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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 222


Hal, Are there any updates regarding the Palpatine message scene? Has the final version been decided on?


Ok, thanks natm that makes more sense for sure! Really hope something utilizing Naboo or another prequel planet can work out. I’ll be thinking of an alternative if necessary.

OH Poppasketti might be able to work some magic if he’s up for it! I know he’s got the skills for it! I’ve seen his talent first hand.

This is the way.


Axios said:

Ok, thanks natm that makes more sense for sure! Really hope something utilizing Naboo or another prequel planet can work out. I’ll be thinking of an alternative if necessary.

OH Poppasketti might be able to work some magic if he’s up for it! I know he’s got the skills for it! I’ve seen his talent first hand.

Sounds awesome can’t wait to see what you can cook up for this


Axios said:

Crackle saber is looking good! but small changes:

I hate to be overly picky and critical but well I guess thats why were here

0:36 I know this may be alot to ask but is there a way to make the blade less obviously uniform?

0:44 In this shot the blade looks too thick. The angle doesnt, help but the original clip survives this problem.

1:27 the end of the blade has very obvious “half opacity” spikes jutting out from the blade’s tip (I’d say be careful of just removing them alone without tweaking the sides, cause it might cause the rest of the blade to become to thick and not long enough).

1:53 there are spikes jutting out way to far from the blade at a distance.

I truly appreciate all the work you’ve put into this!

I wouldn’t be opposed to another “differently cracked” concept for the skywalker blade either, especially if its less uniform of an effect. I do like this effect too! Another option would just be interesting.

What link are you using?

I went through each frame and scene with kewlfish which he’s been working on but any mistakes with thick Saber etc were in the original.

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Axios said:

Crackle saber is looking good! but small changes:

I hate to be overly picky and critical but well I guess thats why were here

0:36 I know this may be alot to ask but is there a way to make the blade less obviously uniform?

0:44 In this shot the blade looks too thick. The angle doesnt, help but the original clip survives this problem.

1:27 the end of the blade has very obvious “half opacity” spikes jutting out from the blade’s tip (I’d say be careful of just removing them alone without tweaking the sides, cause it might cause the rest of the blade to become to thick and not long enough).

1:53 there are spikes jutting out way to far from the blade at a distance.

I truly appreciate all the work you’ve put into this!

I wouldn’t be opposed to another “differently cracked” concept for the skywalker blade either, especially if its less uniform of an effect. I do like this effect too! Another option would just be interesting.

Thank you for the praise and time stamps! I think you are talking about the Kijimi sequence I just put up, it is definitely super rough (still not finished but almost done at this point) and I will go through and fix a lot of these issues. I appreciate the pickiness! I am a perfectionist and I find myself missing out on the smaller details after watching the clip so many times.

I will also put out a test on the alternate version soon!

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


I really hope Naboo/Theed shot doesn’t get cut.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


The original crackle seems perfectly fine in my opinion

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Kylo’s cracked lightsaber core is a lot thinner if I remember correctly.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


I think I slightly prefer the “alternate” one, but I’d be happy with either as well.


It’s too bad there’s not a shot early on that takes a slow second to just let us see the saber ignited. There would have been if the blade were different than it had been in prior movies.

My stance on revising fan edits.


You could add the shot of the saber splitting in half to Rey’s vision as a reminder/explanation to the audience.


Hal 9000 said:

natm said:

Hal, Are there any updates regarding the Palpatine message scene? Has the final version been decided on?

Haven’t done anything with it since the last clip.

I personally don’t need anything further than that version of the clip you showed us. I think that works perfectly.


kewlfish: I really like the new one honestly! I like it alot. its more subtle and more plausible up close. The funny thing is I think we could could even bear to add a tad more crackle trail when shes waving the blade at a distance such as in these shots: 0:09, 0:19, 0:22. Cause the close ups are really really good, but the distant shots seam the slightest bit inconsistent. So like every once in a while in an establishing shot when Rey (or Ben) swings really hard you could add just that small amount more to maybe the tip of the blade as almost a light trail, just an idea. I think all the closer shots in the second half of the scene looked great.

natm: Oh…Yes I’m definitively that close to Poppasketti…Anybody think it would be rude to go and ask him? Lol, I will if its just a simple direct message here onsite, but anything beyond that, I’m not sure how I can help beyond coming up with the ideas. I’m more the Lore/cinema hound here XD, wish I was talented with Photoshop.

HAL: I was getting pretty excited watching all of the different takes for the Palps message and I think we can definitively cheat the recording on top of the reactions. Its a very natural cinema technique and it honestly could give more significant weight to the scene (seeing Rey and Leia’s genuine feelings while they hear The Emperors voice). With some polishing to make sure its weighty enough I think that could be our best bet.

ALSO, I was watching some Clone Wars and came across this sound effect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCF5-Ey3hjs (best heard at 1:00)

Instantly thought of the Skywalker saber.
If you can Isolate the Vibro-Guillotine audio or find a better source I think this could be added on top of the OG audio for the cracked crystal sound (instead of using Kylo’s LS audio, which is a tad obvious IMO).

This is the way.


Kewlfish, I’m trying to catch up but I think some people are requesting the central wave Saber effect that you accidently did when Finn was holding the Saber in the cave on the last few frames?

I really like the original. The alternative seems a little more pixilated rather than the actual crackle effect. (Am viewing on a phone).

I agree with adding the Saber splitting clip in a flashback.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


If anyone can find a nice, isolated vibroblade effect I can see about it. As things are presently, I used a pitched-up Kylo saber effect. Sort of sounds like a car engine with something wrong with it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Maybe you’ve already done this and I’ve just missed it, but are you planning to remove that awful blue tint from the movie?? It was quite distracting (at-least for me) and really made some of the sets look fake, especially the Ahch-To set.

Use the Force, Joh Yowza.


Brewzter said:

Hoop28, the most recent workprint included color correction. An example of what the goal was can be found here: http://www.framecompare.com/image-compare/screenshotcomparison/7DDY7NNX

Although some people find the color correction to be a bit overly red-tinted in some scenes

Ah, thank you. It is a little red but not nearly as bad as the blue tint that the movie has.

Speaking of which, have you guys considered making Exegol brighter or more tan, akin to Moraband or how we first saw Exegol in the TROS Teaser last April?

Use the Force, Joh Yowza.


Only if there’s a LUT for it, but it may introduce unintended effects to shift so radically.

I also intend to apply the main LUT at something like 66% in order to benefit from it overall and hopefully avoid some of its more extreme effects.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Only if there’s a LUT for it, but it may introduce unintended effects to shift so radically.

I also intend to apply the main LUT at something like 66% in order to benefit from it overall and hopefully avoid some of its more extreme effects.

I assume there’s a LUT for it, given that Exegol was re-colored to blue, and it reverts to that brighter, more yellow/orange look after the battle ends. I could be wrong though, I’m not all that knowledgeable about color grading, just a thought I had! Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with future changes and improvements for this fan-edit, I know I’ll be following it closely! Cheers!

Use the Force, Joh Yowza.


Movies Remastered said:

Kewlfish, I’m trying to catch up but I think some people are requesting the central wave Saber effect that you accidently did when Finn was holding the Saber in the cave on the last few frames?

I really like the original. The alternative seems a little more pixilated rather than the actual crackle effect. (Am viewing on a phone).

I agree with adding the Saber splitting clip in a flashback.

Yeah the alternative one has a bit of generation loss compared to the original used in the clip so there are probably some pixalation issues. I can look into replicating what I did with Finn in those last few clips on distance shots.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y