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Star Wars Despecialized Editions - Custom Bluray Set (Released) — Page 70


solkap said:

Hi markvh123,

I’ll help you troubleshoot if you are willing to post back and forth, either on my guide thread or by sending private messages.

Downloading the blu-rays can be difficult. But please … do not buy anything that someone else has burned or ask anyone on this site to burn the discs then mail them to you.

The biggest reason Fox, Lucasfilm, and Disney tolerate Despecialized Editions is that nobody makes any money from them and the users of this site do not physically distribute them. Selling or mailing discs would cross that line and put this site at serious risk of lawsuits.

However, I can help talk you through the operation. What is the first step from my guide that is confusing you?

Hi thanks for your answer .
I did not knew about possible lawsuits . I do not want to create problems .
I can try to download by myself and if i am not able post where i will block myself in the process .
And trust me you will have to be patience with me … i am not a guru in these things to download 😃


markvh123 said:

I did not knew about possible lawsuits .

By making the Original Unaltered Star Wars Trilogy available in High Definition in any form, technically, those involved at originaltrilogy.com are breaking copyright law. However, what we are making available is material that the copyright holders refuse to sell.

Since we urge that those who want copies buy the commercially available versions first, and to not sell the Despecialized Versions, in theory, none of this has any financial impact on the movie producers. But there isn’t any legal protection for these projects at all. The studios are looking the other way, but only because they choose to look the other way. They could easily shut everything down if they changed their minds.

We want to do everything we can to make sure they don’t change their minds!

markvh123 said:

And trust me you will have to be patience with me … i am not a guru in these things to download 😃

That’s fine. No problem at all. I had to learn a lot of this myself when I discovered these versions a few years ago. Plus, I am a very patient man.

Besides, I know you will also have to be patient with me. I don’t speak Italian. Even though I will do my best to keep my language simple, sometimes, I think I talk too much. 😉

We will take it step by step. All of the steps to get the NJVC blu-rays are in the guide I posted here.

Let me know if a step is confusing, or if something I say as we talk to each other is unclear, and I will do my best to help make things more understandable. Trust me, if you have a computer with good internet speed, you can do this. You’ve already proved you know how to use a computer and a web browser just by posting here. And I can talk you through anything else that might be confusing.

One last thing. I would suggest that we continue this discussion in private messages if that is okay with you. That way we won’t add stuff that gets in other people’s way on the main threads.

The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.

Go to this thread


Thanks for that great Project!!
But I think it’s not possible to get the source project?
i’d like to exchange the english version to the german version from Laserschwert (german scrolling text at the beginning)


Shadow128 said:

Thanks for that great Project!!
But I think it’s not possible to get the source project?
i’d like to exchange the english version to the german version from Laserschwert (german scrolling text at the beginning)

Yes, please. I want that, too. I know that there are a lot of people who would appreciate it.


I already was contemplating doing the same thing…


Does anyone want to get together to try and make a 4K Blu-ray version of these when Despecialized 3.0 comes out?


Hey everybody, new to the site and looking for some helpful PMs. I’ve picked up a BD writing drive, my discs, and several Criterion cases. I have the ISO files for the DE trilogy with bonus docs ready to roll, I’m going for the 50GB versions.

In the art section, a used named Crunko was designing a gorgeous Criterion-inspired set to have a disc featuring 4K77 and the other disc to be the “grindhouse” scan of SW, and then 4K80 w/grindhouse, and 4K83 w/direct scan. I’ve looked high and low, and can’t find confirmation that project was ever finished with labels. It seems Crunko may have gone inactive, and since then, all the 4K projects are completed.

This is the thread I’m referring to: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Criterion-35mm-Restoration-Edition-Boxset/id/66430

ALSO… I’m looking for tips to find THOSE files. It’s my understanding they were never set up with menus like njvc’s attached to the DE files. It seems a lot of discussion around them is based around 2018, and I’ve hit a couple dead ends. I guess 2020 everyone is gearing up for a DE 3.0?

Basically, I’m hoping to be able to make a double disc set for each film of their 4K and Grindhouse editions, with the right labels and artwork, ie. covers/inside print, disc art, and leaflets. I’m not a graphic designer myself, but I’m inspired to work meticulously on assembling the set to get it just right. Hoping someone here helped carry Crunkos work over the finish line!



I just noticed most of the mega links are dead for the 50gb versions of the films. People have commented about this on the other thread and haven’t gotten a response. So I thought it’d be a good idea to mention it here so someone else may see it.

I’m also wondering if a 50gb ISO will be made for despecialised 3.0 with all the special features and stuff?

Thank you


Hello, I was just curious, will a version be released when the Despecialized 3.0 is released? Also, I noticed that the ESB and ROTJ 50gb Movie+Special Features links are all dead, and I would really appreciate if we could get them fixed.


njvc said:

Yes, the intention is to update them as the new releases come out.

Just confirming this 4 years later, as Harmy has released more info on v3.0. You still plan to update the Blu-Ray downloads? And will they have the menu and everything? I am just getting to download these and I really appreciate the work, so I am just curious. I will definitely want to upgrade to 3.0 when it comes out if possible, especially with the menu you made and everything. Anywho, thanks for all the love and effort you put into the Star Wars and just let me know the answers to these questions if you have the time!


ot2k said:

Does anyone want to get together to try and make a 4K Blu-ray version of these when Despecialized 3.0 comes out?

I would be very interested. I haven’t done any programming, but if we could communicate, I’m sure I could practice and learn some programs by the time 3.0 comes out. Feel free to PM me.


I love the cover art for the NJVC box sets and would like to use them for my own. However, my box set has more than just the Despecialized Editions, so I would like to remove the content information from the back of the cover. Does anyone have copies of the covers without this information, or the original project file for the covers so I can remove them myself?


It’s been several years since I last visited the website, but I had a couple of messages during my absence, asking whether I still have a copy. If it helps, I still have original .rar files (or whatever extension they came in) that had to be downloaded for the following release files:

Artwork pack (by stardork, adapted from Phildesfr)
Variant Booklet covers with doco-fanedit info (by njvc, adapted from Phildesfr)
Variant Disc labels (by njvc, adapted from Phildesfr)

Bonus Documentaries Options:
Star Wars Trilogy Documentaries (BD 25)
Star Wars Trilogy Documentaries (BD 50)

Return of the Jedi v2.5 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)
STAR WARS v2.7 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)
The Empire Strikes Back v2.0 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)

Here is two images to be used for reference, one showing the folder names and when they were backed up using rclone and the other shows the overall size (assuming that someone has something to compare it to).


@Maora - This is wonderful news! Will you be making the .rars available? I’ve been wanting to get my hands on these versions for quite a while. 😃

Thanks for letting us know these are out there!


Cinemastique said:

@Maora - This is wonderful news! Will you be making the .rars available? I’ve been wanting to get my hands on these versions for quite a while. 😃

Thanks for letting us know these are out there!

I mean, if you want them, sure. I’m all for it if and when there is interest. Thing is, once the links are made, do I share them here in the comments or make a new post and copy-pasta the original post here with updated links?


And if I’m making a new post, what if any, changes do I make?


If we’re talking about changes, here is what I would do for the set:

-I would move the ANH Honest Trailer to Cultural Impact and add the official main trailer to the trailers and TV spots (it would make the Trailer/TV Spot collection more complete):
-Make the Family Guy “Blue Harvest” special the censored TV version (we have the uncensored version already officially on Blu-ray and having the censored one would make more sense)
-Add to Cultural Impact:
–The Simpsons episode “Mayored to the Mob” (with optional commentary from the S10 DVD and the Act 1 animatic from the US Bart Wars DVD)
–That '70s Show episode “A New Hope”

-Make the Family Guy “Something, Something, Something, Darkside” special the censored TV version

-Make the Family Guy “It’s a Trap” special the censored TV version

Anything else I can think of, I’ll add here.

Incidentally, I was thinking you make a custom cover that covers both the Despecailized Set and the official Disney/Fox 4K releases. That way both versions and all the special features across the two can be put together in one case.


ThiefCobbler4ever said:

If we’re talking about changes, here is what I would do for the set:

-I would move the ANH Honest Trailer to Cultural Impact and add the official main trailer to the trailers and TV spots (it would make the Trailer/TV Spot collection more complete):
-Make the Family Guy “Blue Harvest” special the censored TV version (we have the uncensored version already officially on Blu-ray and having the censored one would make more sense)
-Add to Cultural Impact:
–The Simpsons episode “Mayored to the Mob” (with optional commentary from the S10 DVD and the Act 1 animatic from the US Bart Wars DVD)
–That '70s Show episode “A New Hope”

-Make the Family Guy “Something, Something, Something, Darkside” special the censored TV version

-Make the Family Guy “It’s a Trap” special the censored TV version

Anything else I can think of, I’ll add here.

Incidentally, I was thinking you make a custom cover that covers both the Despecailized Set and the official Disney/Fox 4K releases. That way both versions and all the special features across the two can be put together in one case.

No, I mean, do I make a new post with the links or a comment with the links, and do I make copy and paste the original post with the updated links or what should happen?


Maora said:

It’s been several years since I last visited the website, but I had a couple of messages during my absence, asking whether I still have a copy. If it helps, I still have original .rar files (or whatever extension they came in) that had to be downloaded for the following release files:

Artwork pack (by stardork, adapted from Phildesfr)
Variant Booklet covers with doco-fanedit info (by njvc, adapted from Phildesfr)
Variant Disc labels (by njvc, adapted from Phildesfr)

Bonus Documentaries Options:
Star Wars Trilogy Documentaries (BD 25)
Star Wars Trilogy Documentaries (BD 50)

Return of the Jedi v2.5 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)
STAR WARS v2.7 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)
The Empire Strikes Back v2.0 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)

Here is two images to be used for reference, one showing the folder names and when they were backed up using rclone and the other shows the overall size (assuming that someone has something to compare it to).

I would be very interested in acquiring these, Maora. Would appreciate if you posted them. Thanks.


smoygles said:

Maora said:

It’s been several years since I last visited the website, but I had a couple of messages during my absence, asking whether I still have a copy. If it helps, I still have original .rar files (or whatever extension they came in) that had to be downloaded for the following release files:

Artwork pack (by stardork, adapted from Phildesfr)
Variant Booklet covers with doco-fanedit info (by njvc, adapted from Phildesfr)
Variant Disc labels (by njvc, adapted from Phildesfr)

Bonus Documentaries Options:
Star Wars Trilogy Documentaries (BD 25)
Star Wars Trilogy Documentaries (BD 50)

Return of the Jedi v2.5 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)
STAR WARS v2.7 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)
The Empire Strikes Back v2.0 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)

Here is two images to be used for reference, one showing the folder names and when they were backed up using rclone and the other shows the overall size (assuming that someone has something to compare it to).

I would be very interested in acquiring these, Maora. Would appreciate if you posted them. Thanks.

Sure thing. Do you have a preference for the download links?


Maora said:

smoygles said:

Maora said:

It’s been several years since I last visited the website, but I had a couple of messages during my absence, asking whether I still have a copy. If it helps, I still have original .rar files (or whatever extension they came in) that had to be downloaded for the following release files:

Artwork pack (by stardork, adapted from Phildesfr)
Variant Booklet covers with doco-fanedit info (by njvc, adapted from Phildesfr)
Variant Disc labels (by njvc, adapted from Phildesfr)

Bonus Documentaries Options:
Star Wars Trilogy Documentaries (BD 25)
Star Wars Trilogy Documentaries (BD 50)

Return of the Jedi v2.5 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)
STAR WARS v2.7 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)
The Empire Strikes Back v2.0 (both BD-R 25 and BD-R 50) as well as the Bonus Documentaries Disc (BD 25)

Here is two images to be used for reference, one showing the folder names and when they were backed up using rclone and the other shows the overall size (assuming that someone has something to compare it to).

I would be very interested in acquiring these, Maora. Would appreciate if you posted them. Thanks.

Sure thing. Do you have a preference for the download links?

I don’t have any particular preference, so long as it works!