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Post #1362972

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The New Republic EP1: A Vergence in the Force 4K (The Mandalorian Season 1 Edit) [V4 RELEASED]
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Date created
15-Jul-2020, 7:30 PM

smudger9 said:

hitfan said:

This sounds like a great idea. I haven’t watched the show, so if I watch this edit, I can let you know what I think.

Wow. It would be great to get the perspective of someone who hasn’t seen the show. I would still recommend watching the show because there is a lot of cool stuff that I haven’t been able to include.

I’ll make sure to come back here periodically to find out when this edit comes out. I think this is a great thing being done here – a Reader’s Digest version of a much talked-about television series that is edited and structured into a single theatrical film experience. And yea, I understand that a lot of things will have to be cut.

As for myself not having watched the show, there are a couple of factors:

  1. I don’t have Disney+ 😃 (yes, I know there are ways around this)
  2. Lack of free time to commit myself to episodic series. I much prefer to devote my free time to watching movies–you can watch a movie once and you are done with it. And I still have an entire backlog of half-watched TV shows that I need to catch up with.