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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 186


I like option 2, it keeps things ambiguous while implying an offscreen event in classic OT fashion.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


That’s great, just need a more suitable music transition.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Yes to just leaving “Ghouls” alone. It sounds like it would take too much effort considering how minor a change it would be.

Doesn’t look like the most recent Vimeo link is live yet or it’s a bad link (never mind, it’s working now), but in the end, I’d prefer whichever plays the smoothest. For those of us who want the lightspeed skipping scene it wouldn’t be too tough to add it into the edit after the fact anyways.


I like option B as well! The dialogue feels more complete that way, and as others have mentioned, things that happen off-camera get referenced all of the time in Star Wars.

I also like the banter between characters; imo, it’s part of what makes the ST feel more like the OT than the stilted dialogue of the prequels. I’m not sure I understand what’s wrong with Finn’s “Always” line? To me, he’s showing some personality and establishing that these characters have spent some time together between movies. It seems like pretty economical story-telling.


I further finessed the audio since posting the clip. The music now feels like it picks up a but more of the slack. Each channel of the first clip before the transition fades out as gracefully as it can, after the last TIE sound and before the next sounds of the omitted sequence. The soundtrack piece comes in at the right time and volume level for each track.

If poppasketti prefers option B, then that’s good enough for me! lol

My stance on revising fan edits.


Only pitched this to Hal so far, but wanted to see what anyone else thought. I think it would be interesting if we found a way show that ALL of C-3PO’s memory got restored - Being the prequels, wasn’t sure at first how it could be done, but was thinking maybe we could show internal programming of his removed memories being uploaded.

I think it should be something super brief, keeping it as subtle as possible to keep it far from a detour.

Concept: [Interface itself should probably be more glitchy/holobased.]

Maybe there is another way of doing it, was also thinking the faction logo in top left corner could maybe transition/shift between eras being Sith, Republic, jedi, Empire etc to show passage of time.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


smpearce1981 said:

Unpopular opinion here:-

I’ve just watched Hal’s v3 workprint.

I really feel that the absence of the much hated ‘light speed skipping’ sequence slightly compromises the scene.

I know Hal’s reasons, I know a lot of people are wrapped up in the ‘tech/science’ of it…but I think it’s absence is jarring. The falcon/spy scene now just ends much too abruptly and lacks a crescendo…

Hal have you tried putting it back in? I’m not saying you have to like it…but have you tried it to get a feel in how it works from a pacing perspective?

Although Option B is good enough for me.


Cinefy said:

Only pitched this to Hal so far, but wanted to see what anyone else thought. I think it would be interesting if we found a way show that ALL of C-3PO’s memory got restored - Being the prequels, wasn’t sure at first how it could be done, but was thinking maybe we could show internal programming of his removed memories being uploaded.

I think it should be something super brief, keeping it as subtle as possible to keep it far from a detour.

Concept: [Interface itself should probably be more glitchy/holobased.]

Maybe there is another way of doing it, was also thinking the faction logo in top left corner could maybe transition/shift between eras being Sith, Republic, jedi, Empire etc to show passage of time.

Show his eyes loading up scenes from all 6 films!

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

Show his eyes loading up scenes from all 6 films!

Hmmm [For some reason my post just split in two]

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Cinefy said:

idir_hh said:

Show his eyes loading up scenes from all 6 films!

That feels like too much, should be more simple, a small moment to signify his memories are back.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


If poppasketti prefers option B, then that’s good enough for me! lol

I’d be happy go to with whatever the consensus is.
For the Option B you posted, is that an opportunity for a wipe instead of a straight cut (to Rey)?


There are already a few edits that ditched “ghouls” successfully and it really improves the scene IMO.


Or just cut that part out completely.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Has anyone suggested just replacing the “Ghouls” with Adam Driver saying “Ghouls” from The Dead Don’t Die?

Like, if you’re going to wink at the audience, go all the way. Just give into the mugging.


Option 3, if you like the scene (like I do) then use the edit as a base and make your own version restoring it.


Yeah, I’m actually ok with Option 2; keeping Rey scolding Poe could make a hypothetical audience member think that “lightspeed skipping” simply means a hasty jump to hyperspace (without careful calculations, etc) and that is what got the Falcon in bad shape . After all Poe just goes and activates lightspeed right as the ship smashes against the ice wall. In that case, I don’t know if keeping the TIEs following the Falcon into hyperspace is strictly necessary, though it’s okay if it’s done this way since it’s established those special TIEs do have hyperdrives.


When I first saw the start of the lightspeed-skipping scene, I assumed it was this movie’s way of addressing the controversy over the Holdo Maneuver, by showing that 1) it can only be used when the target is relatively small (“how thick do you think that ice wall is?”) and 2) is indeed a thing that happens in this universe when the situation calls for it.
It wasn’t until I really thought about it that I realized they weren’t really related.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Knight of Kalee said:

Yeah, I’m actually ok with Option 2; keeping Rey scolding Poe could make a hypothetical audience member think that “lightspeed skipping” simply means a hasty jump to hyperspace (without careful calculations, etc) and that is what got the Falcon in bad shape . After all Poe just goes and activates lightspeed right as the ship smashes against the ice wall. In that case, I don’t know if keeping the TIEs following the Falcon into hyperspace is strictly necessary, though it’s okay if it’s done this way since it’s established those special TIEs do have hyperdrives.

i’ve always though that lol
also the “lightspeed skipping” chat is pretty funny IMO

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Hey, as long as the actually “light speed skipping” scenes are gone, whatever route works for me.

Disney, stop breaking Star Wars!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


You know, the whole conversation about light speed skipping can easily be assumed that’s it’s about not making calculations before the jump. Hence you “skip” a step, an important one mind you. That’s obviously both dangerous and could explain some damage to the falcon … also … it went through a wall of ice to make the jump… yeah that would also cause damage.

I still don’t like the TIES falling though. How can they chase them that quickly. Even in TLJ there was a gap in time before the Star destroyers arrived to the resistance since it’s a mix of tracking and calculations. (Book explained it was basically making calculations from gathering information from hyperdrive lanes or beacons or whatever and determines where they are. Maybe the best way to describe it as triangulating their position by taking information from those beacons they passed through SINcE THEY MADE CALCULATIONS that used those beacons!

So even by TLJ’s logic and reasoning, since they made this up, there’s no way those TIES can follow the falcon.

God that whole scene was so bad.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”