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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 153


Hal 9000 said:

It’s too bad footage had to be reversed in order to get enough room. I think finding some alternate source for a choir belting out those notes, maybe with a little less gusto, would help make it feel diagetic to that moment.

I agree though, it’s a natural idea for that moment.

Absolutely agreed. It’s great to get the full music phrase in there, but the version that General Kenobi posted definitely sounds more diagetic. Perhaps as a result of it sounding like the choir is fully diagetic, and the trumpets sounding like they’re in the soundtrack supporting the in-room choir.


Movies Remastered said:

nl0428 said:

Personally, I would remove Leia’s line, “Rey. Never be afraid of who you are.”

If you remove that line would you also remove the same line from Sith Rey?

Nah, I wouldn’t. If we were going with a Rey nobody approach, having Leia say it to her implies her lineage, and not to mention, it would make Rey taking on the Skywalker name have a far greater effect and it wouldn’t feel as if she’s going against what Leia told her. Also, at that point in the film when her Dark Side self appears, it can be implied that she would be referring to Rey’s inner Dark Side, and it’s a temptation that the vision and Kylo Ren would be egging her onto.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


@jkimm, If you cut it that heavy you’ll miss the “never underestimate a droid” line. If you use a cut away to bb8 you can still keep that line of dialogue.

I was actually going to suggest removing Rey saying that line to BB8 on the skiff during the chase scene too. Seems highly unlikely that she would doubt a droids ability.


jkimm said:

@jkimm, If you cut it that heavy you’ll miss the “never underestimate a droid” line. If you use a cut away to bb8 you can still keep that line of dialogue.

I was actually going to suggest removing Rey saying that line to BB8 on the skiff during the chase scene too. Seems highly unlikely that she would doubt a droids ability.

She’s not. It’s a reference to Leia who says the same thing to her earlier.


I think that’s taking that line at face value when it’s very clearly not literal, but delivered in a wry, amused fashion. Leia is not literally telling Rey that she shouldn’t underestimate BB-8’s abilities, nor is she repeating it on the skiff as if BB-8 has proven her wrong.


I think cutting any of Leia’s scenes other than when she says “from the very beginning…” during the message reveal would be sacrilege.

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JKMaxx said:

I think that’s taking that line at face value when it’s very clearly not literal, but delivered in a wry, amused fashion. Leia is not literally telling Rey that she shouldn’t underestimate BB-8’s abilities, nor is she repeating it on the skiff as if BB-8 has proven her wrong.

I get what you’re saying but to me it just seemed like a setup to a “cute” moment later on in the film.


How does everyone feel about the lightsaber exchange? It’s fine when Leia first hands it to Rey to train but the back and forth later on seems kinda pointless. Rey already earned it from her experience in the previous two films.


Movies Remastered said:

I think cutting any of Leia’s scenes other than when she says “from the very beginning…” during the message reveal would be sacrilege.

Hear hear! (do people still say that? I’m from 1835)


poppasketti said:

Movies Remastered said:

I think cutting any of Leia’s scenes other than when she says “from the very beginning…” during the message reveal would be sacrilege.

Hear hear! (do people still say that? I’m from 1835)

Haha! No sure which country you’re from but the British government say it all the time. It works for me!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I honestly feel like a lot more needs to be done with the first 20 minutes. It felt rushed in the theater and the cuts made make it feel even more rushed.

The main problem I have had with this film is how long it takes for me to get my footing when I watch it. What is there right now makes that feeling worse. It is just soooo quick, with no room to breathe.

I need to think more about how that can be improved, but rearranging the scenes breaks the logic of the film. Since there can’t be a spy in the FO to tell them anything until Kylo knows… trying to move the Rey training scene up works with logically, but thematically it is a weird scene to start on…

I guess I’m just in despair with the beginning…

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


If any thing I think the original arrangement is what brakes the logic, kylo find the fleet and palpatine, next shot in remote space the spy had already Intercepted the information. The scene rearrangement actually spaces out the events making the spy’s acquisition of the information more logical.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

If any thing I think the original arrangement is what brakes the logic, kylo find the fleet and palpatine, next shot in remote space the spy had already Intercepted the information. The scene rearrangement actually spaces out the events making the spy’s acquisition of the information more logical.

From the workprint it seemed like the scenes were in the same order, just some were shorter and a few lines were changed. These were good changes on a micro sense, but as a whole, there wasn’t a substantial change of the beginning.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


dgraham414 said:

idir_hh said:

If any thing I think the original arrangement is what brakes the logic, kylo find the fleet and palpatine, next shot in remote space the spy had already Intercepted the information. The scene rearrangement actually spaces out the events making the spy’s acquisition of the information more logical.

From the workprint it seemed like the scenes were in the same order, just some were shorter and a few lines were changed. These were good changes on a micro sense, but as a whole, there wasn’t a substantial change of the beginning.

What I meant by scene rearrangement is this proposed new order of scenes :
Mustafar/Exogol montage/palpatine -> Rey trainging-> Rey gives saber to leia/asks about falcon-> falcon flight -> Rey reads book/falcon arrives.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


poppasketti said:

Here’s an alt for the end celebration including Coruscant in place of Endor!

Coruscant End Celebration
pw: fanedit

The incredible backplate was made by jonh, and I comped in the ships and added a bit of texture.

Excellent work by both of you!


I’m not sure if you would want to go with these (edit: for the goonies moment with the dagger replacement), but here are some Sith whispers from KOTOR. They’re in English, so if you listen hard enough you can make out some words, but in the game they’re never loud enough over the music to be intelligible so I imagine you could do similar here. Maybe they could be reversed or you could play one male voiced line over a female voiced line, or do both, to further garble the words.