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Post #55676

Obi-Wan Spicoli
Parent topic
Episode I-VI: Archival Editions
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Date created
21-Jul-2004, 1:07 PM

Originally posted by: sean wookie
when i thout it couldn't get worse

Hi Sean,

How am I making things worse? I would like to know.

For a website devoted to the preservation of the original trilogy, there sure seems to be a lot of people here who don't care if the films keep getting changed. I, for one, don't want these films to be altered. I am very passionate in my belief that the original films should be preserved. Quite frankly, lists like this are infuriating to me. Why should I not speak out about that? I am quite unhappy about the fact that only the Special Edition fans and the indifferent fans are the ones who are getting an official DVD release, while fans who grew up with these films and love these films in all of their original glory are being snubbed. These films were good enough to make Lucas rich over the first 20 years, and the fans who put Lucas where he is deserve better than this.