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Post #1367124

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The Phantom Menace - anyone want to chat about TPM?
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Date created
5-Aug-2020, 9:31 AM

JadedSkywalker said:

The scene where you can tell Obi Wan and Qui Gon already knew who the Queen was when she reveals herself to Boss Nass. I also like the scene where Palpatine says he will watch Anakin’s career with great interest, and he is right there at Qui Gon’s funeral. Right there for the Parade that is reminiscent of the end of Star Wars.

Did they? I used to think Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan obviously had to have known, but I got to thinking one day. If you watch TPM from their viewpoint, I don’t think either of them ever sees Padme dressed and the Queen. Every time they’ve encountered her, Padme was a handmaiden and Sabe was dressed as the Queen. Anakin does speak with Padme dressed as the Queen on Coruscant from a distance for a quick moment, but he’s just a kid. So why would Qui Gon ever suspect Padme is the Queen?

I’m sure this has been debated before, so I’m probably not saying anything new, but I just never get tired of talking about Star Wars.