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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 130


Also, arguably, Leia continued being a Jedi when she used the Force to send a “memory” of Han to Kylo and continued influencing him until they both died simultaneously.


Hal 9000 said:

Leia helped him die or whatever, too!

Haha, maybe we should add the Hot Fuzz chants of “The Greater Good” to when everyone’s surrounding Leia’s body


This is how Wookieepedia apparently describes why Leia died.

“Rey’s search for Exegol took her to the wreckage of the second Death Star on the ocean moon of Kef Bir, where she engaged in a duel with Kylo Ren. During the fight, Organa sensed the confrontation and realized what she must do to save her son, Ben Solo. Prior to that moment, Leia had kept a secret: unknown to anyone but herself, Leia’s attempt to save herself from the vacuum of space during the attack on the Raddus had taken a heavy toll on her. In the intervening months, her health had continually deteriorated and she would constantly hear her brother’s urging to let go and be one with the Force, an action she consistently resisted as she did not wish to leave Rey nor the rest of the Resistance without first preparing them adequately. Upon sensing the confrontation, however, Organa knew that it was time.”

“Organa used the last of her strength to reach out with the Force and call out Kylo’s birth name to him. Upon calling for Ben through the Force, Organa collapsed and died, the last of her strength spent. The only witness to her death was R2-D2, who proved true loyalty to her at that moment, as he had also been present at her birth. Organa’s final act helped to redeem her son, who eventually sacrificed himself to resurrect Rey after the latter died in the process of smiting her malevolent grandfather at the battle of Exegol.”

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


As elegant as that is, Abrams’ choice to not have her disappear until he dies later confuses that. Her body disappears when she dies, Poe talks to a comatose Leia before her body disappears. It’s complicated to fix all of that continuity.


JakeRyan17 said:

As elegant as that is, Abrams’ choice to not have her disappear until he dies later confuses that. Her body disappears when she dies, Poe talks to a comatose Leia before her body disappears. It’s complicated to fix all of that continuity.

It’s possible that her body could disappear when the Resistance departs towards Exegol.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Again, the set up of Luke urging his sister to let go and her and joining the force at the right moment was in the original cut. According to Jedi Paxis and the novelisation Luke and Leia had conversations leading up to her sacrifice that consisted of Luke telling Leia that her time has come with Leia replying that she is still not ready.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I’ve just had someone point out that the new battlefront II footage Lilian created on Mustafar has blue laser from resistance guns and not yellow from mustafarians.

Is anyone skilful enough to do a colour change on this?

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thebluefrog said:

axlanian said:

idir_hh said:

Maybe the galaxy thinks he is dead but I think the ideal would be to have him in self exile. A batman like figure that appears and disappears out of nowhere, helping out around the galaxy as a form of penance. A symbol.

As cheesy as it sounds, this is kind of what I would have wanted. Rey and Ben wouldn’t be hooking up in secret or anything, he’d just become a wandering fighter for justice, trying to right some of his wrongs. Potentially with his mother’s lightsaber.

Obviously there’s no way to make that happen in an edit, but it’s what seems like a feasible story decision to me. He DEFINITELY could not join up with the Resistance and be like “It’s cool, I’m a good guy now!”

Should be noted that Driver specifically said that Kylo-Ben’s story would not end the same way as Anakin’s.

I suspect, back when writing TFA, JJ and KK MIGHT have considered Kylo living at the end. Unfortunately, the overwhelming pressures of Disney needing the usual stereotypical bad vs good storyline ending meant that they didn’t want to take the risk and, yep, bad guy dies, good guy lives.

At the Lucasfilm purchase, someone at Disney (Maybe Iger?) likely wanted a completely blank franchise to start over with. In the planning stages, however, they were convinced they shouldn’t risk rebooting everything, so they did the safer nostalgia-based soft-remake. Hence all the interquels as well.

Suppose if you were to remove the existence of the OT completely. As in, this is a completely new SW universe.

Under Disney, it would’ve ended exactly the same as it did. Good guy lives, bad guy dies.

I personally would’ve found it brave if they’d let Kylo live. It may be possible to do an edit where he goes into exile, like Jon Snow did. If anything, Kylo should’ve been the one to vanish into the Tattooine desert while Rey goes off with her friends.

I feel like you’re drastically overestimating the creative influence Disney applies to its subsidiaries.

TROS is how it is because JJ Abrams is JJ Abrams, and this time he didn’t have Lawrence Kasdan to balance him out.


omnimuffin said:

thebluefrog said:

axlanian said:

idir_hh said:

Maybe the galaxy thinks he is dead but I think the ideal would be to have him in self exile. A batman like figure that appears and disappears out of nowhere, helping out around the galaxy as a form of penance. A symbol.

As cheesy as it sounds, this is kind of what I would have wanted. Rey and Ben wouldn’t be hooking up in secret or anything, he’d just become a wandering fighter for justice, trying to right some of his wrongs. Potentially with his mother’s lightsaber.

Obviously there’s no way to make that happen in an edit, but it’s what seems like a feasible story decision to me. He DEFINITELY could not join up with the Resistance and be like “It’s cool, I’m a good guy now!”

Should be noted that Driver specifically said that Kylo-Ben’s story would not end the same way as Anakin’s.

I suspect, back when writing TFA, JJ and KK MIGHT have considered Kylo living at the end. Unfortunately, the overwhelming pressures of Disney needing the usual stereotypical bad vs good storyline ending meant that they didn’t want to take the risk and, yep, bad guy dies, good guy lives.

At the Lucasfilm purchase, someone at Disney (Maybe Iger?) likely wanted a completely blank franchise to start over with. In the planning stages, however, they were convinced they shouldn’t risk rebooting everything, so they did the safer nostalgia-based soft-remake. Hence all the interquels as well.

Suppose if you were to remove the existence of the OT completely. As in, this is a completely new SW universe.

Under Disney, it would’ve ended exactly the same as it did. Good guy lives, bad guy dies.

I personally would’ve found it brave if they’d let Kylo live. It may be possible to do an edit where he goes into exile, like Jon Snow did. If anything, Kylo should’ve been the one to vanish into the Tattooine desert while Rey goes off with her friends.

I feel like you’re drastically overestimating the creative influence Disney applies to its subsidiaries.

TROS is how it is because JJ Abrams is JJ Abrams, and this time he didn’t have Lawrence Kasdan to balance him out.

Kasdan didn’t really balance him out in TFA either…


JakeRyan17 said:

omnimuffin said:

thebluefrog said:

axlanian said:

idir_hh said:

Maybe the galaxy thinks he is dead but I think the ideal would be to have him in self exile. A batman like figure that appears and disappears out of nowhere, helping out around the galaxy as a form of penance. A symbol.

As cheesy as it sounds, this is kind of what I would have wanted. Rey and Ben wouldn’t be hooking up in secret or anything, he’d just become a wandering fighter for justice, trying to right some of his wrongs. Potentially with his mother’s lightsaber.

Obviously there’s no way to make that happen in an edit, but it’s what seems like a feasible story decision to me. He DEFINITELY could not join up with the Resistance and be like “It’s cool, I’m a good guy now!”

Should be noted that Driver specifically said that Kylo-Ben’s story would not end the same way as Anakin’s.

I suspect, back when writing TFA, JJ and KK MIGHT have considered Kylo living at the end. Unfortunately, the overwhelming pressures of Disney needing the usual stereotypical bad vs good storyline ending meant that they didn’t want to take the risk and, yep, bad guy dies, good guy lives.

At the Lucasfilm purchase, someone at Disney (Maybe Iger?) likely wanted a completely blank franchise to start over with. In the planning stages, however, they were convinced they shouldn’t risk rebooting everything, so they did the safer nostalgia-based soft-remake. Hence all the interquels as well.

Suppose if you were to remove the existence of the OT completely. As in, this is a completely new SW universe.

Under Disney, it would’ve ended exactly the same as it did. Good guy lives, bad guy dies.

I personally would’ve found it brave if they’d let Kylo live. It may be possible to do an edit where he goes into exile, like Jon Snow did. If anything, Kylo should’ve been the one to vanish into the Tattooine desert while Rey goes off with her friends.

I feel like you’re drastically overestimating the creative influence Disney applies to its subsidiaries.

TROS is how it is because JJ Abrams is JJ Abrams, and this time he didn’t have Lawrence Kasdan to balance him out.

Kasdan didn’t really balance him out in TFA either…

He balanced him out better than Terrio did, haha.


omnimuffin said:

JakeRyan17 said:

omnimuffin said:

thebluefrog said:

axlanian said:

idir_hh said:

Maybe the galaxy thinks he is dead but I think the ideal would be to have him in self exile. A batman like figure that appears and disappears out of nowhere, helping out around the galaxy as a form of penance. A symbol.

As cheesy as it sounds, this is kind of what I would have wanted. Rey and Ben wouldn’t be hooking up in secret or anything, he’d just become a wandering fighter for justice, trying to right some of his wrongs. Potentially with his mother’s lightsaber.

Obviously there’s no way to make that happen in an edit, but it’s what seems like a feasible story decision to me. He DEFINITELY could not join up with the Resistance and be like “It’s cool, I’m a good guy now!”

Should be noted that Driver specifically said that Kylo-Ben’s story would not end the same way as Anakin’s.

I suspect, back when writing TFA, JJ and KK MIGHT have considered Kylo living at the end. Unfortunately, the overwhelming pressures of Disney needing the usual stereotypical bad vs good storyline ending meant that they didn’t want to take the risk and, yep, bad guy dies, good guy lives.

At the Lucasfilm purchase, someone at Disney (Maybe Iger?) likely wanted a completely blank franchise to start over with. In the planning stages, however, they were convinced they shouldn’t risk rebooting everything, so they did the safer nostalgia-based soft-remake. Hence all the interquels as well.

Suppose if you were to remove the existence of the OT completely. As in, this is a completely new SW universe.

Under Disney, it would’ve ended exactly the same as it did. Good guy lives, bad guy dies.

I personally would’ve found it brave if they’d let Kylo live. It may be possible to do an edit where he goes into exile, like Jon Snow did. If anything, Kylo should’ve been the one to vanish into the Tattooine desert while Rey goes off with her friends.

I feel like you’re drastically overestimating the creative influence Disney applies to its subsidiaries.

TROS is how it is because JJ Abrams is JJ Abrams, and this time he didn’t have Lawrence Kasdan to balance him out.

Kasdan didn’t really balance him out in TFA either…

He balanced him out better than Terrio did, haha.

I don’t think either of them were able to do anything to mitigate his flaws, they’re just easier to overlook in a part one than a part three.


Would have been interesting to see JJ and Rian take up the script for episode 9, with one of them taking the director’s chair.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

Would have been interesting to see JJ and Rian take up the script for episode 9, with one of them taking the director’s chair.

It would’ve been interesting for Johnson to take care of the script and Abrams to never touch another script again… he’s a beautiful visualist, but sacrifices story for shallow imagery every time. Some of the imagery from Rise of Skywalker is amongst the most beautiful crafted for any film, even beyond Star Wars, but a lot of it is wasted.


RJ is good with themes and character archs, basically the deep stuff.

JJ is good with action setpieces and humour, basically the fun stuff.

I think a mix of both is what this film needed.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

RJ is good with themes and character archs, basically the deep stuff.

JJ is good with action setpieces and humour, basically the fun stuff.

I think a mix of both is what this film needed.

But that doesn’t require writing (and that’s also ignoring how messily constructed the Battle of Exegol is). When he’s writing he cuts the story and character to make room for set pieces.

An easy example is Rey cutting down Kylo’s TIE on Pasaana. This TIE is new to this film, and in the opening sequence is established to have the McGuffin of the film (one of the Wayfinders). When Rey cuts the TIE down, she’s destroying the ship with what she’s searching for (even if she doesn’t know it, the audience does). There’s no shot of Kylo grabbing the Wayfinder and no shot of him leaving Pasaana on either the shuttle that does have Chewie, or on the Knights’ of Ren ship. Later scenes establish he wasn’t travelling on the shuttle with Chewie and he’s informed of the Knights tracking the heroes to Kijimi, so he didn’t leave the planet with them, we just see him on the Star Destroyer again. Then, on Kef Bir, we see Rey steak this unique new TIE with the Wayfinder after their duel and she takes it to Ahch-To, where she destroys it for a second time. It’s a major plot hole because of the Wayfinder and the fact that this design of TIE is unique to Kylo.

I’m my edit I felt it necessary to cut that fun action scene because it so contradicts the rest of the plot and story.


I think the Poe humor in TFA and TROS is some of the worst in the entire franchise, especially the recylced joke from Lost in the beginning of TFA. I agree that JJA needs someone to reign him in, he’s super creative but needs some inflexiible limits imposed on him.

Regarding the film in question in this thread, I am a bit more forgiving of it than others, however I am really excited to see how this FE project turns out.


Hal 9000 said:

Burning homestead is the best musical choice for the added ghosts, as heard in most of jonh’s mockups, so that’s what I’m gonna go with.

Really? There isn’t a different version of The Force Theme that fits there, or could be made to fit there by trimming down a few micro-moments of lingering on each ghost in its intro? Burning Homestead, beside the fact it’ll be the second needle-drop re-use of it at a key Rey moment - which is probably enough to pull people out of the sequence all by itself - is in the wrong key for that transition, making the blends both in and out (that is unless you’re planning on keeping the Death Star cue as well, which really doesn’t work) really rough.

thebluefrog said:

At the Lucasfilm purchase, someone at Disney (Maybe Iger?) likely wanted a completely blank franchise to start over with. In the planning stages, however, they were convinced they shouldn’t risk rebooting everything

That’s definitely not how it went 😃


Hey Hal, do you have any interest in using the Kylo vs Vader vision to beef up Mustafar? I know it is from a fan film, but it is pretty damn cinematic and Darthycey did a pretty solid job of making it work in the context of the scene.

I figure it’ll be a bit too fanedit-y to use in your cut but I’ll take anything that slows this movie down a bit and provides some entertainment value. Plus, it gives us some manifestation of a pay off for all the on and off again affection that Ren shows towards Vader’s helmet. You’d have a motivation for Kylo to glue his mask back together rather than that whole thing seeming out of nowhere and there’s the “Every voice you have ever heard inside your head” line a few scenes after too which would ultimately provide explanation for why the scene is relevant. I figure it won’t make the cut, but it was worth an ask! ¯_(ツ)_/¯


regularjoe said:

I think the Poe humor in TFA and TROS is some of the worst in the entire franchise, especially the recylced joke from Lost in the beginning of TFA. I agree that JJA needs someone to reign him in, he’s super creative but needs some inflexiible limits imposed on him.

Excluding “they fly now” I thought the humour in TROS worked really well.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I won’t be using the Vader fan film.

I’m happy to entertain ideas for a different musical cue for the ghost moment. I tried the unused score for the counterpart moment in TFA but it didn’t really feel as powerful for the moment. I overwrote what I did but I could see if I can just toss it together again real quick so you can hear it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


The trailer music that Jonh pulled for the death of Palps honestly hits so hard for me. If my vote matter I think that music would work perfectly, the only issue is the sound effects on top of it.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


dgraham414 said:

The trailer music that Jonh pulled for the death of Palps honestly hits so hard for me. If my vote matter I think that music would work perfectly, the only issue is the sound effects on top of it.

Imo I wouldn’t use any non-Williams cues, or at least nothing that isn’t written and mixed in the Williams “style”


Yes, it was touching for the trailer and it really belongs in that kind of context. It gave me chills too in jonh’s clip! But it doesn’t feel right within the movie itself, in the theater about 1 hour and 50 minutes in. As a clip or trailer, yes it’s awesome.

Here’s what I mean. I haven’t lined up the rough mix perfectly, but it shows the difference between the two pieces.

TFA unused track test (rough, quick job): https://vimeo.com/425712159

Burning homestead (polished): https://vimeo.com/425712582

My stance on revising fan edits.


I mean, I know you probably don’t want to go back to it, but what about putting the unused TFA cue where it was originally supposed to be in TFA? Then you’re not reusing the burning homestead twice in this trilogy.