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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 205


Watched the new workprint:

-I think that the LUTs looks great (exegol looks neat) it just need a little adjusment.

-I hope god, jonh can fix luke’s hair… that wig is atrocious

I watched the movie 5 times already and i can’t take it seriously with that dumb, repetitive and shallow retcon of “Rey Palpatine”, really hoping for the “Nobody” version.


dgraham414 said:

For Exagol they look great, everywhere else they are almost too much. It’s like we swung the pendulum from being too blue to being too red. You can see this especially in Kylo’s face, it almost looks like he’s sunburnt. I wonder what it would look like if the intensity was just brought down slightly. Another issue with the LUTs is that the movie becomes incredibly bright, almost too much.

Hold up, what?!

The way you described it is NOT how it looks when I imported the LUT.

Hal, I can’t view your workprint at the current time, but is this how you’ve set yours:

(This is in FCPX)


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You can see the overabundance of red in restored empowers eyes and on Ben when he is reviving rey.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


EDIT: The excessive red is far more present in the google drive preview- viewing the fully downloaded video looks much better. The only issue really is that most white characters end up looking orange on Ajan Kloss, Reylo kiss, and Tatooine.


Any ‘over abundance’ of red must imply that the LUT applied to the workprint Hal released has not been set to the specifications I believe were intended when it was created by Skenera.

Bottom line is: the LUT is fine, so long as it has been set correctly. Still unhappy? Make your own edit.

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Why are you so defensive over the LUT? We’re just giving feedback as we did with countless other edit ideas that have crossed through this thread.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.



Downloading the workprint now. I will compare frames of it with the example frames provided by Skenera to see if the LUT has been applied as they intended and as they appear on my computer.

This should hopefully resolve any debate about excessive red colouring.

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Edited my comment to clarify, sorry about that


On a different note, Kylo’s new vision when he touches vader’s.

I like the addition of Luke, but I think a different shot, like of him holding the Anakin’s saber in a close up would work better than Kylo stabbing him. Honestly I prefer the one from the earlier workprint. It still works and I can see how Luke is important to Kylo’s journey, but I prefer the other one.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


dgraham414 said:

Why are you so defensive over the LUT? We’re just giving feedback as we did with countless other edit ideas that have crossed through this thread.


Chill out, dude


Kewlfish, that new clip looks amazing! Can’t wait to see how the rest of the scenes turn out! 😄

Okay, so the workprint seems to be a perfect match with the frames Skenera provided meaning that the intensity or whatever you want to call it, has not been altered either intentionally or mistakingly by Hal like I had wrongly assumed.

Because of this, I have no idea what everyone is complaining about. Does the playback on Google Drive really result in over-saturation of red? That seems a little stupid.

Brewzter said:

EDIT: The excessive red is far more present in the google drive preview- viewing the fully downloaded video looks much better.

Brewzter seems to believe that’s the explanation.

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Off-topic, but to tie the Sith Whispers to the Wayfinder earlier, perhaps at the beginning of the film, you could have Kylo hear the whispers after he’s killed all the natives, which prompts him to turn his head quickly around. It would also tie in nicely with the “chasing whispers” part of the crawl.


Chase Adams said:

Okay, so the workprint seems to be a perfect match with the frames Skenera provided meaning that the intensity or whatever you want to call it, has not been altered either intentionally or mistakingly by Hal like I had wrongly assumed.

Because of this, I have no idea what everyone is complaining about.

Maybe they just don’t agree with you about how good it looks? Why is that so hard to believe?


ChainsawAsh said:

Maybe they just don’t agree with you about how good it looks? Why is that so hard to believe?

Well you didn’t quote the rest of my reply, giving a false impression on what I was actually saying.

I continued by asking if the playback on Google Drive causes any issues with colouring, which would contribute to causing confusion between myself and others about what issues we were actually referring to. That is what I meant was hard to believe.

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I’m sure it’s already been mentioned/discussed, but there’s one thing in particular that has bothered me: the “16 hours until the Final Order attack” ticking clock just pulls me out of the movie… is there any way around it? Replace it with “Soon, they will begin an assault on all free worlds” if there’s any way to stitch something like that. I dunno.

Regardless, watching v4 right, and really loving a lot of the choices made with this edit to clarify/streamline/even-out this mess of a movie (that I admittedly enjoy enough already, for what it is).



medioCORE said:

I’m sure it’s already been mentioned/discussed, but there’s one thing in particular that has bothered me: the “16 hours until the Final Order attack” ticking clock just pulls me out of the movie… is there any way around it? Replace it with “Soon, they will begin an assault on all free worlds” if there’s any way to stitch something like that. I dunno.

+1 For removing the ticking clock element. Star Wars never has that.


Also, Hal, I noticed in the workprint that the scene when Chewie is introduced to Hux and Pryde in the restructured Chewie reveal is now missing. Did I miss something? 🤔

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Chase Adams said:

medioCORE said:

I’m sure it’s already been mentioned/discussed, but there’s one thing in particular that has bothered me: the “16 hours until the Final Order attack” ticking clock just pulls me out of the movie… is there any way around it? Replace it with “Soon, they will begin an assault on all free worlds” if there’s any way to stitch something like that. I dunno.

+1 For removing the ticking clock element. Star Wars never has that.


Also, Hal, I noticed in the workprint that the scene when Chewie is introduced to Hux and Pryde in the restructured Chewie reveal is now missing. Did I miss something? 🤔


Idk how to reply on here, but we don’t see Chewie until he is rescued so it’s not an “immediate he’s dead, nope just kidding.” Also, for the LUT, the scenes that seemed to red to me were the sunny scenes on the rebel base, especially with characters like Maz Kanata.


Chase Adams said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Maybe they just don’t agree with you about how good it looks? Why is that so hard to believe?

Well you didn’t quote the rest of my reply, giving a false impression on what I was actually saying.

I continued by asking if the playback on Google Drive causes any issues with colouring, which would contribute to causing confusion between myself and others about what issues we were actually referring to. That is what I meant was hard to believe.

After you spent multiple posts being absolutely incredulous at the idea that anyone could disagree with you in thinking the colors were perfect. But whatever, go ahead and pretend I’m misrepresenting what you’re saying. I’ll go back to avoiding this thread until the final release. It’s gotten unwieldy and impossible to follow unless you’re on it 24/7 (with multiple pages of new posts daily) and people with your “My opinions are right and if you disagree there’s something wrong with you” attitude make it not fun to do so anyway.


C’mon guys, don’t ruin our escapism.
We’re all here to have fun.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

C’mon guys, don’t ruin our escapism.
We’re all here to have fun.

Here, here!! It’s the whole reason I fanedit and the same reason why I’ve stepped by.

I’ll check out the workprint as soon as I can find somewhere to download it.

Kewlfish I’ve cut that whole Rey and Whisper scene from mine but if you’d still like me to view the masking PM me.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Cinefy said:

Are you gonna do the duel of the fates Exegol thing you talked about, I had a pretty solid concept test for it awhile back

Test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETptWrDKT8k

No, and not because it’s a poor mock-up or anything. It just feels weird in context, and works better as a clip. We hear these guys chant several times and they don’t sound like that other times. I just don’t think it really works and am leaving it out.

For the LUTs I will try bringing them down and finding a middle ground, for sure. I wanted everyone to see the main LUT applied at 100% first.

Chase Adams said:

dgraham414 said:

For Exagol they look great, everywhere else they are almost too much. It’s like we swung the pendulum from being too blue to being too red. You can see this especially in Kylo’s face, it almost looks like he’s sunburnt. I wonder what it would look like if the intensity was just brought down slightly. Another issue with the LUTs is that the movie becomes incredibly bright, almost too much.

Hold up, what?!

The way you described it is NOT how it looks when I imported the LUT.

Hal, I can’t view your workprint at the current time, but is this how you’ve set yours:

(This is in FCPX)


Yes, that’s right, except I didn’t use the alt LUT. Was that decided as being superior?

dgraham414 said:

On a different note, Kylo’s new vision when he touches vader’s.

I like the addition of Luke, but I think a different shot, like of him holding the Anakin’s saber in a close up would work better than Kylo stabbing him. Honestly I prefer the one from the earlier workprint. It still works and I can see how Luke is important to Kylo’s journey, but I prefer the other one.

I’ll take a look and see about it.

RogueLeader said:

Off-topic, but to tie the Sith Whispers to the Wayfinder earlier, perhaps at the beginning of the film, you could have Kylo hear the whispers after he’s killed all the natives, which prompts him to turn his head quickly around. It would also tie in nicely with the “chasing whispers” part of the crawl.

It’s more important to tie those whispers to the dagger itself, not the Wayfinder so much. And there are some other whispers already present when each person finds the Wayfinder.

Chase Adams said:

Also, Hal, I noticed in the workprint that the scene when Chewie is introduced to Hux and Pryde in the restructured Chewie reveal is now missing. Did I miss something? 🤔

The scene didn’t make any sense or serve any purpose being moved that late so I removed it.

And, Chase, the LUTs are being evaluated like everything else. It’s easy to dial them back and I wanted people to see them and see how they work. I agree that they’re a lot of red and I may not have seen that as clearly if I hadn’t laid the LUT in at 100% to start with. No need to get edgy about that.

And about the 16 hours thing… It unfortunately is about the only real reason the characters keep pushing on so relentlessly, not going back to base and not staying to reflect for any length of time on Ach-To, etc.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

And about the 16 hours thing… It unfortunately is about the only real reason the characters keep pushing on so relentlessly, not going back to base and not staying to reflect for any length of time on Ach-To, etc.

Ah, bummer. Not even a throwaway line edit/rerecord saying “an attack is imminent,” or “they’re preparing to attack on all free worlds” or something like that? Haha

I just feel the 16 hour window is WAY too small for everything in the movie to take place. I personally think the characters’ urgency with the breakneck pace of the movie can be properly motivated by the terror of just the knowledge that Palpatine is back and preparing to wreak havoc:

Palpatine is revealed to be on Exegol and an attack is imminent -> Rey recognizes the name Exegol and knows how to find it based on the texts and Luke’s journals -> there’s no time to lose for the heroes to start the hunt for Exegol, especially since this is what Rey has been training for, and she’s motivated by her dark vision and wants to fight it -> they head to Pasaana to start the journey looking for clues, Rey finds the dagger that reeks of the dark side, which is growing in power by the minute, whispers getting stronger -> they need 3PO’s translation, so they have to head to Kijimi -> the dark side whispers/calls are getting even stronger, maybe flashing more visions in Rey’s head(?) -> this leads them to the ruins of the Death Star II on Endor -> etc.

But I’m just being whiny. I know it takes a TON of work, and I’m super happy and impressed with the work being done! You’re awesome!

EDIT: skipping through the movie, would it flow or make sense to put the scene of Pryde communicating with Palpatine (with minor tweaks) right after he kills Hux ("…HIS foolish act will be in vain…"), and then later just transition from Kylo throwing his saber to Leia’s body at the Resistance Base without that scene in-between.