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Post #1354983

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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
15-Jun-2020, 1:23 AM

StarkillerAG said:

Not sure if I’d like that either. I’ve never really liked shipping in general. Two fictional characters hooking up just seems like a completely inconsequential thing to get all worked up about. There are far more important issues with this movie that should be focused on instead.

I get that. I was against it until Abrams made LGBTQ+ representation part of the marketing campaign, only for it to be two unnamed characters in the background of a wide shot.

They had incredible chemistry, and Oscar Isaac not only wanted the romance but played scenes up with that intention. Zorri was only put in the film to solidify that both characters were straight… which is kinda insulting. Of all the things to bog the film down with, shouting “no homo” with a pointless cameo for one of the director’s friends while selling the opposite idea to the public was just messed up. I’ve adjusted my cuts to help fix this.