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Post #1359847

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
1-Jul-2020, 8:45 PM

RogueLeader said:

Since we have already changed some 3PO lines and cut out the reference to R2 having his memory backed up, I wanted to go ahead and see if it would be possible to not have R2 reupload 3PO’s memories at all. This is what I came up with.

I think the first scene, where 3PO meets R2 again, could be moved to before the scenes with Rey on Ach-To. That way it feels like R2 and 3PO have been speaking for awhile, and we catch back up with them in the middle of a conversation. I also slightly changed 3PO’s lines regarding the transmission to make him speak more objectively, since he may not have been caught up on who Luke is yet. It might not be right for Ascendant, but I thought I’d go ahead and share it.


RogueLeader, I love it. Making Threepio’s sacrifice permanent makes it all the more poingnant. Brings his character full circle, imo. Beautiful.