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Post #1369617

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The Predator The No Dam Dogs Edition V2 (Released)
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Date created
17-Aug-2020, 1:52 PM

oojason said:

Stepstone said:

No need to be funny, I’m well aware how forums work.
They were on the day that I first mentioned it and didn’t reply, so thought maybe it wasn’t available. Thought I’d ask others if they’ve seen it.

I wasn’t being funny - I was trying to be helpful… given it seemed you didn’t know how to send a PM / were unsure about it in your earlier post…

…Which is the type of thing covered in the thread I linked to - featuring some hopefully useful information on how to obtain a project, how to send a PM, and also some other similar content which may prove of some assistance too.

Apologies for being abrupt.
I was expecting a big PM button somewhere, but soon figured it out and messaged him. Hopefully I’ll hear from him soon, really don’t want to sit through the theatrical cut again.
Actually been toying with the idea of buying the Blu-ray and doing my own edit, but I’ll see if others have had any luck improving it first.

Did it again Lol