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Post #52938

Duke Groundrunner
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Harry Potter 3
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Date created
16-Jun-2004, 6:21 PM

Originally posted by: Duke Groundrunner
Just saw the movie today. I just dont know. I liked the first one, the second was okay but this one was dragged out and extremely slow-moving. So much stuff was hard to understand and the movie seemed to not know where it was going. Sure the special effects were good, but so much stuff went over my head. Like these, for example:
1. If the dementors were out to get Harry (for some reason), why were they invited to stay around Hogwarts?
2. If that one teacher (who was also a werewolf) knew sirius Black, why did he tell Harry that Sirius wanted to kill him?
3. What the hell was that elk thing that Harry saw across the lake while the dementors were attacking? Even stranger is that is was explatined later in the film that it was himself saving himself!
Other things I didn't like:
1. Sirius black turned out to be GOOD!
2. Dumbledore was an alcoholic.
3. There wasn't enough quidditch.
Okay, there were a few things that I liked:
1. The opening scene. Hilarious!
2. The ending scene. I left the theater with a good feeling.


Originally posted by: GundarkHunter
1. Dementors don't target specific people; their goal is to suck the joy from a wizard or witch, which makes it easier to gain access to their souls (ultimate goal).
2. He hadn't seen Sirius for 12 years; as far as he was concerned, until he knew Pettigrew was alive, Black was guilty.
3. Harry's Patronus; were you paying ANY attention?

Next round:
1. I wouldn't necessarily define Black as good; against Voldemort, yes, but no saint.
2. If you've read the books, you'd realise that Hagrid is a bigger soak than Dumbledore.
3. Follows the pattern of the other films; 1 match per film.

Any questions?

1. Okay, if the dementors suck the souls out of people, WHY WERE THEY STILL INVITED TO STAY AROUND HOGWARTS?
2. It was still dumb that Pettigrew was Ron's rat all along.
3. Yes, I was paying attention (though it was hard to). If it was his Patronus, why did he say he saw his FATHER? Even so, I thought the Patronus he used earlier in the film to defeat the dementor was the memory of his parents talking to him.

Next round:
1. It just annoyed me because it was so random at that point to completely switch his character around.
2. I've never read the books.
3. It would be nice for that one match to be a bit longer.