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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 193


Hal 9000 said:

Although, while a shot LIKE that would be nice, that particular shot doesn’t particularly scream end of movie. Rey doesn’t look emotional either.

If you rearrange the shots in the cockpit scene or might work better: Falcon taking off - BB 8 in the falcon - Chewie and Rey “it is” - the crew portrait shot - Falcon jumps to lightspeed.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


DZ-330 said:

I mocked up the ending with the cockpit shot (music-only) and I think it actually makes the final music track smooth out a lot nicer towards the end!

I also increased the warmth of the cockpit shot to simulate the sun through the windows.

It would be cool to include R2 and maybe D0 behind BB-8 at the end.

PW: fanedit

And it would be AWESOME to include the ghosts of Luke, Leia and Ben watching them fly off.

If you have the Falcons first clip a little longer then Ret’s final clip has the sun to her left, cut to the falcon with the sun on the left and end scene should work really well.

I like the music change as well

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I like the idea of inserting the crew portrait shot of the heroes in the Falcon. But I think that should be it. The scene doesn’t need to go on any longer than that, in my opinion, so I’d leave out any extra shots and/or dialogue.


I agree. I was interested in it in theory, but watching DZ-330’s mock-up, I think it interrupts the Tatooine scene too much.


Hal 9000 said:

It’s cool, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t intended to fill that role and it feels off in that context.

I agree with this. Although I like the idea of showing everyone “one last time,” it is too jarring in that setting. What would Chewie really be saying at that point of the film that would necessitate “it is” for a reply? That and Rey’s response just felt like a crammed-in jump cut to me.


sgroov90 said:

Hal 9000 said:

What would Chewie really be saying at that point of the film that would necessitate “it is” for a reply? That and Rey’s response just felt like a crammed-in jump cut to me.

It’s time for lightspeed skipping.
It’s good to be together again.
It’s good to head home.
It’s good we all made it back.
Is it finally over!
Is it Porg roasting time?
Is it my turn to drive?
Is the falcon yours now?
Is the galaxy safe?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Presumably about the twin suns “it’s beautiful” “it is”

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


“This scene is from a different part of the movie, right, Rey?”

“It is.”


“That’s how we’re gonna end the saga after 42 years is it?”

“So, you’re just gonna take the Skywalker name and that’s ok is it?”

I’ll stop now. Lol

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


“Is that your hand on my thigh?”

Hal 9000 said:

I think my favorite was “Is the Falcon yours now?”

I’ve seen a lot of people talk about how Rey has claimed the Falcon for herself, but I think we just assume that because she’s a human and the main character. In the actual movies, Chewie is the only character who is on the Falcon every time it flies in the Sequels, and he’s always one of the pilots too (Rey took a gunner seat in TLJ). I’m pretty sure the Falcon belongs to Chewie, and he’s just taken in Rey as his co-pilot since that’s what Han wanted. Rey does call it “Han’s ship” in TROS and not “Chewie’s ship,” but she clearly had a lot of reverence for Han (I wouldn’t be surprised if Chewie called it that too), and at the least that’s proof that she doesn’t think of it as hers.


I’m not sure if it was this thread, but wasn’t Luke added to calling out to Leia just before she went into a coma and Kylo was stabbed?


majoras_wrath said:

I like the idea of inserting the crew portrait shot of the heroes in the Falcon. But I think that should be it. The scene doesn’t need to go on any longer than that, in my opinion, so I’d leave out any extra shots and/or dialogue.


You could just have the portrait shot for the end, and keep the chewie and rey “it is” shot in the scene when they are leaving ajan kloss


Hal 9000 said:

I don’t think so, guys. I don’t think it really belongs there, so I’m gonna cut that off.

I’ll get ready to dodge tomatoes.

That’s perfectly fine with me, it’s a cool idea that I’d like to see someone else’s edit tackle but I think the ending is perfected anyways for this edit. No tomatoes need to be thrown your way


The idea was nice, but not going to work.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Okay, but can we keep the music transition? In the Force Awakens credits music, the Rey’s theme / force theme hybrid is followed immediately by a rendition of the Rebel fanfare, the first note of which is the same one the Solo soundtrack uses to lead into the credits.
And when you combine them it matches with the Falcon jumping to lightspeed.


You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


i have watched this new ending so many times that i started to feel that the twin suns need a little breath after the falcon leaves before the credits pop, maybe one second or a little more, so things can set in a little better

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Hmm, it’d potentially mess up the music to shift it forward but might be worthwhile to just see how it plays. I’d be surprised, though.

It’d certainly be in keeping with the rest of the movie for a fast paced ending shot!

My stance on revising fan edits.


I believe the music is more emotional and transitions best to the credits the way it is right now, ending with Rey’s theme. That piece of Rebel fanfare that follows doesn’t really scream finale (unless you go with the Falcon crew shot idea), and ends in a somewhat dissonant note.
The center of the epilogue is the end of Rey’s arc. The music should reflect that, and Hal’s current version sounds as appropiate closure.


Neerb said:

“Is that your hand on my thigh?”

Hal 9000 said:

I think my favorite was “Is the Falcon yours now?”

I’ve seen a lot of people talk about how Rey has claimed the Falcon for herself, but I think we just assume that because she’s a human and the main character. In the actual movies, Chewie is the only character who is on the Falcon every time it flies in the Sequels, and he’s always one of the pilots too (Rey took a gunner seat in TLJ). I’m pretty sure the Falcon belongs to Chewie, and he’s just taken in Rey as his co-pilot since that’s what Han wanted. Rey does call it “Han’s ship” in TROS and not “Chewie’s ship,” but she clearly had a lot of reverence for Han (I wouldn’t be surprised if Chewie called it that too), and at the least that’s proof that she doesn’t think of it as hers.

I don’t know how much relevance this has, but the Smuggler’s Run ride at Galaxy’s Edge has you flying the Falcon on a mission from Hando, who said he was borrowing it from Chewie, not Rey. If you take that into context I would assume that Chewie has ownership.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


kewlfish said:

Neerb said:

“Is that your hand on my thigh?”

Hal 9000 said:

I think my favorite was “Is the Falcon yours now?”

I’ve seen a lot of people talk about how Rey has claimed the Falcon for herself, but I think we just assume that because she’s a human and the main character. In the actual movies, Chewie is the only character who is on the Falcon every time it flies in the Sequels, and he’s always one of the pilots too (Rey took a gunner seat in TLJ). I’m pretty sure the Falcon belongs to Chewie, and he’s just taken in Rey as his co-pilot since that’s what Han wanted. Rey does call it “Han’s ship” in TROS and not “Chewie’s ship,” but she clearly had a lot of reverence for Han (I wouldn’t be surprised if Chewie called it that too), and at the least that’s proof that she doesn’t think of it as hers.

I don’t know how much relevance this has, but the Smuggler’s Run ride at Galaxy’s Edge has you flying the Falcon on a mission from Hando, who said he was borrowing it from Chewie, not Rey. If you take that into context I would assume that Chewie has ownership.

Hahaha, true point … but Disney canon doesn’t even follow itself.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”