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The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP) — Page 10


IlFanEditore said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

IlFanEditore said:

Just a little suggestion: my “Keepers of the peace” AOTC edit had its problems, but I always liked one small change. Anakin and Padmé’s relationship need to be built. I’d like to have them kiss for the first time on Geonosis, before the arena sequence.
So here you could cut just frames before they actually kiss and then interrupt it. Then have Padmé say: “No. I shouldn’t have done that”. It makes their actual kiss way more “satisfying” later.

Plus I feel like more intimacy and this arrangement both gives Anakin more that he’s fighting for and add’s other layers. Consider when Padame is blasted off this ship onto the sand dunes. Now when Obi wan screams at him that he’ll be expelled from the Jedi order comes with a different hit, as Anakin has already gone too far, and his face reflects it in that moment.

Plus im considering the Jedi being aware of him and Padame by ROTS.

Keep in mind it’s only 6 months between 2 and 3. So Anakin knocked her up around the time he wed her or before as she gives birth by ROTS.

Edit- Plus this entire movie series hinges on Anakin and Padame’s love for each other, and the fact that Anakin would go so far for her. So adding more intimacy in ATOC (The only place you can as she’s preggers by ROTS) seem’s the best option.

Im totally open to thoughts or disagreements with mine

Totally fair. Your edit, your choices 😉

Still care what others are feeling about it! haha Though i do expect to make some different decisions than other edits

Hope you saw the new trailer. Better audio and trying to give a feel for my edit with no Yoda and Mace as the Leader of the Jedi. Among other things.




Yes. Love it! 😄

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


Come to think of it, in my Ep2 edit, it follows ESB somewhat:

Establish romantic tension and frustration at the start, they go off together, make out, maybe do more, and then the big deal part at the end is a declaration of love.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Come to think of it, in my Ep2 edit, it follows ESB somewhat:

Establish romantic tension and frustration at the start, they go off together, make out, maybe do more, and then the big deal part at the end is a declaration of love.

Her declaration of love is what hits him hardest (I don’t recall his mother even saying “I love you”). For a man who’s given up everything for something, this is the first someone declares for him, and i would think it even more powerful than a kiss or hooking up. Plus i like the difference even between Han and Anakin. Han is willing to give up Leiah to Luke where as Anakin states he won’t let Padame be taken from him. I dont think Anakin and Padame should play as safe as Han and Leiah



DigMod said:

Haven’t looked in here for awhile. That moon replacement screenshot looks fantastic! I’m also intrigued by your Dooku idea. Keep up the good work! 😃


Thank you! I don’t know why the other link isn’t playing but here’s a current trailer for example



I am very impressed by a lot of the changes you are making here. The new visuals look excellent, and I have a lot of respect for you because of that.

One of my only problems though is that I hate how this edit will try to hide that Anakin becomes Vader in Revenge of the Sith. The whole crux of the prequel trilogy is that it explains how Anakin became Vader. It’s the very reason audiences are invested, the reason the movies exist. Sure, there’s also the fall of the Republic and the Jedi and Palpatine’s rise to power, but let’s be honest, everybody was most invested in the birth of Vader. There’s so much forshadowing all over the place. Besides, everybody and their grandma knows the twist, so trying to preserve it is pointless work. It’d be like if in the new Planet of the Apes trilogy they tried to hide the fact that it’s on Earth to preserve the twist at the end of the original film that everybody already knows and is essential to know to understand why those movies are being made and the story they are telling (in that case, to show how the apes took over Earth). Anakin’s transformation into Vader are some of my favorite parts of the whole film, I don’t want that erased. Knowing Anakin is Vader and his backstory adds so many layers to the OT as well that weren’t there before, and I’d hate to see that gone too. It’s ridiculous to legit destroy Revenge of the Sith to preserve a “surprise” that every human being on the planet who has ever laid their eyes on a motion picture has known since 1980.

And without it it doesn’t make any sense. Obi-Wan says in ANH, “Vader betrayed and murdered your father”, but what we see in Revenge of the Sith is that Anakin betrayed and killed a ton of the Jedi and then was left to burn… and then Darth Vader shows up. Right there everybody will know that Anakin is Vader. According to Obi-Wan’s lie, Anakin remained good and was a victim of Vader’s betrayal. So seeing Anakin betray the Jedi and do evil things only makes sense knowing he’s Vader. We also know that Vader was NOT Obi-Wan’s apprentice, Anakin was; there was no “young Jedi named Darth Vader”, so the lie also falls apart there. With the information that Anakin is Vader we already know Obi-Wan is lying, but it’d be really weird to try to change the films so we won’t know he’s lying when it’s obvious we would. If you’re that desperate to preserve the mystery for your future kids or whatever, just show them the originals first.

I also disagree with removing Yoda. It just seems so… weird, that he wouldn’t be there. He’s just rotting away on Dagobah the whole time, letting the whole world crumble? How did he supposedly train Obi-Wan? And I love Yoda in the prequels.

I apologize if I sound like an ass. I am really thankful that you will be making purist versions in this case (and that I’m making my own fan-edits), 😛 as I absolutely love what you’re doing with the visuals and a lot of your ideas (like Dooku in TPM? Genius!), but as I said I disagree with the things above.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

I am very impressed by a lot of the changes you are making here. The new visuals look excellent, and I have a lot of respect for you because of that.

One of my only problems though is that I don’t like how this edit tries to hide that Anakin becomes Vader in Revenge of the Sith. The whole crux of the prequel trilogy is that it explains how Anakin became Vader. It’s the very reason audiences are invested, the reason the movies exist. Sure, there’s also the fall of the Republic and the Jedi and Palpatine’s rise to power, but let’s be honest, everybody was most invested in the birth of Vader. There’s so much forshadowing all over the place. Besides, everybody and their grandma knows the twist, so trying to preserve it is pointless work. It’d be like if in the new Planet of the Apes trilogy they tried to hide the fact that it’s on Earth to preserve the twist at the end of the original film that everybody already knows and is essential to know to understand why those movies are being made and the story they are telling (in that case, to show how the apes took over Earth). Anakin’s transformation into Vader are some of my favorite parts of the whole film, I don’t want that erased. Knowing Anakin is Vader and his backstory adds so many layers to the OT as well that weren’t there before, and I’d hate to see that gone too.

And without it it doesn’t make any sense. Obi-Wan says in ANH, “Vader betrayed and murdered your father”, but what we see in Revenge of the Sith is that Anakin betrayed and killed a ton of the Jedi and then was left to burn… and then Darth Vader shows up. Right there everybody will know that Anakin is Vader. According to Obi-Wan’s lie, Anakin remained good and was a victim of Vader’s betrayal. So seeing Anakin betray the Jedi and do evil things only makes sense knowing he’s Vader. We also know that Vader was NOT Obi-Wan’s apprentice, Anakin was; there was no “young Jedi named Darth Vader”, so the lie also falls apart there. With the information that Anakin is Vader we already know Obi-Wan is lying, but it’d be really weird to try to change the films so we won’t know he’s lying when it’s obvious we would.

I also disagree with removing Yoda. It just seems so… weird, that he wouldn’t be there. He’s just rotting away on Dagobah the whole time, letting the whole world crumble? How did he supposedly train Obi-Wan? And I love Yoda in the prequels.

I apologize if I sound like an ass. I am really thankful that you will be making purist versions in this case (and that I’m making my own fan-edits), 😛 as I absolutely love what you’re doing with the visuals and a lot of your ideas (like Dooku in TPM? Genius!), but as I said I disagree with the things above.

I have zero plans of cutting Anakins journey. The only cuts to Anakin are small things to do with dialogue and snipping a couple creepy looks at padame. Mitachlorines obviously. Not much in ROTS to do with Anakin is being snipped. This is his story and journey. I won’t be hiding Anakin getting maimed by Obiwan or becoming Vader (Except maybe if i do an alt cut to fit Ady’s rough ideas.- He was going to have all sabers blue, and Anakin’s transformation to Vader.) but thats it. I never had a problem with Anakin being shown to be Vader, as i prefer to watch in the Machete order. So to be clear.

Revised Version
Purist Cut Version
Machete Cut Version
Revised/Revisited Version to fit with Ady.
I do understand why Ady wants it removed though as watching in chronological order spoils the reveal in Ep V., but it’s not the general direction im going. Other than the Purist Cut versions, my Revised and Machete Cut Versions can be watched before the main Trilogy but are meant to be watched after Ep V and before Ev VI. Difference between the two versions is that one is a trilogy, the other is a 3-1 cut that focuses strictly on Anakins journey. Unlike most Machete cut’s though, mine doesn’t begin with the end of Ep I. It includes quite a bit of Ep I, as i feel the finding of Anakin and the who QuiGon was is important to the narrative. I alter quite a bit though as there is no pod race scene, how Anakin is freed is different, there’s no Space battle and Gun Gun battle in Ep I, and a few other changes.

Yoda will only appear in the Purist Cut in which Dooku will not be apart of. Dooku will be in all other versions. Dooku isn’t my idea though in conception, this is just my take on the idea, as it was a great idea. There’s a few ideas that are not mine, and are things ive heard mentioned for years. Like the visible cord to Padame’s dress, shifting shadows, and see through sabers. There are a tonnnnnnnnn of ideas of mine that would take too long to list though haha i will try though. Things like the saber glow visible on people, replacing the planets and moon, fixing sabers passing through body parts, Swamp gun gun home, attack on Theed, Escape of Naboo with fleet guarding Queen’s ship, saber sparks and flashes, Emergency lights kicking on as lights go out on space station in beginning, replacing background during Maul speaking to Palpatine, adding lightening flashes and moving cars, the destruction of theed as Jedi rescue the Queen, the force push causing smoke and ash to fly out of the way, added camera shakes for dramatics, lighting docking bay in beginning, Emergency lights on Queen’s ship when hit, and bunch of other weird lighting effects and i can’t remember what all else right now off the top of my head haha.
I don’t know where the idea came for Mace to fight Sidious alone, i found a pic online i think on Adywan’s site, so probably him doing test. I never got to see it in motion so this was the first thing i ever tried to do. I will be crediting people on the films who have contributed ideas like Ady or Snooker.
Lots of work though and more ideas i havn’t shown or done up yet and im constantly trying to learn new tricks. Im an artist and have worked in photography and photo editing professionally as a background along with music, but VFX has been a new learning experience but a very fun one.
I greatly appreciate the comments of things people like, don’t like, and or ideas people have. I want these to be enjoyable by all and appreciate the time and interest people have in any of it. Thank you!

(Hope i cleared up Anakin’s Arch a little. Ill try to eventually get separate threads eventually for the main cuts so as not to confuse people. Ill probably wait till closer to being done though)

Edit- Altered main post to reflect this about Vader/Anakin.



TheAlaskanSandman said:

I have zero plans of cutting Anakins journey. The only cuts to Anakin are small things to do with dialogue and snipping a couple creepy looks at padame. Mitachlorines obviously. Not much in ROTS to do with Anakin is being snipped. This is his story and journey. I won’t be hiding Anakin getting maimed by Obiwan or becoming Vader (Except maybe if i do an alt cut to fit Ady’s rough ideas.- He was going to have all sabers blue, and Anakin’s transformation to Vader.) but thats it. I never had a problem with Anakin being shown to be Vader, as i prefer to watch in the Machete order.

I feel a great disturbance in the force, as if every fiber of my being just felt a great swell of relief due to these words.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

I have zero plans of cutting Anakins journey. The only cuts to Anakin are small things to do with dialogue and snipping a couple creepy looks at padame. Mitachlorines obviously. Not much in ROTS to do with Anakin is being snipped. This is his story and journey. I won’t be hiding Anakin getting maimed by Obiwan or becoming Vader (Except maybe if i do an alt cut to fit Ady’s rough ideas.- He was going to have all sabers blue, and Anakin’s transformation to Vader.) but thats it. I never had a problem with Anakin being shown to be Vader, as i prefer to watch in the Machete order.

I feel a great disturbance in the force, as if every fiber of my being just felt a great swell of relief due to these words.

Glad to hear that! 😄



I’m relieved to hear that Anakin will remain intact, but suprised you’re cutting Yoda. I can understand cutting his presence in the Dooku fight, and when he fights The Senate in the senate, but are you actually proposing removing him from even the council scenes?

As a fan of the ‘wider canon’, which includes Clone Wars and Rebels, Yoda is an important part the stories which precede his appearance in Empire. But even just taking the movies in isolation, his presence in the prequels doesn’t harm the reveal in Empire - that’s still a suprising moment we can experience through Luke, just as the Vader ‘reveal’ that we all already know can still be enjoyed for its impact on Luke.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


EddieDean said:

I’m relieved to hear that Anakin will remain intact, but suprised you’re cutting Yoda. I can understand cutting his presence in the Dooku fight, and when he fights The Senate in the senate, but are you actually proposing removing him from even the council scenes?

As a fan of the ‘wider canon’, which includes Clone Wars and Rebels, Yoda is an important part the stories which precede his appearance in Empire. But even just taking the movies in isolation, his presence in the prequels doesn’t harm the reveal in Empire - that’s still a suprising moment we can experience through Luke, just as the Vader ‘reveal’ that we all already know can still be enjoyed for its impact on Luke.

I had planned on leaving mention of him, but did plan on removing him visually from the movie. I never liked how he didn’t look like the original and didn’t look as old. The fight scenes are definitely getting removed. Acrobatic Yoda was never my thing, but i am sad to see Palpatine going ape sh*t with the senate seats. (Contemplating how to keep it and re-purpose it). So this wouldn’t technically counter EU material, hopefully.
Mace is the head of the council and the main focus of it imo, up to and including his final showdown with Palpatine. Yoda’s inclusion pulls away from this i feel. I like the idea of him being “around” but not on screen, so also to add to his reveal in Ep V for those who don’t read, watch or play the EU. This may not be as easy as im hoping for all scenes though so we’ll see how it turns out or if it’s possible to remove him fully. If i include him, then i have to show him face Palpatine, or there is no good reason for why he didn’t, and why he ran off. With him already being gone, you can assume order 66 went into effect and he never showed his face again.
Only the Purist Cut is so far planned to have him but again, we’ll see how it all goes.



Defintely a fan of “maybe I’ll keep some of him”, though at least having him still mentioned if not seen would be a decent compromise where it doesn’t technically ‘break’ the wider SW stores in any way. It’s great to see how well considered all of your edit decisions are, either way!

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Cutting his interactions with Anakin would be quite unfortunate.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Saving me work despite myself. I guess this is the way, the lil womp rat can stay. I can’t guarantee that he’ll fight Dooku though. Maybe. I get the importance of the scene, to show how dangerous Dooku is, but it still comes off as a little silly to me. Idk, well see what happens with ATOC. The movie doesn’t leave the same options as TPM for adding action, so im considering re-arranging scenes and some other ideas to change the pacing and feel of the movie.

For a Machete cut 3-1 its easy enough to manage as the middle act. As a stand a lone, its a little more difficult. Im not even to the Blender side of things though so we’ll see.



Ep III is actually mostly green, but the climax battle is very red. I tend to grade the movies scene by scene, not as a whole.

Ill get some examples of the grading for some of Ep II up in a bit. Where the greenish- Orange is removed for a more natural tone.

Ep I was cleared of its pink hue long ago, but i did grade each scene in that movie too to fit the environment and mood and still tweaking things there too.



TheAlaskanSandman said:

Toying with the grading for the “Battle of the Heroes”. Trying to get rid of a bunch of the red and make it look more natural. Not final yet.

I’m torn. On the one hand I like it and it helps composite the actors into the background better and gets rid of the unnatural hue they’re bathed in and it looks good. However, on the other hand, I almost prefer the vivid red lava and ash as it has a real feeling of Obi Wan being in a physical hell as well as his emotional hell.


Plan to show broadcast like current affairs building up to Nazi Propaganda by Ep III. Will be doing a zoom in to the monitor at this shot as the feed fades from static blue to actually in the Senate Room, via the camera feeds floating around her head. This is after considering some critique of the movie from Mr.Plinkett.

I plan to show the city become more bare of people by Ep III and more war torn.



Artan42 said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Toying with the grading for the “Battle of the Heroes”. Trying to get rid of a bunch of the red and make it look more natural. Not final yet.

I’m torn. On the one hand I like it and it helps composite the actors into the background better and gets rid of the unnatural hue they’re bathed in and it looks good. However, on the other hand, I almost prefer the vivid red lava and ash as it has a real feeling of Obi Wan being in a physical hell as well as his emotional hell.

Id like it to blend better with Rogue One and Ep IX



TheAlaskanSandman said:

Plan to show broadcast like current affairs building up to Nazi Propaganda by Ep III. Will be doing a zoom in to the monitor at this shot as the feed fades from static blue to actually in the Senate Room, via the camera feeds floating around her head. This is after considering some critique of the movie from Mr.Plinkett.

I plan to show the city become more bare of people by Ep III and more war torn.

Really interesting.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.