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Post #1351948

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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
4-Jun-2020, 8:47 AM

idir_hh said:

And while they’re at it they should bring back Trevorrow and Derek Connolly to write and direct.
They deserve a chance.

I really hope not. Treverrow’s script may have had some cool Resistance stuff and some very pretty concept art, but even ignoring how totally and completely it butchers the concept of balance in the force, it’s got serious issues.

90% of the dialogue is terrible, eight people steal and operate the Eclipse (the second largest Star Destroyer ever built, after the Supremacy), Bossk has an eight second cameo for no reason, Hux is suddenly obsessed with Jedi memorabilia and we’re made to watch him try and fail to use the force (because what this series needed was for Hux to be more of a joke), Palpatine’s master turns out to have been a) not the person we’ve been told repeatedly it is in no uncertain terms and b) somebody whose existence makes Palpatine a terrible sith, because his master is still alive, there are STILL Death Star Destroyers (the script features FO Star Destroyers, most notably the Finalizer, being fitted with Death Star tech and destroying planets), Kylo Ren somehow kills Rey’s parents and was a Knight of Ren when he was fifteen, and that’s just stuff I remember from the script off the top of my head.

Plus, all of Trevorrow’s movies are utterly joyless. How do you make Jurassic Park boring? Like Life Finds a Way, Trevorrow found a way.