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Post #1355612

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
17-Jun-2020, 12:39 AM

DZ-330 said:

If we remove Leia knowing than it would likely be best to also remove her line to Rey of “Rey, never be afraid of who you are.”

Disagree, I think it still works in a general sense. She doesn’t have to literally mean “because you’re a Palpatine.”

Hal, I get what you’re saying about having Leia say “come home”, but as it stands it still just feels like it’s not super clear what she’s actually doing? It almost feels like she’s distracting him so Rey can get her swipe in. At least having her say “come home” would somewhat clear up her intentions and dovetail nicely with Han’s statements e.g. “she’s gone, but what she fought for isn’t” etc. (Also, if we see his ghost in the end, he has “come home” to her)

Some other notes from watching the workprint:

  • I definitely think Klaud has to go, because he feels like a random presence without his introduction

  • The transition from the Falcon jumping into hyperspace to Rey meditating feels pretty fast. I wonder if it would be possible to add an establishing shot of the jungle? This movie lacks establishing shots in general

  • I think the lightspeed skipping mentions have to be cut around. I can’t watch that sequence without wondering what they’re talking about.

  • The continuity error of Rey having the saber on her belt bugs me every time I see it now

  • C3PO’s “in the event that I do not return, I want you to know that you are my best friend” feels like really clumsy foreshadowing. I wonder if you could just cut the “In the event I do not return” out?

  • I’m okay with you keeping the thing Finn wanted to tell Rey but I wish we could do something to make his Force sensitivity more obvious. Maybe add a quick flash of Kylo in his TIE when he senses his presence? Add cross dissolves when he senses Rey’s death?

  • I think you should consider using some of the Knights of Ren dialogue that was created in another thread. Anything to give them more of a presence/personality would be appreciated.

  • There’s a scene of Ren force-skyping with the emperor that feels super brief and abrupt. This is right before the gang discuss their next steps on Ochi’s ship. Not sure if there is some way to extend, move or even cut the scene to improve pacing.

  • I can’t wait for the Rey nobody version.