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Post #1378682

Parent topic
Star Trek Deep Space Nine - NTSC DVD Restoration & 1080p HD Enhancement (Emissary Released)
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Date created
2-Oct-2020, 5:47 AM

triadne said:

Hi, I really love what you’re doing. I’d love a hd version of both these star trek series.
I’d like to contribute but I don’t have a decent enough computer. I only have a i5 gtx960 and a tiny SSD for gaming.
I have contributed financially to some other projects though and would be happy to add something into the pot if needed. I’d also be happy to help out in some other ways if I am able 😃

Nice of you to offer, but I started this as a personal project for free, which it will always be. So no money offers are necessary. However I am always open to tips and ideas on how to improve things.

As for the actual episodes, I will PM you with the links soon.