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Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope (Help Wanted Finishing This Edit) (WIP) — Page 3


I’ve just uploaded a breakdown of my Mustafar scene and I’ve tried to give everyone a shout out as I think so many people did a fantastic job brainstorming and working on these extra scenes. I hope I got everyone’s names linked to the right clips.

I was already happy with the scene from the original movie but you guys really added another level to it so I had to include some. Still upset I couldn’t fit Vaders castle somewhere but I will keep trying.

Thanks a lot! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_Kyo7bqMgg

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What do you think of changing the line “hunt for the scavenger” to “hunt for the Wayfinder”, or maybe cut at “prepare to crush any worlds that defy us”? I think it just follows better continuity wise.

If you’re going to have Kylo say that his knights will come along in the hunt it would be cool to have them standing behind Kylo in that wide shot after the massacre. Maybe the shot of them from the force-vision in TFA could be used?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


That’s a really interesting idea. I can’t think if Kylo ever saying the word “Wayfinder”?

I’m still trying to figure out a way of making the KoR actually do something. You’re right! They really need to be in that scene somewhere, I don’t have the skill to do that atm but that would add a lot to this scene also.

Isn’t it raining in that TFA? I wouldn’t if that can with with a day colour edit…

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Have you thought of wiping right to the TIEs/Star destroyer in space establishing shot, then to Vader’s castle, then to the TIE flyby and Battlefront cutscene? It might be the best way to remind the viewer this planet is Mustafar and sneak in the castle. Granted, the current transition is already pretty good.

I may have missed this bit, but how does your restructure justify Ren not wearing the helmet while searching for Exegol?


Knight of Kalee said:

Have you thought of wiping right to the TIEs/Star destroyer in space establishing shot, then to Vader’s castle, then to the TIE flyby and Battlefront cutscene? It might be the best way to remind the viewer this planet is Mustafar and sneak in the castle. Granted, the current transition is already pretty good.

I may have missed this bit, but how does your restructure justify Ren not wearing the helmet while searching for Exegol?

Yeah, I did try that with my new start but it dragged the scene out too much. I now cut from TIEs to Rens flashback and Helmet scene at the start. The transitions work really well there too so the castle scene just doesn’t seem to fit anywhere that needs an extra shot.

I thought of that but Ren seems to pick and choose when he wears it in TROS so I’m just gonna leave it I think. I’ve gotta wait to get to another rendering point so I can see if its an issue.

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I don’t know what your plans are about Exegol and how much people know about it, but you could also make Kylo directly state “My knights and I are going hunting for Exegol”. I tried that in my awful edit, and with some work on it that could work.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


IlFanEditore said:

I don’t know what your plans are about Exegol and how much people know about it, but you could also make Kylo directly state “My knights and I are going hunting for Exegol”. I tried that in my awful edit, and with some work on it that could work.

Do you have a link for your edit? That could work too. I’m liking these ideas…

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Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


PM sent. Again, I don’t know how you plan to handle Exegol, but even though Kylo doesn’t know about Palpatine yet at that point, he probably is already looking for the planet.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


IlFanEditore said:

PM sent. Again, I don’t know how you plan to handle Exegol, but even though Kylo doesn’t know about Palpatine yet at that point, he probably is already looking for the planet.

I’m having it that “the message” tells everyone about Palpatine and that all sides are looking for the wayfinder.

Kylo still finds it first but the cat and mouse chase has more meaning this way.

I’m removing all of Palpatine changing his mind every 5 mins and the whole Palpatine granddaughter plot line.

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Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


A fan emailed me about this a few days ago and I’ve lost a whole day trying to code if for a Mac. Has anyone been successful with this real-time voice cloning open-source program? Absolute game-changer for fan edits if I can get it the deactivate the CPU option.

Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12rdn9jazwE

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You can try this program online:


skenera said:

You can try this program online:

Well, that’s a hell of a lot easier than code in the damn program haha! It’s got so much potential but it’s not great. Is there a way to save the file to edit it in audition? Many thanks for showing me the easier option.

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Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Click on the three dots on the audio player, then click on download.


skenera said:

Click on the three dots on the audio player, then click on download.

I got it working but it seems to change every render. Is there a way of getting rid of white noise that happens with spaces sometimes?

I actually think this may work with some serious remixing.

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I think typing more than what’s necessary reduces the amount of white noise.


skenera said:

I think typing more than what’s necessary reduces the amount of white noise.

Yeah, I found that typing the same line 3 times reduces it but it still kicks in very quickly after a few works.

I may try find voice actors but I’m hoping I can at least cut each work for a sentence like I’m doing for Luke & Leia’s farewell scene.

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Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Movies Remastered said:

I’m adding a soundtrack from every movie to TROS so here’s a clip using Dual of the fates…

pw: fanedit

That works really well! Also, if you’re using a track from each movie, what are you planning to use from AOTC? Across the Stars?


Ok, I’ve had a lot of people trying to guess what tracks I’m using throughout TROS and Across the Stars keeps coming up.

So, should I use it over Kylo & Rey’s kiss?

It’ll be short but it’ll work if people want me to do it…

A) Yes, that would sound great.
B) No, it’s Anakin & Padme’s song.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Movies Remastered said:

Ok, I’ve had a lot of people trying to guess what tracks I’m using throughout TROS and Across the Stars keeps coming up.

So, should I use it over Kylo & Rey’s kiss?

It’ll be short but it’ll work if people want me to do it…

A) Yes, that would sound great.
B) No, it’s Anakin & Padme’s song.

I would say no. Not only it is anakin & padme´s song, the kiss scene between reylo is cringe.


Movies Remastered said:

I’m adding a soundtrack from every movie to TROS so here’s a clip using Dual of the fates…

pw: fanedit

It’s exactly what I did only you did it better.

What are planning for the other films’ music? I’m assuming Across the Stars for the Reylo kiss and Battle of the Heroes for the Death Star duel?


If you were to replace music for the kiss, it should be some version of Rey’s theme, nothing more.

Are you planning to add score to the DS duel?


Anakin Starkiller said:

Movies Remastered said:

I’m adding a soundtrack from every movie to TROS so here’s a clip using Dual of the fates…

pw: fanedit

It’s exactly what I did only you did it better.

What are planning for the other films’ music? I’m assuming Across the Stars for the Reylo kiss and Battle of the Heroes for the Death Star duel?

I really wasn’t going to add Across the stars but so many people are asking me to add it I’ve put it out to vote. What’s your thoughts?

Knight of Kalee said:

Absolutely!!! I’ve smashed the Duel so hard with editing exactly to the soundtrack that it’s one of my highlights now.

I’m also adding Ambush on Coruscant for an extra scene I’m working on with Kylo Ren

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I don’t think Across the Stars needs to be used. It’s just Anakin and Padmé’s love theme, not a general one. However I think you could place it in the scene where Ben resurrects Rey and it would work well. Mostly because Anakin and Padmé’s relationship was torn apart by Anakin trying to save her. Now Ben literally brings someone back from the dead, so it might be a nice way to tie the prequels together as well. I don’t think that’s necessary though.