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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 163


Just seen V2 and I was blown away. Best fan edit I’ve seen so far. Well done everyone. I think with the other things yet to be added, it will make this film so so much better and be a fitting end to the saga.

I’m no editor, I have very little gripes at all. The only one improvement I think just needs to be looked at is when the Falcon lands back after we have the clipped out lihht speed skips, Finn does seem to be abruptly placed in the scene,is there any way of smoothing that transition a little bit? It’s a tiny thing, but if it can be done, excellent.

In the novelisation, Luke calls out to Leia several times. I’m not sure about this, it gaves us more Luke involvement which is good, and I think this was the intention, but ultimately takes away Leia’s decision to do what she has to do to reach Ben. What do you think? Better left out or put in?


I don’t think the movie is as clear as it could be about Finn’s force sensitivity being The Secret, since many have interpreted it as being in love with Rey, but it’s definitely pretty blatant that he is force sensitive. When Jannah talks about their mutiny, she calls it “a feeling” while the force theme plays and the shot places emphasis on that line, then Finn starts telling her about how the Force made it happen and brought them to that point.

Then with the command ship it’s the same theme, and she asks how he knows, and the music stops and he says “a feeling” again. It’s a very blatant callback, the only way to make it more obvious is for him to declare “the Force is guiding me!” Him sensing Rey’s death is just more evidence on top of that.


JKMaxx said:

I don’t think the movie is as clear as it could be about Finn’s force sensitivity being The Secret, since many have interpreted it as being in love with Rey, but it’s definitely pretty blatant that he is force sensitive. When Jannah talks about their mutiny, she calls it “a feeling” while the force theme plays and the shot places emphasis on that line, then Finn starts telling her about how the Force made it happen and brought them to that point.

Then with the command ship it’s the same theme, and she asks how he knows, and the music stops and he says “a feeling” again. It’s a very blatant callback, the only way to make it more obvious is for him to declare “the Force is guiding me!” Him sensing Rey’s death is just more evidence on top of that.

It’s as clear as day, no idea why so many people thank it’s about “His love for Rey” There hasn’t been any real sign of that since TFA.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I think the constant “rEyyy” simping is kind of an indication.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Finn is honestly very shouty in general in this film, really. Between that and the sassy quips towards Poe he doesn’t really do much of anything else. Shame


More than that, I think it’s that a lot of people have a hard time believing Finn would use his potential last words just to reveal he’s force-sensitive.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Hal 9000 said:

Having the porg sounds linger into the next shot is a great idea!

Klaud is still in the end celebration scene.

I’d feel better about removing the un-explicitly-resolved Finn secret if it can be removed without making the underworld scene feel weird.

And nice poster! I can include it as a bonus, even if another is the main cover art to match the other two edits.

Thanks Hal! ill probably make one more version of the poster just cause there are some weird things going on with the logo

booyah baybeee


Poor Finn, his character was so mishandled. The most interesting thing about him from TFA was a stormtrooper who turned (showing storm troopers could be more than just drones) that would have been something totally new and have his character build upon that with the Star Wars brand. (Which the leak Dual of the Fates script built upon, that was a good direction IMO)

… and then in this movie … the crew meets up with A WHOLE PLATOON OF TURNED STORMTROOPERS who essentially said “Hey, you know what was cool and unique with your character at the beginning of the trilogy, not so unique anymore! (cue in Nelson’s “Ha Ha!”)”

Anyway, with the whole thing regarding Finn’s proclamation of not telling Rey something. It was still baffling in theaters what HE wanted to say to her, but also, the context of the scene. (Yes, we see throughout the movie it heavily implies he is force sensitive, but again, not really points to what he wanted to say to her.)

The crew, made up of close friends, are probably about to be buried in quicksand and die. The last thing while he wants to say before he dies to his close friend is “I may be force sensitive?!”

Just think about it. The logic and context of the scene is baffling. Let’s say you are with a bunch of friends swimming in the ocean and you all get caught by an under current. You are all about to drown, and one of your friends turns to you and says: “INSERT NAME HERE, I always wanted to tell you I can bowl a perfect 300 game!”

Impressive. Yes. Interesting? Sure. But in that context, makes no sense to blurt out as his/her dying last words.

So although I don’t think you can get around that scene, the context of it MAKES NO SENSE for him to shout that out. You ASSUME you are about to die. That’s what his last dying word(s) will be for that moment? So for me its the context of the scene. That’s what I have a problem with it, personally. On top of that … he then keeps it as a secret the whole time? Really?

That ends my TED Talk.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


For what it’s worth, that’s why I like the clips JakeRyan17 posted in the redux thread (I believe they said Snooker made them?) where Finn calls to Poe instead, and Rey asks “So what were you gonna tell him?” in the cave. Even though there’s no romantic payoff for them, it’s believable that he was about to confess then jumped waaaay back when it turned out they weren’t dying after all. Works better than the force sensitivity or a random resurgence of his brief crush on Rey, anyway.


jarbear said:

Poor Finn, his character was so mishandled. The most interesting thing about him from TFA was a stormtrooper who turned (showing storm troopers could be more than just drones) that would have been something totally new and have his character build upon that with the Star Wars brand. (Which the leak Dual of the Fates script built upon, that was a good direction IMO)

… and then in this movie … the crew meets up with A WHOLE PLATOON OF TURNED STORMTROOPERS who essentially said “Hey, you know what was cool and unique with your character at the beginning of the trilogy, not so unique anymore! (cue in Nelson’s “Ha Ha!”)”

Anyway, with the whole thing regarding Finn’s proclamation of not telling Rey something. It was still baffling in theaters what HE wanted to say to her, but also, the context of the scene. (Yes, we see throughout the movie it heavily implies he is force sensitive, but again, not really points to what he wanted to say to her.)

The crew, made up of close friends, are probably about to be buried in quicksand and die. The last thing while he wants to say before he dies to his close friend is “I may be force sensitive?!”

Just think about it. The logic and context of the scene is baffling. Let’s say you are with a bunch of friends swimming in the ocean and you all get caught by an under current. You are all about to drown, and one of your friends turns to you and says: “INSERT NAME HERE, I always wanted to tell you I can bowl a perfect 300 game!”

Impressive. Yes. Interesting? Sure. But in that context, makes no sense to blurt out as his/her dying last words.

So although I don’t think you can get around that scene, the context of it MAKES NO SENSE for him to shout that out. You ASSUME you are about to die. That’s what his last dying word(s) will be for that moment? So for me its the context of the scene. That’s what I have a problem with it, personally. On top of that … he then keeps it as a secret the whole time? Really?

That ends my TED Talk.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, hit the nail on it’s head.
I say we axe that entire plot thread.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I’d be okay with removing the confession thing as long as it’s reference underneath the sand can be handled in a way that is not jarring. Cutting abruptly to Poe leading the way with the flashlight is.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Poppasketti just send me those two shots with Klaud removed, so check that one off!

And if you don’t have his link already, Movies Remastered, ask and you can get it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

I’d be okay with removing the confession thing as long as it’s reference underneath the sand can be handled in a way that is not jarring. Cutting abruptly to Poe leading the way with the flashlight is.

I may play with that a bit one of these days and see. Initial thought is remove all references of it and do away with the Poe and Finn bickering before they “execution” … basically tightening that scene up would be easy.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Hal 9000 said:

I’d be okay with removing the confession thing as long as it’s reference underneath the sand can be handled in a way that is not jarring. Cutting abruptly to Poe leading the way with the flashlight is.

If you cut just after Rey ignites her saber and then go straight to Poe and 3PO talking about the tunnels it takes out that whole “What was you going to tell me…?” line

Interested to see what Poppasketti did with Klaud. nice work 😃

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hal 9000 said:

I’d be okay with removing the confession thing as long as it’s reference underneath the sand can be handled in a way that is not jarring. Cutting abruptly to Poe leading the way with the flashlight is.

You would have to cut from Poe in the rear to Poe up front. The change didn’t bother me. Just showed he hurried up. But you could always put another scene in the middle to show more passage of time.

heil Palpatine!


jarbear said:

Poor Finn, his character was so mishandled. The most interesting thing about him from TFA was a stormtrooper who turned (showing storm troopers could be more than just drones) that would have been something totally new and have his character build upon that with the Star Wars brand. (Which the leak Dual of the Fates script built upon, that was a good direction IMO)

… and then in this movie … the crew meets up with A WHOLE PLATOON OF TURNED STORMTROOPERS who essentially said “Hey, you know what was cool and unique with your character at the beginning of the trilogy, not so unique anymore! (cue in Nelson’s “Ha Ha!”)”

Anyway, with the whole thing regarding Finn’s proclamation of not telling Rey something. It was still baffling in theaters what HE wanted to say to her, but also, the context of the scene. (Yes, we see throughout the movie it heavily implies he is force sensitive, but again, not really points to what he wanted to say to her.)

The crew, made up of close friends, are probably about to be buried in quicksand and die. The last thing while he wants to say before he dies to his close friend is “I may be force sensitive?!”

Just think about it. The logic and context of the scene is baffling. Let’s say you are with a bunch of friends swimming in the ocean and you all get caught by an under current. You are all about to drown, and one of your friends turns to you and says: “INSERT NAME HERE, I always wanted to tell you I can bowl a perfect 300 game!”

Impressive. Yes. Interesting? Sure. But in that context, makes no sense to blurt out as his/her dying last words.

So although I don’t think you can get around that scene, the context of it MAKES NO SENSE for him to shout that out. You ASSUME you are about to die. That’s what his last dying word(s) will be for that moment? So for me its the context of the scene. That’s what I have a problem with it, personally. On top of that … he then keeps it as a secret the whole time? Really?

That ends my TED Talk.

TFA set up the cards to make him an interesting, unique idea.

A nameless faceless stormtrooper who turns into a new hero, maybe even a Jedi…that adds something to the SW universe. It explores the philosophy/joke that every SW fan has made for decades about whether the Stormtroopers deserved sympathy for just regular people doing their jobs.

TLJ and ROS had no idea what to do after that point. JJ sort of had the “secret Jedi” in the works but never actually followed through, and Rian did the weird “subverted expectations” suicide and tacked on romance, neither of which meant anything.

The Duel of the Fates script gave a far far better completion to his arc that didn’t even NEED the secret Jedi aspect, yet they didn’t go with that either.

Maybe it will be possible someday to Deepfake some sort of Stormtrooper rebellion?


thebluefrog said:

jarbear said:

Poor Finn, his character was so mishandled. The most interesting thing about him from TFA was a stormtrooper who turned (showing storm troopers could be more than just drones) that would have been something totally new and have his character build upon that with the Star Wars brand. (Which the leak Dual of the Fates script built upon, that was a good direction IMO)

… and then in this movie … the crew meets up with A WHOLE PLATOON OF TURNED STORMTROOPERS who essentially said “Hey, you know what was cool and unique with your character at the beginning of the trilogy, not so unique anymore! (cue in Nelson’s “Ha Ha!”)”

Anyway, with the whole thing regarding Finn’s proclamation of not telling Rey something. It was still baffling in theaters what HE wanted to say to her, but also, the context of the scene. (Yes, we see throughout the movie it heavily implies he is force sensitive, but again, not really points to what he wanted to say to her.)

The crew, made up of close friends, are probably about to be buried in quicksand and die. The last thing while he wants to say before he dies to his close friend is “I may be force sensitive?!”

Just think about it. The logic and context of the scene is baffling. Let’s say you are with a bunch of friends swimming in the ocean and you all get caught by an under current. You are all about to drown, and one of your friends turns to you and says: “INSERT NAME HERE, I always wanted to tell you I can bowl a perfect 300 game!”

Impressive. Yes. Interesting? Sure. But in that context, makes no sense to blurt out as his/her dying last words.

So although I don’t think you can get around that scene, the context of it MAKES NO SENSE for him to shout that out. You ASSUME you are about to die. That’s what his last dying word(s) will be for that moment? So for me its the context of the scene. That’s what I have a problem with it, personally. On top of that … he then keeps it as a secret the whole time? Really?

That ends my TED Talk.

TFA set up the cards to make him an interesting, unique idea.

A nameless faceless stormtrooper who turns into a new hero, maybe even a Jedi…that adds something to the SW universe. It explores the philosophy/joke that every SW fan has made for decades about whether the Stormtroopers deserved sympathy for just regular people doing their jobs.

TLJ and ROS had no idea what to do after that point. JJ sort of had the “secret Jedi” in the works but never actually followed through, and Rian did the weird “subverted expectations” suicide and tacked on romance, neither of which meant anything.

The Duel of the Fates script gave a far far better completion to his arc that didn’t even NEED the secret Jedi aspect, yet they didn’t go with that either.

Maybe it will be possible someday to Deepfake some sort of Stormtrooper rebellion?

His was the first face we saw in in the TFA teaser, “There has been an awakening”!
It should’ve been Finn 😦

JKMaxx said:

For what it’s worth, that’s why I like the clips JakeRyan17 posted in the redux thread (I believe they said Snooker made them?) where Finn calls to Poe instead, and Rey asks “So what were you gonna tell him?” in the cave. Even though there’s no romantic payoff for them, it’s believable that he was about to confess then jumped waaaay back when it turned out they weren’t dying after all. Works better than the force sensitivity or a random resurgence of his brief crush on Rey, anyway.

I also thought Snookers tweaks gave his character more overall progression, I felt there was little in the film aluding to him being Force sensitive unfortunately 😦

Cheers, Paul


made final versions of my own cover if anyone interested, again there’s a normal one and an alternate colour one.

booyah baybeee


Real cool cover art, Ben! If there’s one thing that I could suggest about the edit, it would be to remove the brief scne of comedic banter between Leia and Snap Wexley and replace it with the brief scene of the Knights of Ren arriving in the desert.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Hal 9000 said:

Awesome! Makes me feel like I’m publishing a 70’s grindhouse flick. 😃

Here’s poppasketti’s visual and my audio for Ochi’s ship leaving. Be honest, does this feel legit?

Imo it still needs another pass. The flight path is a little too straight and Kylo looks a little bit copy/pasted into the shot, not sure why.