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Post #1352298

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BANNED BOND: The Criterion Collection on DVD (Released)
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Date created
5-Jun-2020, 2:54 PM

Williarob said:

Perhaps this is what you are looking for:


It recreates the laserdisc content (including the extra logos) using Bluray footage and laserdisc audio.

These guys only want contributing donors to share anything, if at all. It’s one thing to ask for donations or funding for some project, like buying some rare material from eBay, it’s another to be rapacious about everything you can touch. That’s why sharing is dead nowadays, thanks to that sort of attitude and even for free we have private trackers only restricted to their clique and with all their screening, ruin things for everyone. I bet these guys will be a honeypot for a “bust” similar to the one that happened with the defunct Megaupload in 2012, and when that happens even them will have no access to said material. It’s sharing, especially FREE SHARING, that ensures this stuff will not be gone tomorrow. And make no mistake, that’s what copyright trolls only care about. Just look at what they are doing to Internet Archive these days…

It only took me a few hours to do what I asked. I only needed to discover how to sync properly. I added 24 seconds of black image to the beginning of the Blu-ray-rip, which it’s not ideal, still I think I managed to sync (for Dr. No) the 2 tracks you (or 007 Dossier) shared. I haven’t tried this for a lossless Blu-ray rip because I currently don’t have one for this movie, only a lossy copy at 1804x1080. A lossless MKV rip can be created with help from MAKEMKV and adjusted by MKVToolnix, if someone is interested.

This is what I did for my lossy rip:


First I opened the lossy rip and decided to extract a small portion from it, to reinsert in the beginning. That would make sure no reencode would be necessary, so the image quality would stay the same. This is the ideal scenario.

That portion would be used to be added to the beginning, with the condition it would not have any audio related to it or if that’s the case, then it would be something that could not mess with the beginning by making it worse, before the MGM logo. In this case it was better to wait 20-25 seconds with no image rather than insert a random logo and force a reencode. A reencode would be required, too, if I had a logo matching with what he listen in the beginning of these 2 banned tracks because MKVTOOLNIX refuses to combine files totally different in terms of resolution and other technical data.

That Superman IV project I have here, and it has a VHS or LD logo added to the beginning, if I am not mistaken, the rip has 20 GB (it’s even bigger than the lossless file from the original Blu-ray), however it’s a reencode in the end.

This movie has I believe 8 seconds of black image before the file ends. I said before 18.6 seconds would be required (at the start), to compensate the differences. However we can’t cut as much as we want, due to the cut being only based on keyframes (I think this is how it’s called). In other words, if I wanted to cut 1 second and the keyframe had a lenght of 8 seconds, then I would be forced to accept 8 seconds or more, never less. That depends on the scene or how the file was created in the first place.

The only way to cut at a precise moment anywhere in the movie, or as much as I want equals = reencode.

This is how I cut the 8 seconds from the ending:

  1. Open the lossy rip from DR. NO with MKVToolnix. Disable all items (all tracks), except for the video one. Then go to Output, Split mode. After output duration: 01:49:40 (the movie has 01:49:50). Maximum number of files: 2 (or unlimited…)

MKVTOOLNIX will save 2 extra files. The second will have the last 8 seconds (which means the last keyframe has 8 seconds).

  1. Create 2 more copies from the generated file with 8 seconds. Control + C and control V.

  2. Open one of them and with the right button choose Append Files. Select the other 2 and save as a new file. This new file will have 24 seconds and 23 ms. I am going to call it “TWENTY.mkv”.

  3. Open the lossy rip again from Dr. NO, disable all items (all tracks), except for the video. Save as a new file. Note: don’t use any other internal option. Save the whole thing. I am going to call this DRNOVIDEO.mkv

  4. Then open TWENTY.mkv, choose append file and select DRNOVIDEO.mkv. Save as a new file. I’ll call this new file EXPERIENCE.mkv. It will have 1h50m14s. The first 24 seconds will have no image and then the MGM logo will appear.

  5. Now it’s time to use gMKVExtractGUI. Open the lossy rip from DR. NO and extract all desired tracks. In my case I now have the AC3 english/new commentary (and some foreign language/dubbing), and SRT/SUP subtitles separated from it. Also the chapters.

  6. Open EXPERIENCE.mkv with MKVToolnix. Add all tracks from 6). Delay (in ms): Insert here (for all tracks extracted by gMKVExtractGUI) this number: 24023. If you are adding the chapter file (XML) in OUTPUT, do the same. This will make them start playing after the 24 seconds I added at step 5.

7.1) At the same time you are doing step 7, add the banned tracks, the laserdisc commentary and music/effects. For them another number needs to be added instead of 24023. The correct one (for both) is 5550. Then save as a new file.

This is how it looks like at the beginning, the first 1m30s:

With the original english track:

Note: Vimeo can’t display this bit correctly, that’s why I had to upload to DM.

With the banned commentary:

With the music and effects track:

Another scene that tells me the audio is in sync is the one in which Bond shots twice after saying “It’s a Smith and Wesson, and you’ve had your six”. Play it with the banned commentary and the music/effects track, and you’ll see the sound effect will match the precise moment Bond fires the gun.

It’s annoying to try finding the right moment to sync this stuff and how much of emptiness, yet not impossible. I don’t know if all these steps are the best way to do this, so I am open to suggestions.

I prefer to watch all my contents in form of files, lossless and Matroska when possible, instead of full DVD/Blu-ray discs.