off the movie with Vader makes sense from a saga “Tragedy of Darth Vader” point of view, it shows off Vader’s power which makes him much more terrifying throughout the entire trilogy (imagine how much more terrifying it would’ve been seeing Luke attempt to face Vader for the first time in ESB if we had previously seen Vader wipe out multiple Jedi on his own), and showing the bigger universe and how these events impact the grand scheme of things. But that won’t be until the far future when it’s feasible to assemble. Depending on what happens with both of those projects the version that just begins with the Rogue One scene and then the Dagobah scene will likely be released first.

School has been kicking my ass and a lot of my focus has been on my dinosaur documentary project so that’s what’s been going on. I haven’t even worked on my Godzilla edits at all since I last posted those color corrected pictures on that thread. But thankfully Christmas break is coming up so I’ll have more time (let’s just hope work doesn’t decide to kick my ass instead).

I’m glad to see you’re interested in my version of the saga, that always encourages me.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


An alternative path I have just considered taking for the first half of ROTJ, is instead of taking place a year after ESB, it initially takes place very soon after, like maybe a month. Because if you think about it, why does it take them a year to rescue Han Solo?

So the Han’s rescue portion of the film would take place immediately after ESB, and then Luke returns to Dagobah, after which there’s a time gap of a year (or maybe it could be expanded to like 2 or 3 years to give Luke more time to train with Yoda and the second Death Star more time to be built). Vader’s arrival on the Death Star would be moved to after Han’s rescue and so on (because IMO it wouldn’t make sense for Vader to arrive on the Death Star and for it to take over a year for the Emperor to show up, nor would it make any sense for Vader and the Emperor to just hang out on the Death Star for over a year). The opening scene could be something like Vader visiting Padme’s grave, like in the latest comic series (since he is on an investigation to find who raised Luke), thus setting up his conflict with the light side. Not sure it’s feasible with what I have but I think that would be interesting.

The only problem I see with this approach is there has never been a time gap in the middle of a Star Wars movie, so I wonder if doing something like this would feel out of place or un-Star Warsy.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Just a point, but his redemption was already set up in The Empire Strikes Back, he doesn’t stop the Millennium Falcon at the end (if I recall correctly).

Also, how do you plan on implying the time skip?