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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 166


dgraham414 said:
The audio is very janky and it almost seems for the unaltered audio that there are two channels on top of each other, but in iMovie I don’t really know how to deal with that.

Let me know what you think!

Changing Finn’s dialogue there feels very unnecessary to be honest.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


I like the idea. In the current version, when Finn just appears and says “R2” it feels sort of superfluous, now that there’s no chess scene to lead up to the sequence. The new line at least would provide some context for Finn’s rush and justify the shot’s brevity.


RogueLeader said:

Hal, or someone else, what needs to be done with the squeaky wheel scene?

The prop mechanics on BB8 need to be removed without cropping the frame in any way.

D-0S Prop pole that pulls and pushed him along needs to do the same without cropping.

They’re fairly quick and easy fixes if you can track the background. I can Photoshop the holding frames if that helps?

Poppasketti said:

thats looking much better but rather losing hours on It, is Hal gonna use It?

Hal9000 said:

I still think the flashlight ding put the scene into the realms of Space Balls rather than Star Wars.

dgraham414 said:

Really good job on the audio. I’m not sure it’s needed but what you did sounds great.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


dgraham414 said:

I posted an idea earlier about changing Finn’s first line in the movie since him saying R2’s name felt a bit awkward but nobody jumped on it so I pulled out the only program I had (iMovie) and did my best to make a mock-up of what it could look/sound like.

I was able to cobble together 3 options.

Password: fanedit

The audio is very janky and it almost seems for the unaltered audio that there are two channels on top of each other, but in iMovie I don’t really know how to deal with that.

Let me know what you think!

Those are pretty good. “look sharp” would be my pick.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Me, too, that’ll work!

I really like having a brief dip into DOTF during the DSII duel. I think it’d be better to take that and sort of quit while we’re ahead.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Movies Remastered said:

They’re fairly quick and easy fixes if you can track the background. I can Photoshop the holding frames if that helps?

That would help, if you have the time!

thats looking much better but rather losing hours on It, is Hal gonna use It?

🤷‍♂️ probably not, but I like to give it a second effort before moving on just in case it’s close!


Ideally it’d be great to include, but it just seems like it may be more trouble than it’s worth. But I don’t really know since I don’t do that kind of thing.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I can try to upload the Finn lines that I used if anybody wants them?

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


poppasketti said:

Hal, that edit works beautifully! Nice!

Here’s another pass of Ochi (so sorry for inundating you, but sometimes when I have a few free hours, it’s best to work through it when I can!):

pw: fanedit

For this pass, I redid the roto of the ship with Mocha so the edges should be clean and sharp. I also reduced the jet-stream a bit, added some engine pulses, and sped up Kylo’s hair to realtime. If the flightpath is still an issue, I’d have to rethink the shot a little bit or look for a 3D model (which I haven’t been able to find). Honest feedback welcome!

I downloaded the clip, and I personally think this is perfect.


I downloaded the file too and have to say it looks a lot better poppa!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


poppasketti said:

Movies Remastered said:

They’re fairly quick and easy fixes if you can track the background. I can Photoshop the holding frames if that helps?

That would help, if you have the time!

Holding pages are done.

Poppa, Does Kylo need to be in the frame from the start? I find him distracting. What if he’s barely in frame at the start so the focus is on the ship and then he slightly comes into frame by the end? I just think that having him dominate the screen detracts from the small ship taking off which seems to be the point of this clip.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


dgraham414 said:

I can try to upload the Finn lines that I used if anybody wants them?

Not sure if I’m gonna mess with that scene any more. But your lines are all good. One of them I think was used shortly after though when downloading the message?

heil Palpatine!


krausfadr said:

dgraham414 said:

I can try to upload the Finn lines that I used if anybody wants them?

Not sure if I’m gonna mess with that scene any more. But your lines are all good. One of them I think was used shortly after though when downloading the message?

I neglected to watch forward in the seen when I was working on this… All the lines I pulled from Battlefront 2 where Boyega recorded about 6 minutes worth of dialogue. So, if he did say one of the lines later it would be from a different session (I think).

EDIT: Just checked and didn’t see any instances in that scene at least where Finn said any of the same dialogue.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Watched the 2nd workprint, great work! the film flows a lot better with those changes, i’m hyped for a “Rey Nobody” version, if you ever get to release it.


I do believe I’ve reached a point of having gone as far as I can do, with the current slate of ideas, until receiving materials from others. (And just updated the OP to reflect where we are.)

I was able to get the execution and underground scenes into shape tonight and add music to 3PO and R2. Starting the music right as 3PO wakes up from the memory restoration lets it end as the scene shifts back to the other characters and is a subtle way to include it. There should be some quiet moments with no music right after Yoda’s theme and the X-wing.

Oh, right, I still need to plug in the Palpatine music Cinefy sent me for the soul sucking moment. Okay, there’s one thing left for the moment!

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hi! sorry i’ve been out a few days !! v1 was wonderful! I would like to see your new version hal!


Okay, so this is most likely excessive, but hear me out.

If we’re talking canon here, Rey’s father is less of an actual son of Palpatine, and more of a “son” in that he is a clone originally created to eventually house Palpatine’s consciousness. Since this edit is already emphasizing the cloning aspect of Palpatine on Exegol, it would be a real “chef’s kiss” moment if Rey’s father was deepfaked to have Ian McDiarmid’s facial features. It would also help remedy the fact that, because of how the theatrical movie plays out, we have all imagined old and disfigured Palps having sex with Rey’s grandmother and those thoughts are best kept in the recesses of our subconscious.


AbramPT said:

Okay, so this is most likely excessive, but hear me out.

If we’re talking canon here, Rey’s father is less of an actual son of Palpatine, and more of a “son” in that he is a clone originally created to eventually house Palpatine’s consciousness. Since this edit is already emphasizing the cloning aspect of Palpatine on Exegol, it would be a real “chef’s kiss” moment if Rey’s father was deepfaked to have Ian McDiarmid’s facial features. It would also help remedy the fact that, because of how the theatrical movie plays out, we have all imagined old and disfigured Palps having sex with Rey’s grandmother and those thoughts are best kept in the recesses of our subconscious.

This would be cool but I doubt it could be done 100% convincingly. Deepfakes can be uncanny but you can usually see the seams.


Octorox said:

This would be cool but I doubt it could be done 100% convincingly. Deepfakes can be uncanny but you can usually see the seams.

True, true, true. It would surely take significant effort for what amounts to only a few seconds of footage. I really only threw it out there with the hope that some deepfake expert might see it and be all like, “oh yeah, I can do that no problem!” It’s weird how I’ve seen such impressive examples of deepfakes while others really don’t hit the mark.


Totally loved it.

  1. Rey’s training scene works really well, and I loved the new force vision.
  2. I like how you re-purposed Kylo touching Vader’s mask. That, with his own vision, fits amazingly with the following mask reforging sequence. Now it looks more like a character evolution (at least with the material we have). In TLJ he tried to create something new with Rey. But she refused, so he is forced to go back. Plus, it’s always great when scenes from previous movies are added. It reduces the feeling of an un-cohesive trilogy. Wonderful.
  3. Nice removal of Finn’s “POEEEEEE!”
  4. I liked the restructured Force dialogue between Rey and Kylo. I haven’t followed the thread so much in these days, unfortunately. Where’s the Kylo line “You were eight” from?
  5. I only don’t get what you did with the Dagger. Rey doesn’t do that ridiculous “Oh, the Dagger has the same shape of the Death Star”, and that’s wonderful. But how does she realize where the Wayfinder is? I mean… it’s ok if she can just sense it, but aboard Kylo’s Destroyer you kept Rey saying that she needs to retreive the Dagger. It’s not a criticism or anything. Just trying to understand.
  6. I also like how you moved Palpy’s “Kill me and my spirit wil blablabla”. It was stupid for him to tell Rey, because that’s something that should be used to NOT convince someone to kill him. Plus,.the fact that when Rey and Palpy meet we already know that gives a whole new feel to the scene.
  7. Leia touching Han’s medal works really great. You hinted that she was responsible for Kylo’s vision of Han without having to show her disappear after that. Bravo!

It’s great by its own, but even better as a base for other edits 😉

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


Hey, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. It’s probably good you haven’t been following the thread closely, since you can provide a fresher reaction

#2 is all thanks to DominicCobb, btw.

#4 is from poppasketti.

#5 has had some discussion, and the idea is that the dagger is the one whispering to her to nudge her in the right direction. It may not be clear enough to really be viable. I guess we are still indeterminate if it is truly viable to replace the Goonies moment.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Also, here’s a test of Mustafar. Visuals come from poppasketti and LILLIAN. Audio by LILLIAN, modded and scored by me. Not sure about the choice of music, but here’s where we are:


I almost feel it would be better if the troop transports (AALs) were seen flying over the forest instead of the TIES. It’s a little disjointed to see The three TIES flying to the Star Destroyer, (presumably) the same three TIES flying over the planet and then troop transports landing from somewhere.

I also think the color correction could be matched a bit better.