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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 125


I have been away for a bit … but one of the other things I would look into is the removal of the Dagger’s … pop out. I rolled my eyes HARD when that happened. It didn’t make any sense. Not only was the dagger made … it had an inscription of the location of the way finder (who the person made it know where it was located … so why “write” it down. Example: I know where my parent’s house is, but I don’t inscribe the address on the key copy I made) but HE CHOSE A SPECIFIC LOCATION OVERLOOKING THE DEATH STAR II’s LOCATION TO “POINT” TO THE LOCATION OF THE WAYFINDER!

That was too much.

As much as I would LOVE to remove the dagger … that probably isn’t possible. Instead, I think it would help to remove that “pop out” dagger scene when the crew is looking at the wreckage when Rey finds that detail to “line up” the design.

Instead, when she is looking out … couldn’t we simply add the Sith Whisper sounds when Rey is looking out? That way we recognize she is being guided by the dark side? We the audience know she is still “flirting” with the dark side, especially after the Last Jedi. She is kind of mirroring Luke’s footsteps in ROTJ where he wants to be full on Jedi, but he still has that temptation. Rey is a bit similar, albeit some differences … but she is looking for a Sith thingy, so she should be “guided” by that side.

Since we the audience, who have seen/watch Star Wars Movies would recognize those whispers and understand “Hey! that area is it!” without being told it.

Anyway, that’s my two cents.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


If that can be executed effectively, I agree it’d be an improvement. It could also imply the dagger is what opened the door adjacent to the throne room, rather than… Rey’s Palpatine DNA or something. (I doubt there’d be any real way to make that moment any clearer with footage of the dagger.) That’d be good anyway, but especially welcome in a Rey Nobody edit.

Unrelated: Since we have clips of both traditional blue and yellow lightning destroying the transport thought to contain Chewie, it’s possible to use either for each of Rey Palpatine and Rey Nobody variations of this project. Yellow adds some distance from Palpatine, and blue is just what we expect Force lightning to look like when anyone uses it (only seen by Palpatine and Dooku). In Legends canon (for neeeeeerds!) there is a precedent for light side Force lightning that is yellow. In the context of a Rey Nobody TROS edit, yellow can represent the darkness she fears within herself, and speak to a sense of balance when she uses a yellow blade she constructs. (A Rey Nobody version also wouldn’t have that little crackle between Palpatine’s hands as he speaks with Kylo, which is there to tie into Rey’s lightning moment.)

So, in a Rey Palpatine edit, shall the yellow lightning stay or be replaced with the normal blue? I think the hand crackle would stay in this version, as it has a purpose. Though it could be removed without causing an issue, perhaps not making it more obvious than it already is.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’d prefer it stay blue for consistency’s sake but I haven’t seen the yellow variant.

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Chase Adams said:


My boys Jonh and Poppa are certainly worthy of this honour. A collaboration between them and snooker would be mind-blowingly good!

me, dir_hh and poppasketti, we are working on the opening of coruscant. I think it’s going to be great … when we’re done with this, and luke’s hair, I’ll be happy to help with the final shot of coruscant!


You guys are in for a treat😉

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Wow! this escalated quickly!

I can’t wait to see some of these changes. I like the idea of Rey’s yellow lightning. Interested to see how the Ewoks appear early. I’m working on the extra D-0 squeaky wheel scene so if I get it done before you I’ll share it.

Can anyone tell me why so many people are getting banned lately?

Hal, Does this mean your rough cut is almost finished? Can’t wait!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I really like the Coruscant opening thematically, and the work being done on it is splendid, but I worry that it causes more questions than its worth. Chief among those being if it’s been there since the Prequel era or if Palpatine stuck it there when he turned it into the imperial capitol. If it’s the former, how did they get it and why didn’t they ever do anything about Exegol, and how has it remained untouched? If the latter, again how did nobody ever find it?

Further, how did Luke not find it on his travels with Lando? Seems like the Jedi Temple wouldn’t have been a particularly hard place to search, especially if Kylo finds it in a jiffy.


A good question for another time

Same thing could be said though about Kylo finding the wayfinder out in the open on Mustafar. I’m sure Luke would have also searched his father’s fortress before hand.
I guess it’s a matter of picking your poison.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

A good question for another time

Same thing could be said though about Kylo finding the wayfinder out in the open on Mustafar. I’m sure Luke would have also searched his father’s fortress before hand.
I guess it’s a matter of picking your poison.

Exactly! There may be many possible explanations, such as Snoke put it there, for kylo to find it


Maybe Palpatine’s plan was to have Vader meet his clone on Exogol had Luke killed him on DS2.

Would be interesting to have Vader know that Palpatine won’t die on the death star, it would certainly explain Vader’s change of tune from ESB where he planned on overthrowing him to ROTJ where he’s completely submissive to his rule.

I could imagine an alternate scenario where after Luke strikes down the Emperor, Vader tells him that he is still alive on Exogol and that they must find a way to destroy him once and for all.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


In my opinion I think it would be better to keep Rey’s lightning ‘standard’ blue.

I think expanding the visual language of these movies is a tough sell at this point?

I understand the reasoning behind wanting to distance Rey from Palpatine but I think changing the colour of force generated lightning is just unnecessary?

Within canon (the movies) ‘blue’ lightning has been pretty firmly established as a dark side power.

I’ve never once gone down the rabbit hole and wondered if it’s a Palpatine (and his minions/trainee) based trait exclusively, I always just took it to be a power sourced from the dark side of the force.

In Rey’s case, I never made the direct association that when she accidentally manifested the power that it was due to her biological lineage?

I just assumed that she was so caught up in anger and desperation that her emotional instability, (alongside her powerful but still unharnessed force sensitivity) in that moment, she over pushed herself and she accidentally leaned into the power of the dark side and the lightning manifested itself.

She wasn’t serene or at peace. She was emotionally compromised and it got the better of her.

The blue colour will never require any further explanation than what is already visually depicted across the movies. We’ve seen two bad guys use it after all.

But yellow? I am immediately asking why it would be yellow? What does it mean?

Is there light and dark side lightning?

Do the users from either side employ it differently?

In this case/instance (blowing up a transport) it’s still just as deadly/destructive. It’s not like it manifested and good came of it?

If they had used yellow lightning to give a visual cue for the force healing (like a force defibrillator 😃), there would be some logic to visually depict the differences.

One drains life force, the other gives it. But to use it in this context opens up more questions than it solves?

Blue = Rey used the dark side power to gain the upper hand on Kylo.

(Perhaps accidentally - but none the less she gave in to her anger and it got Chewie ‘killed’)

Now she fears her power and what may become of her at a point in the movie when she is most vulnerable and emotionally unstable and she has the evidence to support just how destructive she could become.

More importantly the lesson she eventually takes from this is just how easy it is to fall.

After stabbing Kylo she acknowledges that she’s too powerful, but too emotionally weak to handle that power…which makes her a liability to her friends and so she takes herself out of play by going into exile.

There she gets a pep talk from her master and comes back with a renewed sense of purpose and is able to keep her head during the confrontation with Palpatine…in so doing and without resorting to tapping into the dark side, she obtains the strength of all the Jedi that preceded her.

True power. Earned.

Yellow = What happened? This is new? What is this? What does it mean?

Oh. Nothing it’s just normal force lightning because the plot won’t revisit this again.

I suppose you could still apply all of the logic above, but only with an additional (and wholly unnecessary) ‘why?’

But that ‘Why’ can only lead to a dead end, because it’s a piece of visual narrative that’s been added in but will never be explained?

To me it’s totally overthinking something that doesn’t need to be?

‘Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should’?


idir_hh said:

Maybe Palpatine’s plan was to have Vader meet his clone on Exogol had Luke killed him on DS2.

Would be interesting to have Vader know that Palpatine won’t die on the death star, it would certainly explain Vader’s change of tune from ESB where he planned on overthrowing him to ROTJ where he’s completely submissive to his rule.

I could imagine an alternate scenario where after Luke strikes down the Emperor, Vader tells him that he is still alive on Exogol and that they must find a way to destroy him once and for all.

Marvel is making a “What if…” animated series for Disney Plus with this concept. I’ve always hoped if it is successful, they would do the same thing to SW. What if you Qui Gon hadn’t died? What if Anakin had not have been burned on Mustafar? Etc."


Does anyone here know a good way that we could extend Ben’s death to allow for time to grieve his passing, and maybe even re-score the scene, as I felt the music that was there was quite unfitting for the scene taking place. I already did a re-score with Sam Kim’s Reylo theme several pages back, but I think the effort could be improved greatly. Possibly adding in shots of Exegol could help out.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Here’s a little switch around I was thinking of. What if for a Ben lives edit we save Leia’s intervention and death for when Ben is about to resurrect Rey, it would make for a more meaningful send off for Leia as well as a nice way of keeping Ben alive.

For the Death star scene you could have a combination of Luke, Leia and Han appearing before Kylo with a v.o of “come home”.
Maybe something like RogueLeaders mockup of a faded Leia.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

Here’s a little switch around I was thinking of. What if for a Ben lives edit we save Leia’s intervention and death for when Ben is about to resurrect Rey, it would make for a more meaningful send off for Leia as well as a nice way of keeping Ben alive.

For the Death star scene you could have a combination of Luke, Leia and Han appearing before Kylo with a v.o of “come home”.
Maybe something like RogueLeaders mockup of a faded Leia.

Someone had an idea like this some pages back (either here or the redux thread) using Leia’s ‘We can still save him’ line from TFA. Anyone know if Carrie Fisher says ‘her’ or ‘together’ or something we could frankenbyte? Ben does hold Rey for a long time thinking and mourning, plenty of time to insert some voices. It would seem fitting that Leia is there to help as her last act. It would certainly help justify keeping her body around until the end of movie. And maybe she even fades away after Rey is revived instead of during Kylo’s death.


I honestly kind of love Klaud

He’s so bizarre looking


Yeah, my only reason for asking this is that his introduction is gone, so those couple shots and one other short one that can be edited out are all that remain and he’s never introduced.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Also… I think RogueLeader’s idea about moving the idea of Palpatine’s spirit moving into others into his first scene would work well.

Even though the mechanics aren’t made explicit to Rey during the climax, we the audience know them, so it might be forgivable. It is hinted at and she seems to have had plenty of psychic episodes throughout the movie.

My stance on revising fan edits.


“The First Order was just the beginning… I will give you so much more.”

“You’ll Die first.”

“I have died before… Kill me, and my spirit will pass into you as all the Sith live in ME(face reveal).”


There could still be a place to insert the line “More than a clone less than a man.”

Maybe over the shot of Palps’ test tube Clones or after Kylo ignites the saber to his face.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…