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Post #1352070

act on instinct
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The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, & Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)
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Date created
4-Jun-2020, 4:53 PM

I think the greater plot in television really was a gradual change of the format over time, when people could miss
a week of their favorite show and have to hope for a rerun to catch up the plots couldn’t be so interconnected, now everything is binging so it makes more sense to have these season to series long plot threads like in Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. But I am with NFBisms that one format isn’t inherently better than another, just different styles. Breaking Bad would have been lesser if it was flavor of the week episodes and villains, likewise Seinfeld, SNL, or The Honeymooners would be weakened if they had to take their more sketch vaudeville approach and expand those situations into some larger ongoing narrative, if either format switched places you would lose a major part of what they are.