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The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP) — Page 18


Skybatman said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


Just a quick teaser. Ive gotten to using Red Giants Lense distortion and Kingpin tracker for some of the hard to track scenes and things are working good. Still lots of battle damage to add and tweaking to the Supercomp’ed layers and effects. Don’t wanna show too much tho till im able to get a good trailer up representing the new changes.

Sooooo good

I have to admit that supercomp is an amazing add on. The ability to stream line so many functions for at ease use has opened up a lot more possibilities for what can be done in a reasonable timeframe. Im super stoked that you guys like it so far and look forward to trying to pull some more surprises. (Theres something specific in ROTS i want to do/complete from the deleted scenes especially, among many other scenes)



Skybatman said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Skybatman said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


Just a quick teaser. Ive gotten to using Red Giants Lense distortion and Kingpin tracker for some of the hard to track scenes and things are working good. Still lots of battle damage to add and tweaking to the Supercomp’ed layers and effects. Don’t wanna show too much tho till im able to get a good trailer up representing the new changes.

Sooooo good

I have to admit that supercomp is an amazing add on. The ability to stream line so many functions for at ease use has opened up a lot more possibilities for what can be done in a reasonable timeframe. Im super stoked that you guys like it so far and look forward to trying to pull some more surprises. (Theres something specific in ROTS i want to do/complete from the deleted scenes especially, among many other scenes)

I Just wish that some way, put Anakin killing the Jedi in SW 3. And one more thing, did you gonna change the Trade Federation to Separatist Alliance in Ep 1? Just to conect more the prequels ?

That maybe possible with Anakin, i just have to see whats available to me. When i finally get Topaz upscaler working, then itll open up some extra options for me. Especially when it comes to using things from the deleted scenes. I think many things could still be used via clever editing and use, along with a bit of touching up via Topaz and After Effects.
Probably not on the Trade Federation though. Thats explained in Ep II anyways with the Federation teaming up with Dooku and the Separatist. Exposition thru news broadcast though is possible.



Skybatman said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Skybatman said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Skybatman said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


Just a quick teaser. Ive gotten to using Red Giants Lense distortion and Kingpin tracker for some of the hard to track scenes and things are working good. Still lots of battle damage to add and tweaking to the Supercomp’ed layers and effects. Don’t wanna show too much tho till im able to get a good trailer up representing the new changes.

Sooooo good

I have to admit that supercomp is an amazing add on. The ability to stream line so many functions for at ease use has opened up a lot more possibilities for what can be done in a reasonable timeframe. Im super stoked that you guys like it so far and look forward to trying to pull some more surprises. (Theres something specific in ROTS i want to do/complete from the deleted scenes especially, among many other scenes)

I Just wish that some way, put Anakin killing the Jedi in SW 3. And one more thing, did you gonna change the Trade Federation to Separatist Alliance in Ep 1? Just to conect more the prequels ?

That maybe possible with Anakin, i just have to see whats available to me. When i finally get Topaz upscaler working, then itll open up some extra options for me. Especially when it comes to using things from the deleted scenes. I think many things could still be used via clever editing and use, along with a bit of touching up via Topaz and After Effects.
Probably not on the Trade Federation though. Thats explained in Ep II anyways with the Federation teaming up with Dooku and the Separatist. Exposition thru news broadcast though is possible.

Would be nice a exposition thru the news

Id like to have occasional news blips like old war time broadcast announcing war time efforts and events. State propaganda ramping up as Palpatine centralizes power. Talk of the common good, protection, prosperity, etc. While other shots show food lines, riots, and unrest.



what is the origin of the audio, “Taste to things to come”?



stickydixon said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Skybatman said:

what is the origin of the audio, “Taste to things to come”?

Mortal Kombat movie haha Just liked the way it fit


I swear to Holy-Lord-in-Heaven that for the longest time I thought the person saying the line was Rami Malek.

Lmao really? I thought for sure everyone would pick up on it haha the whole samurai-ninja style i think works well with Star Wars much like the Western feel works great with Mandalorian and would’ve with Solo



TheAlaskanSandman said:
Keep pushing and nit picking!

Ok mate you asked for it :p
From your latest tease, I personally think the added flames on Naboo (e.g… behind Qui-Gon) are moving too fast.


Skybatman said:

These questions will be about your version, come on:
1-Dooku will be a sith or will you make him a jedi? Dooku is Jedi in Ep I and Sith every other movie
2-Darth Maul will be revived and will General General Grievous be replaced? (not visually, but as a matter of character, someone re-dub him, making it Darth Maul) No
3-Do you intend to be faithful to Canon? generally yes
4-Will you change some lightsaber fight scenes, so they have Waiting? No
5-In your version Yoda will fight Darth Sidious? At least in some versions
6-In ep 3, will the clones call Anakin “General Skywalker”? No they never talk to him in the movie
7-Do you intend to make a similar edit with OT? Same thing with Sequels? No plans till i finish what ive begun
8-What is your ranking of Star wars movies Anything made by Lucas is gold, and then there is Rogue One. The rest, meh.
9-Padme will not die? In some versions
10-in your version, dooku makes an appearance in ep1, will General Grievous make an appearance in ep 2? No plans as of yet.

No big plans for Ep II and III just yet till i finish Ep I to know the full range of what i can or cannot do. Still lots to do on Ep I.

(Answers in your post)



CMMAP said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:
Keep pushing and nit picking!

Ok mate you asked for it :p
From your latest tease, I personally think the added flames on Naboo (e.g… behind Qui-Gon) are moving too fast.

Those are all real fires filmed on green screen, so the physics are proper. They’re not simulated flames. So slowing it down might not look right. Itll also mess up the frame rate



TheAlaskanSandman said:

CMMAP said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:
Keep pushing and nit picking!

Ok mate you asked for it :p
From your latest tease, I personally think the added flames on Naboo (e.g… behind Qui-Gon) are moving too fast.

Those are all real fires filmed on green screen, so the physics are proper. They’re not simulated flames. So slowing it down might not look right. Itll also mess up the frame rate

Just checked out your trailer. Very nice work there. But i have to agree that the flames are moving too fast. Also the smoke is too. Using real effects doesn’t always give you the real world physics. This is true when you are using effects that are from a small fire to create an effect of a large one. You have to slow down the fire element fx footage to give the scale of a large fire.

In this shot, the smoke needs to be slowed down to around 60% of the original speed, maybe 50%. The fire, to at least 50%, but probably closer to 40-30% to give the scale required. Doing this won’t effect the frame rate of your composition. You can use after effects built in time stretch feature, with blending set to pixel motion, to apply that to the layers your fire / smoke elements are on, without effecting the compositions , or any of the other layers, framerate. I prefer to use the Twixtor Pro plugin as this gives much better results. Fire can be a pain to slow down as you can get blending effect problems. Artefacts can be painted or masked out for the most part. Which is why i prefer using something like twixtor because it gives you more control over the results. You can get great results with smoke when slowed down though. You don’t get the same sort of artefacts and the results are almost always perfect.

Now, in the following shot, the smoke is way too fast to give the appearance of the scale you need. This smoke should be slowed down to about 20-30% of the original speed. I’d say its closer to 20% but working with things like this you just can’t know for sure without actually testing out the speed on the source files. A lot of this is done by eye so it’s a lot of trial and error.

Here’s a quick test to show how slowing down the smoke and fire can give the effect of scale you need. Obviously i had to slow the whole first shot down because i don’t have the separate elements and there are a few glitches with the fire in the second one because its reacting to the background elements that wouldn’t be there when treating them separately. For both shots the smoke/ fire was slowed to 30% of the original speed using twixtor. Youtube’s compression messed up the smoothness of the result causing the smoke in the first shot to look a little jerky. it isnt like that in the file i rendered, so thats not an effect of slowing it down with the plugin.


Something i did notice, however, in the trailer i downloaded from your googledrive. The framerate is set to 24fps. It should be 23.976 when working with the blu-rays. This has caused some duplicate frames. Is your project set to 24fps or 23.976?




TheAlaskanSandman said:

Skybatman said:

These questions will be about your version, come on:
1-Dooku will be a sith or will you make him a jedi? Dooku is Jedi in Ep I and Sith every other movie
2-Darth Maul will be revived and will General General Grievous be replaced? (not visually, but as a matter of character, someone re-dub him, making it Darth Maul) No
3-Do you intend to be faithful to Canon? generally yes
4-Will you change some lightsaber fight scenes, so they have Waiting? No
5-In your version Yoda will fight Darth Sidious? At least in some versions
6-In ep 3, will the clones call Anakin “General Skywalker”? No they never talk to him in the movie
7-Do you intend to make a similar edit with OT? Same thing with Sequels? No plans till i finish what ive begun
8-What is your ranking of Star wars movies Anything made by Lucas is gold, and then there is Rogue One. The rest, meh.
9-Padme will not die? In some versions
10-in your version, dooku makes an appearance in ep1, will General Grievous make an appearance in ep 2? No plans as of yet.

No big plans for Ep II and III just yet till i finish Ep I to know the full range of what i can or cannot do. Still lots to do on Ep I.

(Answers in your post)

Thank you



adywan said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

CMMAP said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:
Keep pushing and nit picking!

Ok mate you asked for it :p
From your latest tease, I personally think the added flames on Naboo (e.g… behind Qui-Gon) are moving too fast.

Those are all real fires filmed on green screen, so the physics are proper. They’re not simulated flames. So slowing it down might not look right. Itll also mess up the frame rate

Just checked out your trailer. Very nice work there. But i have to agree that the flames are moving too fast. Also the smoke is too. Using real effects doesn’t always give you the real world physics. This is true when you are using effects that are from a small fire to create an effect of a large one. You have to slow down the fire element fx footage to give the scale of a large fire.

In this shot, the smoke needs to be slowed down to around 60% of the original speed, maybe 50%. The fire, to at least 50%, but probably closer to 40-30% to give the scale required. Doing this won’t effect the frame rate of your composition. You can use after effects built in time stretch feature, with blending set to pixel motion, to apply that to the layers your fire / smoke elements are on, without effecting the compositions , or any of the other layers, framerate. I prefer to use the Twixtor Pro plugin as this gives much better results. Fire can be a pain to slow down as you can get blending effect problems. Artefacts can be painted or masked out for the most part. Which is why i prefer using something like twixtor because it gives you more control over the results. You can get great results with smoke when slowed down though. You don’t get the same sort of artefacts and the results are almost always perfect.

Now, in the following shot, the smoke is way too fast to give the appearance of the scale you need. This smoke should be slowed down to about 20-30% of the original speed. I’d say its closer to 20% but working with things like this you just can’t know for sure without actually testing out the speed on the source files. A lot of this is done by eye so it’s a lot of trial and error.

Here’s a quick test to show how slowing down the smoke and fire can give the effect of scale you need. Obviously i had to slow the whole first shot down because i don’t have the separate elements and there are a few glitches with the fire in the second one because its reacting to the background elements that wouldn’t be there when treating them separately. For both shots the smoke/ fire was slowed to 30% of the original speed using twixtor. Youtube’s compression messed up the smoothness of the result causing the smoke in the first shot to look a little jerky. it isnt like that in the file i rendered, so thats not an effect of slowing it down with the plugin.


Something i did notice, however, in the trailer i downloaded from your googledrive. The framerate is set to 24fps. It should be 23.976 when working with the blu-rays. This has caused some duplicate frames. Is your project set to 24fps or 23.976?

Hey, thankyou very much for your time and input! The project files are at 23.976, i just render the trailers at 24fps. Great to know about slowing down the clips. I worried i would get jumpy elements slowing them down, especially since when i use rotobrush it wants the framerates matching. Frame blending i didn’t think would solve any jumpiness. Also good to know about the elements timing vs physics and scale. I definitely see the difference in the clip you provided (which, thank you for. Especially with how busy you are) and will have to look into that plugin and try it out. Ill apply the percentages you provided and definitely get those fixed then. Once again, i greatly appreciate the input. Still feel very noobish but really want these to be the best they can and cant express enough the gratitude for the advice or critiques to get these there.


Not all updated scene are in this older example trailer, but a better look at the overall direction or ideas so far



Skybatman said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Skybatman said:

These questions will be about your version, come on:
1-Dooku will be a sith or will you make him a jedi? Dooku is Jedi in Ep I and Sith every other movie
2-Darth Maul will be revived and will General General Grievous be replaced? (not visually, but as a matter of character, someone re-dub him, making it Darth Maul) No
3-Do you intend to be faithful to Canon? generally yes
4-Will you change some lightsaber fight scenes, so they have Waiting? No
5-In your version Yoda will fight Darth Sidious? At least in some versions
6-In ep 3, will the clones call Anakin “General Skywalker”? No they never talk to him in the movie
7-Do you intend to make a similar edit with OT? Same thing with Sequels? No plans till i finish what ive begun
8-What is your ranking of Star wars movies Anything made by Lucas is gold, and then there is Rogue One. The rest, meh.
9-Padme will not die? In some versions
10-in your version, dooku makes an appearance in ep1, will General Grievous make an appearance in ep 2? No plans as of yet.

No big plans for Ep II and III just yet till i finish Ep I to know the full range of what i can or cannot do. Still lots to do on Ep I.

(Answers in your post)

Thank you

Absolutely 😃 Sorry for the short answers, was heading off for work but hope i covered everything. Most work and ideas though are centralized to Ep I though for now, aside from loose discussion. I know though by time Ep I is finished i will have learned a lot both in what i can and cannot do. So ill know better then how far i can push Ep II or III. I don’t want to oversell or promise anything i can’t reasonably or feasibly do.



TheAlaskanSandman said:

adywan said:
Just checked out your trailer. Very nice work there.

Hey, thankyou very much for your time and input! The project files are at 23.976, i just render the trailers at 24fps. Great to know about slowing down the clips. I worried i would get jumpy elements slowing them down, especially since when i use rotobrush it wants the framerates matching. Frame blending i didn’t think would solve any jumpiness. Also good to know about the elements timing vs physics and scale. I definitely see the difference in the clip you provided (which, thank you for. Especially with how busy you are) and will have to look into that plugin and try it out. Ill apply the percentages you provided and definitely get those fixed then. Once again, i greatly appreciate the input. Still feel very noobish but really want these to be the best they can and cant express enough the gratitude for the advice or critiques to get these there.

Always great to see someone with real evident expertise can and is giving advices like that. Thank you adywan. Best feedback possible for this great project.


CMMAP said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

adywan said:
Just checked out your trailer. Very nice work there.

Hey, thankyou very much for your time and input! The project files are at 23.976, i just render the trailers at 24fps. Great to know about slowing down the clips. I worried i would get jumpy elements slowing them down, especially since when i use rotobrush it wants the framerates matching. Frame blending i didn’t think would solve any jumpiness. Also good to know about the elements timing vs physics and scale. I definitely see the difference in the clip you provided (which, thank you for. Especially with how busy you are) and will have to look into that plugin and try it out. Ill apply the percentages you provided and definitely get those fixed then. Once again, i greatly appreciate the input. Still feel very noobish but really want these to be the best they can and cant express enough the gratitude for the advice or critiques to get these there.

Always great to see someone with real evident expertise can and is giving advices like that. Thank you adywan. Best feedback possible for this great project.

I thought i was on the wrong feed when i saw his response haha def made my day. The technical explanation and work around though was super helpful and his example looks great in getting across what he and you guys were saying. I actually kinda like the slowdown to the camera also on the shot of Theed from the cliffs.



adywan said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

CMMAP said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:
Keep pushing and nit picking!

Ok mate you asked for it :p
From your latest tease, I personally think the added flames on Naboo (e.g… behind Qui-Gon) are moving too fast.

Those are all real fires filmed on green screen, so the physics are proper. They’re not simulated flames. So slowing it down might not look right. Itll also mess up the frame rate

Just checked out your trailer. Very nice work there. But i have to agree that the flames are moving too fast. Also the smoke is too. Using real effects doesn’t always give you the real world physics. This is true when you are using effects that are from a small fire to create an effect of a large one. You have to slow down the fire element fx footage to give the scale of a large fire.

In this shot, the smoke needs to be slowed down to around 60% of the original speed, maybe 50%. The fire, to at least 50%, but probably closer to 40-30% to give the scale required. Doing this won’t effect the frame rate of your composition. You can use after effects built in time stretch feature, with blending set to pixel motion, to apply that to the layers your fire / smoke elements are on, without effecting the compositions , or any of the other layers, framerate. I prefer to use the Twixtor Pro plugin as this gives much better results. Fire can be a pain to slow down as you can get blending effect problems. Artefacts can be painted or masked out for the most part. Which is why i prefer using something like twixtor because it gives you more control over the results. You can get great results with smoke when slowed down though. You don’t get the same sort of artefacts and the results are almost always perfect.

Now, in the following shot, the smoke is way too fast to give the appearance of the scale you need. This smoke should be slowed down to about 20-30% of the original speed. I’d say its closer to 20% but working with things like this you just can’t know for sure without actually testing out the speed on the source files. A lot of this is done by eye so it’s a lot of trial and error.

Here’s a quick test to show how slowing down the smoke and fire can give the effect of scale you need. Obviously i had to slow the whole first shot down because i don’t have the separate elements and there are a few glitches with the fire in the second one because its reacting to the background elements that wouldn’t be there when treating them separately. For both shots the smoke/ fire was slowed to 30% of the original speed using twixtor. Youtube’s compression messed up the smoothness of the result causing the smoke in the first shot to look a little jerky. it isnt like that in the file i rendered, so thats not an effect of slowing it down with the plugin.


Something i did notice, however, in the trailer i downloaded from your googledrive. The framerate is set to 24fps. It should be 23.976 when working with the blu-rays. This has caused some duplicate frames. Is your project set to 24fps or 23.976?

Ok, just got twixtor. Not really sure how to fully use this or what all settings you used so just going to set speed to 30.% and see how it works. Hopefully i don’t have to precompose for supercomp to show it right, but if so all good. Just means ill have to redo the compositing.
