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Date created
2-Jun-2020, 3:39 PM

joshuabri said:

Hello, all. My name is Brian - my middle name is Joshua. Different people address me by either, so take your pick. I’ve actually been registered on this site for about two years, but only recently became active. I don’t remember how I found this site originally, be it Harmy’s Despecialized, Adywan’s Revisited, or prequel edits. My extreme disappointment in TRoS has inspired me to attempt fan-editing on my own rather than just downloading others’ work. This is only possible because I had to replace my computer last year; I bought my previous one in 2003! So far my wife and daughter have been accommodating of the immense time investment fan-editing requires. I really enjoy fan-editing and hope to continue making edits and contributing back to this great community beyond this train wreck of a movie.

I was born too late to see the originals in theaters, so I grew up with VHS tapes recorded from TV broadcasts. I was into the expanded universe after the Thrawn trilogy came out, but by the time the Yuuzhan Vong were introduced, I had come to the realization that few of the books truly felt like Star Wars to me, and I hated the concept of the Yuuzhan Vong, so that’s pretty much when I abandoned the EU. I was happy when Disney wiped it away, although Disney hasn’t done any better.

This resonated with me. I always felt like the EU stuff felt like it didn’t feel “authentic”, or part of the same canon. Which… well, it makes sense, considering it was created by completely different creative people. Some of it was decent nonetheless, though!