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Post #1358858

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
28-Jun-2020, 7:54 PM

Without trying to sound rude or condescending about the topic of the broadcast, but why do people want it in? The crawl tells us Palps sends out a broadcast about his return and the Sith’s revenge.

Yet, through the movie, or at least the first time we see both sides (First Order’s board room and Rebels after the get the intel) and the concept of some radio broadcast is not even mentioned, or let alone eluded too. A simple line from either one side (or both) could have said a simple line like “So the broadcast was true/real” or “So Palpatine himself is really behind it” could have made it relevant BUT it’s not at all. It’s ignored. Not even mentioned.

So what’s the point of it in the crawl? What’s the point of it at all if neither sides even mentions it. Heck, they are both SURPRISED or at least completely unaware that Palpatine is alive OR even the possibility of it. Really? Even after this mysterious “radio broadcast?” Not even a simple one line? There is no connection to it in the movie. Unless someone acknowledges it, why is it mentioned in the crawl? Let alone trying to put it in.

Anyway, I am really trying not to “talk down to anyone who likes it or wants it,” I just personally don’t understand the need for it since the movie itself doesn’t acknowledge it.

Plus it’s kinda over the top … at least to me personally.

Oye I hope I don’t sound like a jerk from all that.

EDIT: as for the extending Kylo’s thinking scene, if it can be smoothed out I like the to add a little breathing room.