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Post #1357163

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
22-Jun-2020, 4:37 PM

Movies Remastered said:

Sounds like you’re gonna love my edit!

Glad you pointed out about Finn saying “so few wayfinders” I was going to look up the script to see if that’s what he actually said as he didn’t even know what a wayfinder was less than an hour ago.

The way I cut it was to use the 4 beat clean music clip from the opening segment over Finn’s line and overlay it with a cutaway to BB8 using the desert scene from TFA when he first meets Rey.

Yeah it was actually a little involved getting rid of that line and making everything else work. The problem is as he’s walking by he’s clearly moving his mouth as he says the line. I ended up having to foley in some more canister whooshing sounds and move one of Poe’s lines.