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Post #1359014

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
29-Jun-2020, 9:54 AM

Not related to that clip, but I would love to remove “16 hours” or other definitive amount of time on things. I appreciate the original and prequel movies do not give us an exact sense of time or how long it takes to travel by instead leaving it ambiguous. Why? How can you have precise timing when we are talking about space travel, hyper drives and other planets. (Time is not a constant thing in those circumstances, or at least how to measure it. Time is different on earth for example if you compare it to Mars.)

But this movie doubles down from Last Jedi to keep giving us EXACT amounts of time in HOURS. So Poe, Rey and Finn travel to how many planets? How much “time” do they spend traveling to each planet? How much of it is during their visits on planets? How much time it take Rey to travel on the “boat thingy” in a raging storm AND free hand climb the DSII wreckage? Or how long did it take Poe and Finn to fix the Falcon’s landing gears? Or how about Rey pondering over what she learned in her visions? How long were they all lost in the tunnels? Remember … all of that has to be LESS than 16 hours. Plus those are not all the events I listed.

Either these precise measurements should be removed, altered to more vague sayings or take out Palp’s timeline would be great. Having a timer does not really encourage the good guys to hurry up and stop him. Palp being alive now is already a threat and they are urgent to stop him. The thread of the empire is back and has a fleet that will take over the galaxy is a big enough threat in itself. Why have some silly countdown when having such precise measurements of time really takes you out of the “believability” of the movie when it doesn’t make sense.

Lucas was right to not dive into that topic or give such precise measurements of time.