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Post #1357175

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
22-Jun-2020, 5:21 PM

krausfadr said:

Finn was way too sassy, especially in that scene. The “always” line is the one piece of sass I would have left in though-- but it went right into all his huffing and eye-rolls and it made him just way out of character. He was decisive and awesome in TLJ then suddenly a hesitant mother hen in TROS. The lightspeed skipping argument was just redundant and so over the top unnecessary. I made the following changes to try and Make Finn Great Again and would encourage other editors to improve Finn as well:

  1. Cut sassy-pants Finn as he’s bumped around in the Falcon’s gunner seat.
  2. Cut Finn’s sassy-pants agreement about “bouldering” the TIE fighters.
  3. Cut Finn’s line to Poe in the Falcon, “Get us back to base” and cut his glance over just before he says it.
  4. During the lightspeed skipping, cut Finn’s loud reaction and replaced his loud lines, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” And “HOW DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DO THAT?” He’s now calmer and maybe more in tune with the force.
  5. Cut Rey greeting Finn and Rey’s extended argument with Poe over lightspeed skipping. This removes Finn’s sassy-pants line “always” referring to Poe being in a bad mood as well as Finn’s eye rolls, huffing, and acting like a sassy mother hen.
  6. Cut Finn’s useless line, “It’s true” to Rey after Poe storms off.
  7. Cut Finn’s useless line, “I’ve never seen so few Wayfinders” to depict him as more wise than wisecracking.
  8. Cut Finn’s prolonged glancing at the rope before he throws it at the Stormtrooper speeder bike. This was overly showing us “hey look Finn’s getting an idea.”
  9. As Finn is sinking into the sand, cut his line about telling Rey something.
  10. Cut Rey and Finn’s conversation about the secret he had to tell her.
  11. The final briefing ends with Poe speaking, cutting Finn’s lackluster line about taking the war to them.
  12. Cut Finn’s lines, “Lando you did it. YOU DIIIIID IT!!!”
  13. Trimmed Finn and Jannah running on top of Falcon mid-flight so they don’t ridiculously pause to sightsee the destruction around them.
  14. Cut Finn’s line about everyone in the galaxy rising. Too little too late Finn.

I agree with nearly all of this, it would make Finn much better