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Post #1367363

Crix Solarrunner
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Date created
6-Aug-2020, 7:36 AM

DuracellEnergizer said:

I’ll probably watch it sometime for the Tangerine Dream score alone.

The soundtrack is great.

fmalover said:

Crix Solarrunner said:

Last night I finally watched The Sorcerer (1977) after a friend recommended it to me. A very enjoyable, nail biter of a film. If you haven’t seen it yourself I recommend you check it out.



I remember reading that despite a positive response from audiences and critics alike, the movie was box office failure.

Well at the time of its release it was both a critical and commercial flop, but since then it has been re-evaluated and has been hailed as a overlooked masterpiece from the 70s. The director William Friedkin said in the bonus interview on the disc that it was released around the same time as Star Wars, and that film just buried Sorcerer.

I’m glad I was able to see it the old fashioned way, a friend recommending a film, reminds me of the way I used to find new music, someone in the record shop you’re familiar with hands you a album and goes “You might like this, it’s pretty cool”. I went in with no expectations and found a gem.