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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 115


idir_hh said:

Probably impossible to achieve but one can dream, right?

I love these. There was a grey Rey from the bottom left too.

I understand the sentimentality of keeping the hairstyle her mum gave her before she left but come on! Any sign of maturity or progression would’ve been nice. I guess Kylo had his flowing locks so they didn’t want a hair clash lol

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Ed Slushie said:

Since a lot of edits are repurposing the chess scene to put it at the end, has anyone thought about repurposing the shot of Rey, Finn, Poe, Threepio, and Chewie in the cockpit of the falcon from earlier in the movie as well? It’s got that “family portrait in space” vibe that the original trilogy’s ending shots all had.


Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Since we’re nearing a release, I thought it worth revisiting some of the earlier ideas which came out of the poll I did or in earlier discussion, but which haven’t seen much consideration recently. So, in case they warrant further thought and discussion, and in no particular order:

  • Making the smoke around Palpatine’s life support green, as a way of implying an arcane factor to Palpatine’s resurrection (with a hint of Nightsister magic for those who care)
  • Making Palpatine’s Final Order a bit more of a hodgepodge of new First Order troopers, older Original Trilogy troopers, and sith cultists
  • Rey Nobody, who was also not a factor in Palpatine’s plan - she was the one variable he didn’t predict, so upon learning about her he simply intended to kill her, before being defeated by her and the jonh ghost squad
  • Leaning more into the Dyad in prior movies, and possibly incorporating TLJ’s black/white buddha pool into the imagery somehow, though cutting the idea of consuming it being something Palpatine wants to do
  • Leia as the active cause of the Han Solo ‘memory’, and thus giving her last breath to help return her son to the light
  • Kylo’s survival and exile on Tattooine - redemption and penance without absolution, and we end with a Ben on Tattooine, just like Kenobi before him
  • Ajan Kloss as Naboo, to bring the PT into the ST, and for a fitting final rest for Leia

And the one I personally think would be brilliant, albeit for a lot of FX work:

  • Making Rey’s lightsaber blue but with Kylo’s crackling effect throughout. This would give payoff to the broken lightsaber in TLJ, imply that she’s a little broken/dark-leaning herself, symbolise a change to the skywalker legacy, and pay off the later decision to rebuild her own saber into gold later. But most valuably, it’d echo Kylo’s nicely, and then give some great imagery when she teleports it to Kylo - not only would it imply him turning towards the light, but it would give him the saber he thinks is his birthright but in a broken form.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Ed Slushie said:

Since a lot of edits are repurposing the chess scene to put it at the end, has anyone thought about repurposing the shot of Rey, Finn, Poe, Threepio, and Chewie in the cockpit of the falcon from earlier in the movie as well? It’s got that “family portrait in space” vibe that the original trilogy’s ending shots all had.

Holy shit that’s such a good idea !!!


I know how dumb it sounds, but I thought of using that shot in the ending a few weeks ago, but I never posted about it, so I feel like an idiot haha. I’m glad it got mentioned, because it works really well! It totally fits the “family picture” tone all the final shots of the OT have. I’m glad you brought it up Ed Slushie, with Poppasketti’s shot of the Falcon flying off, it feels like the ending we should’ve gotten all along.


jonh said:

Ed Slushie said:

Here’s my mockup of it:

it would not be better to put it before the shot of the Falcon and the suns?

I thought about that, but I figured it would be too jarring to cut right from the shot of her walking away to a shot of her already in the cockpit.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Maybe a new shot would have to be made showing the Falcon actually lifting off?


The gang in the Falcon is one of my favourite scenes. Mainly because of Chewie saying something like ‘this is exciting’ and Rey saying ‘it is’. If that scene was repurposed I’d hope that would stay in.


I think the last shot should be the falcon going off in hyperspace, proceeded by the family pic scene. That way the last thing we see is the twin suns!

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I would love to see the ghosts appear in the foreground to watch as the falcon jumps into hyperspace.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Yeah that would be perfecting an already awesome ending sequence. If only someone could put R2 in there…

My dream ending sequence would be: Rey walking past BB8 --> hypothetical Falcon take-off --> cockpit group shot --> Binary sunset with Falcon flying away plus the ghosts of all the Skywalkers (Ben included) in the foreground.


Start with the the ghosts of Luke and Leia in the foreground and then have Anakin appear and finally have Ben appear. (Anakin’s arm on his shoulder)

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Here is a low quality preview of what making Exegol orange can look like: https://vimeo.com/433016595
password: fanedit
I’ve sometimes used the gray LUT, but everything is much warmer, maybe too much. Now that I think about it, it looks like a sepia filter. I haven’t masked the lightsabers nor Force lightning.


skenera said:

Here is a low quality preview of what making Exegol orange can look like: https://vimeo.com/433016595
password: fanedit
I’ve sometimes used the gray LUT, but everything is much warmer, maybe too much. Now that I think about it, it looks like a sepia filter. I haven’t masked the lightsabers nor Force lightning.

I was about to say about the sepia feel but that colouration seems to bring out so much more detail in the scenes. I think it you could mask out more colours I.e. R2, Saber and palp lightening it would make it pop really well.

Question being: Would the force ghosts be blue?

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It’s a great attempt but I have to agree that it looks more like a filter. Maybe Exogol could have a red sandy exterior while retaining the original colours in the interior of the temple?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Knight of Kalee said:

Yeah that would be perfecting an already awesome ending sequence. If only someone could put R2 in there…

My dream ending sequence would be: Rey walking past BB8 --> hypothetical Falcon take-off --> cockpit group shot --> Binary sunset with Falcon flying away plus the ghosts of all the Skywalkers (Ben included) in the foreground.

You could edit his and BB8s own beeping into the background


Knight of Kalee said:

I would gladly learn VFX stuff and modify the lip-syncing of the characters to redub the planet’s name as Korriban. The shot of the Sith statues with the orange ambience just speaks KOTOR.

Korriban is widely known to those it concerns, though, so it wouldn’t function as a secret base. All the more reason to stay close to the official blue grade to differentiate it from Korriban. It also really suits Palpatine. I do like the “grey” recolor though. Something along those lines might be good.


Although I’m not a huge proponent for turning the Final Order troopers into clones, it would be a simple way to explain how they were able to man all of those Star Destroyers, as well as not have Finn kill his own former brothers in arms during the final battle.

I know someone already made a test of throwing in some of Temuera Morrison’s clone lines and grunts during the battle, but there is also another place or two where you can insert some more clone references.

First of all, you could replace this off-screen line during the First Order meeting:

“We’ll need to increase recruitments, harvest the galaxy’s young.”

Since this bears little weight in the overall plot to the movie, since the fleet seems ready by the next day, it could be used as good line of exposition to explain how they’re able to have this fleet manned in less than 24 hours. So, maybe you could have a new line like this:

“We’ll need to man the fleet, utilize their clone army.”

Later on in the movie, when the Resistance arrives on Exegol, a masked Final Order technician says, “Captain, we have Resistance craft incoming.”

We could use Morrison’s lines from the original Battlefront to construct a similar line, something simple like this:

“Sir, enemies sighted.”

Of course, we could just assume the red suits are new gear for First Order troopers, but since the Sith cult already has cloning technology, it could be an interesting tie-in.