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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 171


RogueLeader said:

Since the first big version of Ascendant is sticking with Rey Palpatine, I wish there was a moment in the film where we had a version of the Emperor’s theme, but with a female choir. Like maybe you could hear it as Rey is entering the Exegol temple. But I don’t even think a female version of the Emperor’s theme exists anywhere. Or even a dark side version of Rey’s theme.

If you have a specific version of the Emperor’s theme that you like, I’d be happy to add a female choir on top of it doing the melody. I just wouldn’t want to have a non-John Williams track in the movie, so I wouldn’t do a track from scratch.


Hal 9000 said:
How do we all feel about the newer Ochi ship shot from poppasketti? I think it’s very much improved, but it may be too iffy to be included. He’s said so himself. Eh?

I like it much more now, the added motion and music adjustment make it seem more credible as part of a genuine movie.

RogueLeader said:

Since the first big version of Ascendant is sticking with Rey Palpatine, I wish there was a moment in the film where we had a version of the Emperor’s theme, but with a female choir. Like maybe you could hear it as Rey is entering the Exegol temple. But I don’t even think a female version of the Emperor’s theme exists anywhere. Or even a dark side version of Rey’s theme.

The melody in Rey’s theme has many similarities to Palpatine’s theme; I hoped that resemblance would be addressed in the actual TROS soundtrack with a hybrid theme or something like that.

Axlanian, the complete score of Phantom Menace features many instances of Palpatine’s theme. I really like this version , it has a different tone from the others, so maybe it can be superimposed with a female choir or some notes from Rey’s melody.

As a plus, though not really the Emperor’s theme, there’s also this haunting piece from AOTC.


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s an intended-as-final Mustafar sequence.


You know, I never liked the idea at first in using footage from Battlefront II, but wow! The editing and how everything was cut together felt so much better than before!

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I think the new Ochi’s ship shot is technically perfect. I don’t know that it improves the movie, but it fits in seamlessly with the surrounding footage.


Hal 9000 said:
How do we all feel about the newer Ochi ship shot from poppasketti? I think it’s very much improved, but it may be too iffy to be included. He’s said so himself. Eh?

It’s definitely a big improvement from the original version poppasketti made. I find it less iffy-looking than, say, the stormtroopers exiting the transport in the Mustafar sequence (though I personally like both). I rewatched the current sequence in the V2 workprint, and I mean…it still works fine. I’m still on the fence, but I do think anything that shows transition and slows the breakneck pace of the film, even slightly, is a plus.


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s an intended-as-final Mustafar sequence.


I like it, but I still feel like the color grading and foliage in the Battlefront shots don’t quite match up (along with the in-atmosphere Star Destroyer being a bit weird). These are definitely nitpicks though so I’d be okay with this being the final version.


I think the Mustafar sequence looks pretty seamless.

I still hate the entire thing and think it should pan down from the crawl to Kylo’s ship flying through the nebula to Exegol. 😉


ChainsawAsh said:

I think the Mustafar sequence looks pretty seamless.

I still hate the entire thing and think it should pan down from the crawl to Kylo’s ship flying through the nebula to Exegol. 😉

yeah sure it looks cool, but it absolutely butchers the already fragile pacing

booyah baybeee


Honestly with Mustafar the Battlefront II footage would work without the Star Destroyer in the sky. If there was a way to paint that out it would work great, but with it, continuity gets broken with the other shots around it, since no destroyer is in the sky anywhere and no shadow is seen that would be there. Also the ground is a different color in the battlefront footage.

I don know… maybe its just me that can’t unsee it, but I also play Battlefront II like always.

funny thing (and please understand I say this in jest) remember when we laughed at other editors using Battlefront II footage? Granted they didn’t edit it at all and it looks terrible, and what has been done here looks way better and close to seamless.

Oh where this movie has brought us.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


For me, personally, the latest Orchi ship scene works well. Looks good and pretty believable.

The Mustafar scene just still doesn’t work for me, personally. My eyes see, even without being told, is not real footage. Especially the troopers out in the open. Another factor that takes me out is while they are stark white in the BF2 footage, they are not during the Kylo shots. Plus that scene is in slow mo that still feels odd from going to a scene “regular” speed on the ground from a wide shot to a up close and slow.

I appreciate the hard work involved, but it still looks off. I still prefer an edit that takes out the Mustafar opening and opens with Kylo exiting the nebula that poppa did some time back.

Again, that’s just me!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Nice work Poppasketti, didn’t expect anyone to actually do it!

We’ll have to wait to see if Hal thinks if Kef Bir should be replaced with a matte more similiar to the ROTJ forest moon but I think it’s okay as is.

As for replacing the moon with an icy one, it looks great! My only concern is that there is already two other settings in the film that are ice-covered but I suppose this one works fine.

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Hal 9000 said:

Here’s an intended-as-final Mustafar sequence.


Looks great, I still think the score needs more punch to it, something a little more bombastic. I think “journey to Exogol” is just perfect for this.

Edit: this one’s from a while back but it implements both the original “fanfare and prologue” pan down score as well as well as "journey to Exogol for the entire Mustafar sequence.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


axlanian said:

RogueLeader said:

Since the first big version of Ascendant is sticking with Rey Palpatine, I wish there was a moment in the film where we had a version of the Emperor’s theme, but with a female choir. Like maybe you could hear it as Rey is entering the Exegol temple. But I don’t even think a female version of the Emperor’s theme exists anywhere. Or even a dark side version of Rey’s theme.

If you have a specific version of the Emperor’s theme that you like, I’d be happy to add a female choir on top of it doing the melody. I just wouldn’t want to have a non-John Williams track in the movie, so I wouldn’t do a track from scratch.

That would be cool! Maybe you something from the part from “Fanfare and Prologue” that goes from around 3:40-4:10.

Hal 9000 said:

Here’s an intended-as-final Mustafar sequence.


I’m still not crazy about the battlefront footage, but I don’t think there’ll ever be a version that will satisfy everyone. Maybe if the TIE flyby shot had little blaster shots buzzing across the landscape to imply the battle is already going on. But if you‘re happy enough with it then I say wrap it up here.

poppasketti said:

Old-Endor is now Korkar, ice moon of Endor.
Here’s the literature courtesy of Hal: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Korkar

pw: fanedit

You constantly blow my mind, poppa. The fact that you actually delved into canon to replace it, too. Hahaha.


Hal 9000 said:

How do we all feel about the newer Ochi ship shot from poppasketti? I think it’s very much improved, but it may be too iffy to be included. He’s said so himself. Eh?

I think it’s Perfect! One thing that annoyed me is knowing how they escaped the TIEs.

I can’t use it in my edit as Kylo never crashes but I definately think it would fit your cut.

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Chase, I don’t think Kef Bir needs to be altered, as it looks pretty similar to Endor already, moreso maybe even than two different sides of Earth.

I’m going to use the Ochi ship shot, and I’m glad the group process got it to look as good as it is now!

Mustafar… There’s no chance of me removing the sequence, as doing so heaps on pacing problems that it can’t bear. I like the idea of buffering the opening with some more footage, and as it is it’s the same soundtrack piece we hear in the scene extended in reverse from that point. I’ve never been a gamer myself and the troops don’t appear weird to me at all, yet I keep hearing that that footage genuinely bugs a lot of you because it begs a sense I must not really have. I don’t want something dodgy as the first couple shots of the movie, so I’ll stew on this for a while longer.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Chase, I don’t think Kef Bir needs to be altered, as it looks pretty similar to Endor already, moreso maybe even than two different sides of Earth.

Understood, thanks for replying so soon.

I’m sure most of you guys have already seen this in the Ideas thread, but I think it could work well with Hal’s edit if he agrees on it:

Ed Slushie said:

Since a lot of edits are repurposing the chess scene to put it at the end, has anyone thought about repurposing the shot of Rey, Finn, Poe, Threepio, and Chewie in the cockpit of the falcon from earlier in the movie as well? It’s got that “family portrait in space” vibe that the original trilogy’s ending shots all had.


I think the best way to pull this off would be to have the end scene play out as Poppasketti and Hal intended it to, then after they all jump to lightspeed, have this shot then iris out and… Done!

Normally I would mock something like this up but my hardrive with all my films and edits on it is seriously fucked so you’ll have to just trust me on this one. 😉


Poppasketti, once you’re happy with the ice moon of Endor, let us know when you Google Drive it!

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Beyond the CG footage sticking out from the following live-action sequence, there’s a few other reasons why I don’t think the battlefront footage fits in.

Compare this to the opening of TFA. We see the transports leave the destroyer from space, and we later see them land at the village. We follow these ships to the action. These Mustafar shuttles have no introduction and we cut to them jarringly, never to see them again. As others have mentioned, we also see a Star Destroyer in-atmosphere, even though the only Star Destroyer we previously saw was in orbit. These shots imply that we are also witnessing the beginning of this battle, but when we cut to Kylo Ren it appears as if we are in the middle of the battle already. Also, the normal speed of the battlefront shots doesn’t gel really well with the slow-motion Kylo’s shots.

These shots thrown in where they are arguably makes this opening sequence more erratic than it was, imo. It’s not that I don’t like it in theory, but I don’t really see or feel how these shots flow into one another. It’s why I didn’t like how the original jumped from space, and immediately into the middle of a battle.

That is why I like the shot of the TIEs flying over the battlefield. We get visual continuity between the space shot and the landscape shot with the TIEs flying in Vic formation. Perhaps you could create even stronger visual continuity between the landscape shot and the first ground shot by adding small yellow and red blaster bolts zipping across the battlefield, since we also see the in the following shot with Kylo. Adding element of battle, like blaster fire and explosions, might help alleviate that comforting feeling you also described that shot having. We see that we are already in the midst of battle, which lines up with what we see in the following Kylo sequence.

To me, that flyby shot is the only shot we’ve experimented with that genuinely feels like it could’ve been plopped right into the theatrical movie. I just personally don’t think the battlefront shots hold up from a visual perspective or an editing perspective.

I hate saying that because I know other editors put a lot of time into making those shots fit better into the scene and I think they did a great job at that (my problem with the footage definitely isn’t their contribution to it!). This whole Mustafar conundrum has been a long process of experimentation and trial & error. But it just comes down to honestly figuring out what works and what doesn’t. And out of everything this what I think makes the most sense.

TL;DR: RL is a stickler for visual continuity.



Establishing shot of planet Mustafar > shot of Tie fighters entering Mustafar atmosphere (Rogue One) > PoppaSketti’s Tie fighters above Forest ( with Rogue’s idea of Ties opening fire) > shot of Troopers inside transport > troopers exiting transports > Kylo Ren.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Seems like that would imply the TIEs are acting as troop carriers, maybe?

I’m okay with the theatrical Mustafar scene, so if we end up not using an extension it’s really okay. It’ll just be a well-explored but closed off avenue. We’ll see!

My stance on revising fan edits.