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Post #1359038

Movies Remastered
Parent topic
The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
29-Jun-2020, 11:37 AM

natm said:

Keysarsoze001 said:

While personally I don’t want his broadcast in the movie, I can see that there’s a point where it could possibly somehow be placed in the movie itself: when the resistance is at the base after Leias death, and rose and poe and the resistance find out about the stupid death Star destroyers, you could put Palpatine’s announcement over in that part of the movie, and cut to the galaxys reaction maybe, and then it could flow into the scene where they all head out to exegol and chewie and lando set out to find people. I don’t know how someone would do that with footage but that’s where it could be placed if someone wanted to for their version of the movie

That’s exactly where I’ve placed it. I played around with many ideas i.e. at the start of the message reveal, when we see Kylos ship, when Rey looks up and senses Chewie or this point. I feel it works here as it now gives that segment of the movie a swift gear shift and gives Lando and Chewie more of a successful reason for getting the fleet together.