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D+80 - Empire Strikes Back - 4K Theatrical Reconstruction (Released) — Page 2


The scenes on Hoth look too blue and i think you should colour correct to the original intended white.😊😉😊😉


Showing your ignorance here, both of the project and of the film itself.

First up, this release is a single pass color correction of the Disney source. As in a single correction for the whole film. You are very welcome to color correct each scene to your own liking, but that was/is never the intention of this project. Maybe read up on the project?

Secondly, Hoth was always blue it was never white. Check the original film sources. Yes snow is white, but when lit it looks blue. Are the scenes in D+80 too blue? Maybe. But Hoth was never intended to be white even in 1980.

For someone who calls themselves a purist you really don’t seem to know your facts about the film’s original colors.


Compare the colours to D+80 to Adywan’s The Empire Strikes Back: Revisited to see what i meant.😊😉😊😉


Adywan’s colors are as subjective as D+80! Look at the prints not fanedits.


Stotchy said:

Secondly, Hoth was always blue it was never white. Check the original film sources. Yes snow is white, but when lit it looks blue. Are the scenes in D+80 too blue? Maybe. But Hoth was never intended to be white even in 1980.

Actually, that’s not entirely true. Hoth snow was always meant to be white. Gary Kurtz said how hard they had to work to maintain the white colour of the snow while filming. When it came to duplicating the film for theatrical release, the process got screwed up. causing a heavy blue boost and shift. Gary said that the only time that Empire was ever screened and had the correct grading was at the 70mm premiers. While the 70mm release prints didn’t suffer the overly blue grading the 35mm prints were nothing like they had originally graded the film. The same thing happened with ROTJ. Most people would have seen ROTJ with a very heavy blue tint to it due to botched the duplication process. Compare a 35mm theatrical print with say a 35mm show print and you can see the difference in colour.




Does v2.1 have added grain to it?

“Remember, the Force will be with you… always.”


Just saw this, and appreciate the work going into it. Always happy to see a well done project.


so is this better than 4k80 or close?

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


Moiisty said:

so is this better than 4k80 or close?

4k80 is not even done yet. No idea when it’ll be released, they are taking there time and making sure everything is in order.
4K80 will be true to the Original edits of the film. D+80 uses either the Disney+ (v1.x) and UHD (v2.x)(v2.1 is the newest). D+80 is a reconstruction of the original theater version. It mainly uses the 4k 2019 masters as a source, but with the Special Editions changes replaced with 35mm film scans.

One day we will have properly restored versions of the Original Unaltered Trilogy (OUT); or 1977, 1980, 1983 Theatrical released versions (Like 4K77,4K80 and 4K83); including Prequels. So that future generations can enjoy these historic films that changed cinema forever.

Yoda: Try not, do or do not, there is no try.


I realize it has been a couple of years, but I was wondering if I could get a link to this version, as the 4K version is still in process.


I really like the idea of doing a modified version compared to Harmy’s versions. Where you take the latest official versions, and then use 4K scans of a theatrical print to cut out the offensive stuff. And depending on the shot, you may just cut out a portion of the 4k scan to cover up some CGI changes instead of using the whole frame, depending on the shot and what’s being covered up and depending on the quality of the 4k scanned print.

Though I’d leave some fixes in like when they removed matte lines and fixed it where you can’t see the red tshirt on the whampa arm anymore, etc.

I really do like the new recomposited snow speeders on Hoth. In the original version, the snow speeders looked like cardboard cutouts. So, even though they recomposited the ships in slightly different locations, I’d leave it.

I’m also someone who actually likes how they redid the shadows under the land speeder, etc. as it looks more natural.


I’ve had some projects in mind for quite some time and Oohteedee’s work has finally put sources in my grubby little paws that makes it easy. His D+XX releases start with a basic color correction to the D+ release and then all the SE changes (not the nearly invisible fixes) are removed with material from 35mm scans that are matched to the D+ footage. It is a dream to work with. The D+ footage has lots of issues if you want to make a truly great color correction. But with how Oohteedee releases these versions of the movies, everything is in a usable package that requires very minor adjustments. Well, there are some shots that just aren’t salvageable if you really want them to look good. I’ve replaced 5 shots from other 35 mm sources in ANH. But for the OT, every shot from the general release back in 77 through the 97 SE is available in HD (or 4K). I’ve so enjoyed comparing the SE changes with properly matched OUT shots and getting lost as to which was which because it is so well done. Not only are his versions more watchable than the official release, but they are an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to do more than just watch.


My blu-ray player will play the MKV video file via disc or USB. Though you can’t fast forward or rewind.

Does anyone know of a program where I could say convert the MKV video file to something else. And then be able to put it on a blu-ray disc with the different audio tracks? And then where I could still be able to select different audio tracks and/or subtitles when playing it in a blu-ray player?


My advice would be to look into setting up a Plex media server. It’s free software that lets you stream your video and audio files to your devices and supports multiple audio tracks and subtitles. If your television supports native apps you might be able to stream directly to your television. If not I’d recommend something like an inexpensive Amazon firestick that you can load the plex app onto.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

My advice would be to look into setting up a Plex media server. It’s free software that lets you stream your video and audio files to your devices and supports multiple audio tracks and subtitles. If your television supports native apps you might be able to stream directly to your television. If not I’d recommend something like an inexpensive Amazon firestick that you can load the plex app onto.

That sounds like something very complicated compared to converting it over to a different format that you can burn to a blu-ray disc that preserves all audio tracks and/or subtitles. Also, I don’t have a smart TV.

I did convert the MKV file to MP4. And I was able to fast forward and rewind via USB in my blu-ray player, though there was only one audio track. The audio track that is in the MKV file. I had wanted to be able to check out the other supplied audio tracks so I could pick out the one I think sounds the best.


Tobar said:

My advice would be to look into setting up a Plex media server. It’s free software that lets you stream your video and audio files to your devices and supports multiple audio tracks and subtitles. If your television supports native apps you might be able to stream directly to your television. If not I’d recommend something like an inexpensive Amazon firestick that you can load the plex app onto.

I’d recommend Jellyfin over Plex as JF is FLOSS and Plex is proprietary


pat man said:

Moiisty said:

so is this better than 4k80 or close?

4k80 is not even done yet. No idea when it’ll be released, they are taking there time and making sure everything is in order.
4K80 will be true to the Original edits of the film. D+80 uses either the Disney+ (v1.x) and UHD (v2.x)(v2.1 is the newest). D+80 is a reconstruction of the original theater version. It mainly uses the 4k 2019 masters as a source, but with the Special Editions changes replaced with 35mm film scans.

Hello everyone,

I have watched version 2.1 of this amazing edit about four times and I honestly did not notice any changes that were missed personally. The only change that was not changed back to the original theatrical version was the logo on the correct side of the imperial officer in the end, which was different from the original 1980 version.

Other than that, everything else seems to be pretty much the original theatrical version to me.


omas4071 said:

pat man said:

Moiisty said:

so is this better than 4k80 or close?

4k80 is not even done yet. No idea when it’ll be released, they are taking there time and making sure everything is in order.
4K80 will be true to the Original edits of the film. D+80 uses either the Disney+ (v1.x) and UHD (v2.x)(v2.1 is the newest). D+80 is a reconstruction of the original theater version. It mainly uses the 4k 2019 masters as a source, but with the Special Editions changes replaced with 35mm film scans.

Hello everyone,

I have watched version 2.1 of this amazing edit about four times and I honestly did not notice any changes that were missed personally. The only change that was not changed back to the original theatrical version was the logo on the correct side of the imperial officer in the end, which was different from the original 1980 version.

Other than that, everything else seems to be pretty much the original theatrical version to me.

or the cropped falcon cockpit shots


Is v 2.1 still the most current version of D+80?


whoever wants to share a link in private conversation: i’d be much obliged 😃.