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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 185


Octorox said:

Yeah, I thought he was saying “Goals!” When I first watched it. I wonder if someone could just do an alternate line reading that’s more clear.

I can do an alternate line if anybody has a good idea for what to say


axlanian said:

Octorox said:

Yeah, I thought he was saying “Goals!” When I first watched it. I wonder if someone could just do an alternate line reading that’s more clear.

I can do an alternate line if anybody has a good idea for what to say

What’s easier - muting the line or replacing it? Because I honestly think the one stormtrooper could just turn to the other with unease without saying anything at all.


AbramPT said:

Just hopping in here to ask about the stormtrooper saying “Ghouls!” at 19:02 in workprint 2 - is that staying? I honestly think it should be removed. Not only is it an awkward line, but when I first saw it in theatres I thought he was saying “Cool!” Anyone else with me on this one?

100% agree and I thought the same about “cool”. I thought that was a bad line and then heard Ghouls which was even worse!

It doesn’t need a line. I just cut to the head drop orchestral stab just after the Troopers look at each other.

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Chase Adams said:

Can someone please remind me why we are using a still frame for Naboo? Who is responsible for this madness?! 😂

We’re not? It’s an actual shot from the phantom menace. Afaik it’s a matte painting and the waterfalls move. The video that was posted was just a test for timing.


Yeah, there is waterfall movement in the actual shot.


I thought that Stormtrooper said “Cool”


As for the sequel trilogy being “decanonized”, lol. Despite the negative online reaction, those movies still made 4.5 billion dollars. That’s much more important to Disney than a bunch of YouTube videos and angry Redditors. Not to mention the guy who reported this is called…Doomcock. I mean come on. Needless to say, that rumor is complete bullshit, and this is coming from a guy who doesn’t like the sequel trilogy. On a more positive note, that WIP shot of Naboo looks great 😁


I think we could come up with a interesting dialogue change for the two stormtroopers commenting on the Knights Of Ren, maybe something in relation to changes or messages we wanna get across in the edit.

Heres some random ideas I thought of.

Stormtrooper 1: “Knights Of Ren”
Stormtrooper 2: “We don’t need help from those cultists”

Stormtrooper 1: “Weren’t those Snoke’s guards?”
Stormtrooper 2: “Not anymore”

Stormtrooper 1: “Snoke’s old guards”
Stormtrooper 2: “It’s been years”

Interested to hear anyone else’s ideas.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Cinefy said:

Heres some random ideas I thought of.

Stormtrooper 1: “Weren’t those Snoke’s guards?”
Stormtrooper 2: “Not anymore”

Stormtrooper 1: “Snoke’s old guards”
Stormtrooper 2: “It’s been years”

Interested to hear anyone else’s ideas.

What is the point of making them snoke guards? in comics the have never been depicted like that, and they don’t hold any relationship with snoke guards in TLJ (they appear to be even weaker than those).


darkshadowspike said:
What is the point of making them snoke guards? in comics the have never been depicted like that, and they don’t hold any relationship with snoke guards in TLJ (they appear to be even weaker than those).

Was just finding a dumb way to entail more mention of Snoke since some people didn’t like that he was completely forgotten by First Order, I’m sure someone will think of something for them to say.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Honestly I think we should keep the stormtroopers line.
Every movie has “awkward Star Wars moments” and this one is no less an offender than the iron from TLJ or the Ugnauts playing keep away in ESB.
TPM had “are you an angel”
ATOC was pretty much the whole movie
ROTS had “your shorter than I expected”
RO had weird tentacle monster
Solo had the what are you saying exchange in the maelstrom
ANH had “pick up your visual scanning”
ROTJ had Jedi Rocks
TFA had dramatic “wrong fuses”

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


dgraham414 said:

Honestly I think we should keep the stormtroopers line.
Every movie has “awkward Star Wars moments” and this one is no less an offender than the iron from TLJ or the Ugnauts playing keep away in ESB.
TPM had “are you an angel”
ATOC was pretty much the whole movie
ROTS had “your shorter than I expected”
RO had weird tentacle monster
Solo had the what are you saying exchange in the maelstrom
ANH had “pick up your visual scanning”
ROTJ had Jedi Rocks
TFA had dramatic “wrong fuses”

Some of those things aren’t even awkward

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Honestly, despite helping Hal and other editors here on their edits, I practically distanced myself from the Star Wars fanbase after how toxic things got after the release of The Last Jedi. Even though I’m still a huge fan, I can’t really get myself to become a part of many fandoms due to this behavior, especially with the recent horrific news that occurred with Laura Bailey on The Last of Us: Part II. So I’d like for us to not talk about these false rumors about the Sequel Trilogy, as that conversation can be moved to a more appropriate thread than this one, as Hal would also like to as well.

I myself was very disappointed in The Rise of Skywalker, and being a fan of Hal’s edits knew he’d make a great edit. I won’t lie that we have had to get creative with the lack of deleted scenes, but it has been a fun, yet sometimes challenging task. But regardless, let’s get back finishing off the saga strongly, and even talk about the Rey nobody version.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Cinefy said:

I think we could come up with a interesting dialogue change for the two stormtroopers commenting on the Knights Of Ren, maybe something in relation to changes or messages we wanna get across in the edit.

Heres some random ideas I thought of.

Stormtrooper 1: “Knights Of Ren”
Stormtrooper 2: “We don’t need help from those cultists”

Stormtrooper 1: “Weren’t those Snoke’s guards?”
Stormtrooper 2: “Not anymore”

Stormtrooper 1: “Snoke’s old guards”
Stormtrooper 2: “It’s been years”

Interested to hear anyone else’s ideas.

I really only brought it up because a) it felt like a quick fix, and b) the dialogue is (in my opinion) awkward and difficult to understand. In keeping with what Hal is trying to accomplish with this edit I think it would be best to either cut the line or leave it as is. I won’t be offended either way.


Unpopular opinion here:-

I’ve just watched Hal’s v3 workprint.

I really feel that the absence of the much hated ‘light speed skipping’ sequence slightly compromises the scene.

I know Hal’s reasons, I know a lot of people are wrapped up in the ‘tech/science’ of it…but I think it’s absence is jarring. The falcon/spy scene now just ends much too abruptly and lacks a crescendo…

Hal have you tried putting it back in? I’m not saying you have to like it…but have you tried it to get a feel in how it works from a pacing perspective?


smpearce1981 said:

Unpopular opinion here:-

I’ve just watched Hal’s v3 workprint.

I really feel that the absence of the much hated ‘light speed skipping’ sequence slightly compromises the scene.

I know Hal’s reasons, I know a lot of people are wrapped up in the ‘tech/science’ of it…but I think it’s absence is jarring. The falcon/spy scene now just ends much too abruptly and lacks a crescendo…

Hal have you tried putting it back in? I’m not saying you have to like it…but have you tried it to get a feel in how it works from a pacing perspective?

I have to agree

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

smpearce1981 said:

Unpopular opinion here:-

I’ve just watched Hal’s v3 workprint.

I really feel that the absence of the much hated ‘light speed skipping’ sequence slightly compromises the scene.

I know Hal’s reasons, I know a lot of people are wrapped up in the ‘tech/science’ of it…but I think it’s absence is jarring. The falcon/spy scene now just ends much too abruptly and lacks a crescendo…

Hal have you tried putting it back in? I’m not saying you have to like it…but have you tried it to get a feel in how it works from a pacing perspective?

I have to agree



We as fans know what lightspeed skipping is, but without the prior scene to give us context of it, it’s just the Star Wars universe usual technobabble. To the average viewer, it doesn’t actually mean anything more than compressor this, subalternator that. I agree that it’s better for the pacing of the scene and for the characters to have the full dialogue.

edit; nevermind, I misunderstood and thought we were discussing Rey and Poe’s talking about lightspeed skipping (which I do still think is probably less jarring to just leave in even though we don’t see it.) I don’t particularly think the actual act of lightspeed skipping should stay. It’s just pretty visuals with some absurd implications.


Well, +1 for me too.
I understand that this scene is a little absurd from a technological point of view but by removing it :
-it hurts the pacing
-it makes the next scene on Ajan Kloss feel weird, with Finn popping out of nowhere
-it makes it unclear how the Knights of Ren were able to follow Rey and co on Kijimi later in the movie

So it seems a good compromise to keep it in the movie. The only issue would be to remove Klaud from some shots…


Me too, only because Finn appears out of nowhere and it just feels a bit jarring. You don’t neccessarily have to show the light speed skipping part, reference it only. A lot of things in SW are referenced but we don’t necessarily need to see them to understand what they are. IMO anyway.

idir_hh said:

smpearce1981 said:

Unpopular opinion here:-

I’ve just watched Hal’s v3 workprint.

I really feel that the absence of the much hated ‘light speed skipping’ sequence slightly compromises the scene.

I know Hal’s reasons, I know a lot of people are wrapped up in the ‘tech/science’ of it…but I think it’s absence is jarring. The falcon/spy scene now just ends much too abruptly and lacks a crescendo…

Hal have you tried putting it back in? I’m not saying you have to like it…but have you tried it to get a feel in how it works from a pacing perspective?

I have to agree


I have two options:

  • Falcon escapes the TIEs and no reference is made to lightspeed skipping (current workprint)


  • Falcon jumps to lightspeed, and the TIEs follow before the scene ends on a sort of cliffhanger. Falcon arrives safe and they reference “lightspeed skipping” that apparently let them escape.

But I won’t be using the actual lightspeed skipping scene itself, as it makes zero goddamn sense and is way worse than the starlight problem in TFA. It’s not a matter of fuzzy logic, it totally undermines an important mechanic of Star Wars for no real reason.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I like the current workprint, it also removes Finn’s sassy “always” so it’s a double win for me.

The pacing ain’t perfect but I don’t think it can be done much better with what we have.