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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 162


I don’t feel the need to make a point of bringing Finn down much.

I’m hesitant to remove the Finn having something to say thing because it’s a good chunk of what implies he’s Force sensitive. I already used poppasketti’s Rey voiceover in TLJ to tie into this even. And I find it awkward to cut out the reference to this in the sandy underworld.

We don’t really see any birds or porgs on Ach-to so it feels sort of weird to add foley for something not even there. Maybe they migrated South to an evil island.

I removed Rey’s line (“…really difficult”) rather than Finn’s (“we just landed”), since Finn doesn’t speak for a while otherwise.

And I added a little more of the DOTF from Solo to bridge more smoothly into the existing score.

My stance on revising fan edits.


idir_hh said:

Hal are you planning on adding Luke and Leia’s theme over their training sequence? I feel like it’s a lot more appropriate.

No, as much as I love that music this scene is focusing on Leia in particular after we are introduced to her saber. It makes sense as is, and plus it would probably be really difficult to do since there’s sound effects flying around everywhere.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:
We don’t really see any birds or porgs on Ach-to so it feels sort of weird to add foley for something not even there. Maybe they migrated South to an evil island.

I guess that’s fair, I don’t really know, Ahch-To in TROS just feels more like two soundstages than a living, breathing island

booyah baybeee


Hal 9000 said:
I’m hesitant to remove the Finn having something to say thing because it’s a good chunk of what implies he’s Force sensitive. I already used poppasketti’s Rey voiceover in TLJ to tie into this even. And I find it awkward to cut out the reference to this in the sandy underworld.

I’d argue that him having this “secret” for Rey doesn’t really hurt or help the implication that he’s Force sensitive. I certainly didn’t connect the dots when I saw it in the theater, and all the other hints are still there regardless of what you do with the secret. If I have free time later I might try to mock up how I would remove it.


I watched the first 20 minutes of the v2, and oh my god it makes the movie flow so much better than the theatrical cut. The restructuring was very well done


Hi, all! New member of the forum, but longtime visitor. I’m really impressed with not only the quality of work you folks have been producing, but the collaborative approach. It’s very very cool.

I’d love to see Hal’s v2, if anyone would send me a link?



For some reason I feel like the inserted trailer shot of Leia holding Han’s medal doesn’t really blend well with the other shots of Leia in terms of lighting/framing. I wonder if someone could make it a closer match to the previous shot of Leia?


Just noticed a small continuity error. Rey’s new vision at the beginning shows a glimpse of her shooting lightning out of her hand on Pasanna, only it isn’t yellow in the vision.
EDIT: Looks like this workprint doesn’t have this change but just wanted to let you know anyways.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Just noticed a small continuity error. Rey’s new vision at the beginning shows a glimpse of her shooting lightning out of her hand on Pasanna, only it isn’t yellow in the vision.
EDIT: Looks like this workprint doesn’t have this change but just wanted to let you know anyways.

Visions are never supposed to be clear. Wouldn’t call it a continuity error.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


The yellow lightning was meant for a ‘Rey Nobody’ version, to distance her from Palpatine, with the added meaning of her saber being incorporating or accepting her shadow. But the majority opinion seems to be that blue is better, even for that alternate version.

Related: For the regular Rey Palpatine version, should Palpatine’s fingers crackle when we first see them? Might just remove it in both versions. Why make it any more obvious than it already is when Rey shoots lightning what the reveal is gonna be?

“Why did the Emperor come for me? Why did he want to kill a child? Tell me.”

“Lol, didn’t you figure it out when you shot lightning? You’re Dooku’s great-granddaughter’s sister.”

My stance on revising fan edits.


Following the second workprint, here’s everything still needed at this point from others. If certain of these are received I can get to a point of locking down sync of the edit and be able to get other things ready to go. Again, I hope to expedite this in order to avoid it being stuck in limbo once the Fall hits and I have even less time to put toward it.

  • Opening crawl expected from Sir Ridley
  • Material needed for Mustafar expected from LILLIAN (seemed busy, will ask about it again soon)
  • Removing Klaud from two shots (poppasketti is taking a look)
  • The two vision scenes expected from DominicCobb
  • Squeaky wheel footage needs to be processed to be usable (no path forward at present and may be omitted; MoviesRemastered pleaded with his YouTube audience for help too)
  • Leia saying “Ben, come home” expected from DominicCobb
  • Luke’s haircut expected from jonh (and perhaps he could dial down Luke’s blue hue as well)
  • Ben Solo’s spirit for end scene expected from jonh

My stance on revising fan edits.


I know this edit is inconsequential and more just a personal gripe, but it just bugged me that there’s one shot of porgs and one sound with no trail off, so I just thought a small trail off would make it feel a little less slapped in lol

password: fanedit

booyah baybeee


I just finished checking out the workprint V2. Gosh that first act is so much more pleasant to watch.


Hal 9000 said:

I’m hesitant to remove the Finn having something to say thing because it’s a good chunk of what implies he’s Force sensitive.

I saw the whole movie and not once did I think Finn was Force sensitive. Honestly, does that really matter as a plot point? It doesn’t really contribute anything. Besides, the Force dwells in all living things, it’s not binary.

Removing Klaud from two shots

So from the whole movie.


If anyone pulls through I’ll let you know, please do the same if you find anyone.

Just realised I spelt my email wrong in the video 🤦🏻‍♂️

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Anakin Starkiller said:

Hal 9000 said:

I’m hesitant to remove the Finn having something to say thing because it’s a good chunk of what implies he’s Force sensitive.

I saw the whole movie and not once did I think Finn was Force sensitive. Honestly, does that really matter as a plot point? It doesn’t really contribute anything. Besides, the Force dwells in all living things, it’s not binary.

Removing Klaud from two shots

So from the whole movie.

it kinda does, the force is literally the only way he knows which ship is hosting the navigation systems

booyah baybeee


to be fair that could easily be reframed as a part of his knowledge of First Ordet systems. It could be an a-class process or whatever tlj calls it lol


snooker said:

to be fair that could easily be reframed as a part of his knowledge of First Ordet systems. It could be an a-class process or whatever tlj calls it lol

I mean I guess, but the force theme does play while he’s staring at the ship

booyah baybeee


Also if anyone’s interested im making my own blu ray covers for my personal copy ill make. I used some international poster art, upscaled it, messed around with colours and made my own logo. Made a normal and crazy one.

booyah baybeee


My favourite so far.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Having the porg sounds linger into the next shot is a great idea!

Klaud is still in the end celebration scene.

I’d feel better about removing the un-explicitly-resolved Finn secret if it can be removed without making the underworld scene feel weird.

And nice poster! I can include it as a bonus, even if another is the main cover art to match the other two edits.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’ve just finished watching the v2. Great job! This is so so much better than the theatrical cut, thank you all for your efforts with these edits, I’m excited to see what the final version will look like.


What if we replace Finn’s “R2” at the beginning of the film with a line like “look sharp” or something to help that scene flow. As it stands Finn just saying R2’s name feels a bit awkward.

At :36 he says “look sharp”.
2:40 “This is it”
2:51 “Here we go”

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.