That’s correct. I want to assure anybody concerned over funding that I would not have even announced this project if I was not financially prepared for it. I didn’t just happen on the idea of preserving this film a few days or weeks before posting in April— it’s been years in the making and in that time I‘ve always made sure to set aside whatever I could to eventually afford the UHD scans and audio captures, once I tracked down the right source material as well.
Speaking of which, that’s the real help I’m asking for: to track down R1 and R4 from another 8-reel Technicolor print. I may be receiving such help very soon. I’ll share any good news when I’m able to.
I didn’t want to post this here as complete beginners who just want to get the big files will offer help, but when you have this scanned I would love to help in the restoration of this, like you I have a soft spot for this film. It along with Cinema Paradiso are the only films I have full on cried to. This film has left an impression on me like few others and restoring this would be such a worthwhile task for this beauty of a film.