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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 208


I don’t know what about this specific scene causes this, but this is the best the crackling saber has looked the entire time! It’s just perfect! Gosh dude you’re amazing!

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


DZ-330 said:

jkimm said:

Are the stormtroopers still going to say “Knights of Ren… Ghouls” or are you planning on making them silent and just look at each other? Seems like half of us thought they were saying “cool”.

I would love for them to be silent and just have that look of unease. We don’t need them to give us story details.

Sounds like Hal’s already decided but I just wanted to also voice my strong dislike of the ghouls line. Took me right out of the movie in the theater.

Forum Moderator

kewlfish said:

Here is the first pass of Rey V Zori on Kijimi… there are couple masking issues and the first scene needs the saber to be toned down a little but pretty good for a first pass I think. I am excited get working on the first Lightsaber fight next.

pw - fanedit

The only frame I noticed IRT is around 24-second mark just as Rey switches off the Saber. Zorri’s gun is out of focus but the Saber light is sharp. If you add a blur it shouldn’t stand out so much.

Another amazing job, Dude! You’re really getting the hang of this 😃

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Any ideas of a theme that could be added when the Resistance first arrive on Exegol, the scene has no music and Its clearly for a reason but I think it could use some kind of familiar star wars theme/chime that people will recognise, should be super subtle like the Duel Of The Fates and C3PO&R2 themes.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


I’m a little disappointed in how subttle Duel of The Fates was in the death star fight in workprint 4, is the final duel in star wars and the soundtrack is almost none existing and the little there is, is very subtles and forgettable 😕

I get the intent of focusing in the sounds of the duel and enviroment and being a silent duel, but i think it feels very lacking.

Why not try something like this ?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjMVwE-d4yU Rey V kylo, with Battle of Heroes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulIXYyPqFOg Rey V kylo, with Duel of fates

the reason that i don’t think that i could edit the audio myself once v1 realeases is that i’m afraid to lose the crackling sound of Rey lightsaber from the audio of ascendant


kewlfish said:

Here is the first pass of Rey V Zori on Kijimi… there are couple masking issues and the first scene needs the saber to be toned down a little but pretty good for a first pass I think. I am excited get working on the first Lightsaber fight next.

pw - fanedit

I think this looks great
Is there any way to apply the crackling on the reflex on Zorri’s helmet? That would completely sell the effect.

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


oviniboy said:

kewlfish said:

Here is the first pass of Rey V Zori on Kijimi… there are couple masking issues and the first scene needs the saber to be toned down a little but pretty good for a first pass I think. I am excited get working on the first Lightsaber fight next.

pw - fanedit

I think this looks great
Is there any way to apply the crackling on the reflex on Zorri’s helmet? That would completely sell the effect.

I thought about that as I was reviewing it actually lol, I could give it a shot, shouldn’t be too difficult

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


darkshadowspike said:

I’m a little disappointed in how subttle Duel of The Fates was in the death star fight in workprint 4, is the final duel in star wars and the soundtrack is almost none existing and the little there is, is very subtles and forgettable 😕

I get the intent of focusing in the sounds of the duel and enviroment and being a silent duel, but i think it feels very lacking.

Why not try something like this ?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjMVwE-d4yU Rey V kylo, with Battle of Heroes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulIXYyPqFOg Rey V kylo, with Duel of fates

the reason that i don’t think that i could edit the audio myself once v1 realeases is that i’m afraid to lose the crackling sound of Rey lightsaber from the audio of ascendant

We’ve been over this a number of times. I won’t use tracked music for this purpose from the saga films, and I think the Solo option allows for it to happen at all. I always release lossless audio exports of my projects and I could include that scene without the added Solo music for you if you’d like. May just have to remind me, but that should be possible even after I pack everything away at some point.

My stance on revising fan edits.


^ I would appreciate the Solo-less audio as well since I’ll be putting in Battle of the Heroes on my own


kewlfish said:

oviniboy said:

kewlfish said:

Here is the first pass of Rey V Zori on Kijimi… there are couple masking issues and the first scene needs the saber to be toned down a little but pretty good for a first pass I think. I am excited get working on the first Lightsaber fight next.

pw - fanedit

I think this looks great
Is there any way to apply the crackling on the reflex on Zorri’s helmet? That would completely sell the effect.

I thought about that as I was reviewing it actually lol, I could give it a shot, shouldn’t be too difficult

So I have some time before work… here is the reflection and just some general fixes. It was pretty easy to apply the effect to the helmet but let me know if it looks wonky.

pw - fanedit

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


So I have some time before work… here is the reflection and just some general fixes. It was pretty easy to apply the effect to the helmet but let me know if it looks wonky.

pw - fanedit

the link is broken 😦
and damn, dude, you work fast!

Edit: nevermind, the link works

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


oviniboy said:

So I have some time before work… here is the reflection and just some general fixes. It was pretty easy to apply the effect to the helmet but let me know if it looks wonky.

pw - fanedit

the link is broken 😦
and damn, dude, you work fast!

Edit: nevermind, the link works

eh this one was easy because I could just copy the effect over and it was so tiny I didn’t really have to go frame-by-frame in as much detail as when the lightsaber is in full frame

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


kewlfish said:

oviniboy said:

So I have some time before work… here is the reflection and just some general fixes. It was pretty easy to apply the effect to the helmet but let me know if it looks wonky.

pw - fanedit

the link is broken 😦
and damn, dude, you work fast!

Edit: nevermind, the link works

eh this one was easy because I could just copy the effect over and it was so tiny I didn’t really have to go frame-by-frame in as much detail as when the lightsaber is in full frame

well, to my ‘mortal non-editor eyes’, it looks great

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


During the Exegol arrival there is no music, added music from The Last Jedi soundtrack and it really improves and increases the stakes of the scene, feels a lot more intense with this added I made sure it lined up with the shots in the scene in-terms of pacing it in correctly.

Test: https://youtu.be/l3rwZUhTP0k

Uses music from Last Jedi Soundtrack.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Hal 9000 said:

I could include that scene without the added Solo music for you if you’d like.

I would a appreciate that, thanks : D (Sorry if i came out as annoying about the subject, appart from the movie as a whole that fight, luke´s wig and rey being a palpatine were the moments that pissed me of the most in theathers)

kewlfish said:

So I have some time before work… here is the reflection and just some general fixes. It was pretty easy to apply the effect to the helmet but let me know if it looks wonky.

pw - fanedit

Great stuff!!


I can’t remember what the original scene was like Cinefy, but the music seems fitting. Just a bit too loud over the dialogue


Just finished the work print and man, this thing is looking really great. I like it a lot.

I can’t comment on the LUT since, well, Im a color blind guy but do like the direction of things.

I wasn’t too sure about the “flickering” lightsaber that Kewlfish has been posting, but I think I am sold on it. I like how it is more subtle compared to Kylo’s. I like it. I think it would add some nice depth to the whole movie.

As for the “duel of the fates” music on the wreckage, I agree with Hal’s approach personally. I would like to suggest maybe increasing the volume just a little bit? I like how it is not too loud, but maybe just a little louder?

Of course I have my own things that may be more in line with a personal edit after this is published are these minor things:

Reinstate the destructive power of the Imperial/Sith Star Destroyers - I know for a good bit of people didn’t like this idea in the movie of “great, more planet destroying things” but at the climax of a saga, of course the stakes have to be larger. By neutering the destroyers, it adds an issue when looking back at The Last Jedi and the dreadnaught. Visually speaking, we are comparing the Dreadnaught with these Destroyers since “Have big cannons that cause lots of damage.” In the Last Jedi, they used bombers to destroy the ship. In this movie, it’s target the guns to destroy it. So then … why didn’t Poe just destroy the canon on the dreadnaught? We have visually tied “Destroy the ships that have big-ass guns and it will cause them to be destroyed.”

That is why it worked though in the original idea of “Ships that have the power to destroy an entire planet.” Those guns have the power to destroy a planet, destroy those things? It would more than likely destroy the whole ship. If I was carrying a rocket launcher and a person shots the rocket launch, I would get blown up due to the energy stored in the rocket. If I was carrying a 50 caliber rifle, loaded, and someone shots the gun, I wouldn’t explode with the gun since those rounds do not have the same energy as a rocket. Again this is probably more of a personal thing, but it does in a sense undercut what happened in the last movie and the “logic” of this concept. (Then again, TLJ brought in hyper speed ramming, which the concept would cancel out any Death Star in the past since a large cruise could just ram into the dish of the Death Star and cripple it. Sigh, Disney.)

I changed my mind on mentioning the point I brought up about the corridor “Run and shoot” gallery since I probably could remove that on my own and hopefully not have any music issues.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

Just finished the work print and man, this thing is looking really great. I like it a lot.

I can’t comment on the LUT since, well, Im a color blind guy but do like the direction of things.

I wasn’t too sure about the “flickering” lightsaber that Kewlfish has been posting, but I think I am sold on it. I like how it is more subtle compared to Kylo’s. I like it. I think it would add some nice depth to the whole movie.

As for the “duel of the fates” music on the wreckage, I agree with Hal’s approach personally. I would like to suggest maybe increasing the volume just a little bit? I like how it is not too loud, but maybe just a little louder?

Of course I have my own things that may be more in line with a personal edit after this is published are these minor things:

Reinstate the destructive power of the Imperial/Sith Star Destroyers - I know for a good bit of people didn’t like this idea in the movie of “great, more planet destroying things” but at the climax of a saga, of course the stakes have to be larger. By neutering the destroyers, it adds an issue when looking back at The Last Jedi and the dreadnaught. Visually speaking, we are comparing the Dreadnaught with these Destroyers since “Have big cannons that cause lots of damage.” In the Last Jedi, they used bombers to destroy the ship. In this movie, it’s target the guns to destroy it. So then … why didn’t Poe just destroy the canon on the dreadnaught? We have visually tied “Destroy the ships that have big-ass guns and it will cause them to be destroyed.”

That is why it worked though in the original idea of “Ships that have the power to destroy an entire planet.” Those guns have the power to destroy a planet, destroy those things? It would more than likely destroy the whole ship. If I was carrying a rocket launcher and a person shots the rocket launch, I would get blown up due to the energy stored in the rocket. If I was carrying a 50 caliber rifle, loaded, and someone shots the gun, I wouldn’t explode with the gun since those rounds do not have the same energy as a rocket. Again this is probably more of a personal thing, but it does in a sense undercut what happened in the last movie and the “logic” of this concept. (Then again, TLJ brought in hyper speed ramming, which the concept would cancel out any Death Star in the past since a large cruise could just ram into the dish of the Death Star and cripple it. Sigh, Disney.)

I changed my mind on mentioning the point I brought up about the corridor “Run and shoot” gallery since I probably could remove that on my own and hopefully not have any music issues.

If we were to bring the planet destroying qualities of the weapons, we would probably bring Kijimi being destroyed back too, which I’m fine with… only thing I would like to see if this route is taken is that Zori and Babu would actually die and not show up at the end… would increase stakes instead of being another “gotcha, they’re alive”

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


Cinefy, that music feels appropriate for the moment and works well. However, I think it’s a misstep to use Kylo’s theme to speak about the Final Order, especially after his turning point toward the light.

And I can certainly see about increasing the volume a little on the DOTF moment.

Oh, Kijimi… ugh. Personally I like things this way. We get it: a shit-ton of star destroyers. I really like not having to go along with another Death Star destroying a planet. The Sith people have modified old destroyers stashed there from the days of the Empire, at least that’d be the only sane thing to infer from this version of the movie.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Cinefy, that music feels appropriate for the moment and works well. However, I think it’s a misstep to use Kylo’s theme to speak about the Final Order, especially after his turning point toward the light.

And I can certainly see about increasing the volume a little on the DOTF moment.

Oh, Kijimi… ugh. Personally I like things this way. We get it: a shit-ton of star destroyers. I really like not having to go along with another Death Star destroying a planet. The Sith people have modified old destroyers stashed there from the days of the Empire, at least that’d be the only sane thing to infer from this version of the movie.

I’m good either way, honestly… one way destroys planets and, the way I conceptualize your version, is kind of like Revan and Malek’s fleet from KOTOR. Palpatine would do what the fleet in-game did to Taris, orbital bombardment causing catastrophic damage to civilized worlds. With a fleet as massive as discussed in the film and no really to stop them, they could totally bombard the galaxy into submission.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


It has been awhile since I’ve watched the original film, but is the mention of their planet destroying abilities tied into the kijimi destruction? Wasn’t it mentioned before that happened? If that line is NOT tied to that sequence, we don’t need to see it happen. It is strange in itself that ONE destroyer is let out no problem but a whole fleet can’t? That part in itself was odd.

If the LINE about their planet destroying ability is kept in since it is separate from the planet destruction scene, we don’t need that scene at all and it keeps the “stakes high” as well as not needing to wonder “How did they survive the planet’s destruction” thought with Babu and crew.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Can we get more “Anthem of Evil” in there? It would be great to hear it through-out the space battle

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


jarbear said:

It has been awhile since I’ve watched the original film, but is the mention of their planet destroying abilities tied into the kijimi destruction? Wasn’t it mentioned before that happened? If that line is NOT tied to that sequence, we don’t need to see it happen. It is strange in itself that ONE destroyer is let out no problem but a whole fleet can’t? That part in itself was odd.

If the LINE about their planet destroying ability is kept in since it is separate from the planet destruction scene, we don’t need that scene at all and it keeps the “stakes high” as well as not needing to wonder “How did they survive the planet’s destruction” thought with Babu and crew.

Yeah I think there are a couple lines that talk about planet destruction stuff. But I was referring more to the old film rule of it’s better to “show, not tell”. Instead of just hearing a character saying “Every star destroyer is equipped with planet destroying weapons”, you would actually want to see a planet being destroyed.

However with Hal not referencing the planet destroying weapons, none of that really matters lol

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


Just to add my two cents, I think the return of the most powerful Sith Lord is a high enough stake to not need more planet destroying weapons.