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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 100


DominicCobb said:

There are ROTS soundtrack fan edits with clean versions of this (pulled from stuff like video games). I’ll send you a PM when I get the chance.

That would be amazing (a dream come true)! Thank you, and take your time!


poppasketti said:

DominicCobb said:

There are ROTS soundtrack fan edits with clean versions of this (pulled from stuff like video games). I’ll send you a PM when I get the chance.

That would be amazing (a dream come true)! Thank you, and take your time!

Maybe I spoke too soon, looks like that section specifically is missing from the tracks I have. Never noticed that, damn.

Sorry to get your hopes up!


Ha! That’s okay! Thanks for checking. It’s good to have a holy grail, keeps me motivated!


I posted the below in Hal’s thread and was also made aware of this one, figured I’d post it here too.

In the early days of lockdown I did a very rough edit merging TLJ and TROS together, which later turned into two separate movies and creating links between them, but I never finished it.

Here’s some of my ideas from the TROS end of it, perhaps something works for one of your edits?:

  • Cut the guys seeing Rey leave Exegol. It makes her reunion with Finn much more emotional:

pass: fanedit

  • Got rid of the space horses, it was always ridiculous to me. Video below is not how it’s edited as it’s missing a massive chunk. Just wanted to quickly show how Finn not saying “I have something for that” works and then showing how the landing bit works:

pass: fanedit

  • Shifted Rey and Finn’s conversation about her on the Sith throne in Ochi’s ship to after they rescue Chewie and are talking in the Falcon. Where Finn says she doesn’t sound like herself, it just fits better here for me (had to do some minor FX + grading to make the shot fit):

pass: fanedit

  • Experimented with Rey not stabbing Kylo, but we do see her give her life force to snake thing earlier to establish the force power. Imo, this gives Rey’s death more impact and makes Ben’s life force sacrifice more meaningful:

pass: fanedit

  • Cut Chewie’s “death” and Rey’s extreme burst of lightning power that blows up the transport ship and all mentions of his death. Although I’m not sure if this works all that well because of the way the guys react when they found out he’s still alive:

pass: fanedit

  • C3PO never gets his memories back, nor is there any mention of R2 being able to restore it. It makes his emotional goodbye actually mean something! I truly hated the “no consequences” element of the movie.

  • Removed Finn trying to tell Rey something…but he never actually does, so it just feels odd.

  • Removed Rey’s and Kylo’s kiss because it just looks awkward as hell…


Very nice job on those. Removing the space horses seems like a good idea, especially since they are only in a couple of shots after which they are never seen again. It’s like they all just fell off the side of the Destroyer at some point and nobody cared. Shifting the Rey and Finn conversation is tempting for me, but if it requires FX and grading, I’ll probably leave it as is. I would love to get rid of the Chewie-splosion, but I am playing up Rey’s temptation by the dark side and this is really the only time we see her use dark side powers. Granted, she fights Kylo in anger, but that’s not overt. I’ll keep Rey stabbing Kylo for similar reasons. The other edits I’ve already done.


How about take all of Snokes scenes from The Last Jedi & make it look like hes on Exegol ? Darken the scene up & match the colors etc


moondear said:

I posted the below in Hal’s thread and was also made aware of this one, figured I’d post it here too.

In the early days of lockdown I did a very rough edit merging TLJ and TROS together, which later turned into two separate movies and creating links between them, but I never finished it.

Here’s some of my ideas from the TROS end of it, perhaps something works for one of your edits?:

  • Cut the guys seeing Rey leave Exegol. It makes her reunion with Finn much more emotional:

pass: fanedit

  • Got rid of the space horses, it was always ridiculous to me. Video below is not how it’s edited as it’s missing a massive chunk. Just wanted to quickly show how Finn not saying “I have something for that” works and then showing how the landing bit works:

pass: fanedit

  • Shifted Rey and Finn’s conversation about her on the Sith throne in Ochi’s ship to after they rescue Chewie and are talking in the Falcon. Where Finn says she doesn’t sound like herself, it just fits better here for me (had to do some minor FX + grading to make the shot fit):

pass: fanedit

  • Experimented with Rey not stabbing Kylo, but we do see her give her life force to snake thing earlier to establish the force power. Imo, this gives Rey’s death more impact and makes Ben’s life force sacrifice more meaningful:

pass: fanedit

  • Cut Chewie’s “death” and Rey’s extreme burst of lightning power that blows up the transport ship and all mentions of his death. Although I’m not sure if this works all that well because of the way the guys react when they found out he’s still alive:

pass: fanedit

  • C3PO never gets his memories back, nor is there any mention of R2 being able to restore it. It makes his emotional goodbye actually mean something! I truly hated the “no consequences” element of the movie.

  • Removed Finn trying to tell Rey something…but he never actually does, so it just feels odd.

  • Removed Rey’s and Kylo’s kiss because it just looks awkward as hell…

These are neat, but I’m not sure the way to improve this movie is to make it shorter. Also, space horses dope.


Getting rid of the space horses in the final battle actually worked really well! I like the horses, but I hadn’t noticed how they disappear from the battle with no explanation, as in we don’t see them killed, falling off the destroyer or anything. Now we only need another place to move that epic variation of the Force theme, since it would be a shame to lose it.

I’d keep Chewie’s fake-out death, only to give context to Rey’s main conflict in this movie, specially for a Rey Nobody edit.


I’m not sure the way to improve this movie is to make it shorter

Why not?

This sentiment has been brought up in multiple justifications for leaving in scenes that don’t really work and aspects of the film that are broken, and it seems to point to the idea that a movie being short disqualifies it from being good? Or “better” in this specific instance.

It’s like there’s an arbitrary notion that the goodness of the movie somehow counts less if the movie is only 90+ minutes long. I don’t understand why - if through proper pacing and clever editing, which is usually only ascertained by actually trying ideas out and seeing how they work in the larger context of the edit - the only way to make the movie better seems to involve keeping all the broken bits that are already there and that we know don’t really work very well, and then adding even MORE broken bits to it and trying to tape them all back together, for the sake of not much more than being able to say “well, it’s not too short, at least.”

What are the targets that are most important to aim at and hit when it comes to making a better version of this film? Is overall run-time really one of those targets?

It’s not like Star Wars stops being “Star Wars” because it’s not over 2 hours long. Being a fan-editor is tough enough as it is considering all the things that have to be compromised before you can even start. Why add even more unnecessary complications and roadblocks to making the best thing you can?


joshuabri said:

Very nice job on those. Removing the space horses seems like a good idea, especially since they are only in a couple of shots after which they are never seen again. It’s like they all just fell off the side of the Destroyer at some point and nobody cared. Shifting the Rey and Finn conversation is tempting for me, but if it requires FX and grading, I’ll probably leave it as is. I would love to get rid of the Chewie-splosion, but I am playing up Rey’s temptation by the dark side and this is really the only time we see her use dark side powers. Granted, she fights Kylo in anger, but that’s not overt. I’ll keep Rey stabbing Kylo for similar reasons. The other edits I’ve already done.

I’m more than happy to provide a pro-res version of this scene so you can use it yourself?


Yeah, those horses really only are there super briefly. It’s just a tiny bit weird to have a janky dolly shot of the tower without them, but it wouldn’t really occur to someone that it is out of place. I wonder if it could be stabilized?

My stance on revising fan edits.


Broom Kid said:

I’m not sure the way to improve this movie is to make it shorter

Why not?

This sentiment has been brought up in multiple justifications for leaving in scenes that don’t really work and aspects of the film that are broken, and it seems to point to the idea that a movie being short disqualifies it from being good? Or “better” in this specific instance.

It’s like there’s an arbitrary notion that the goodness of the movie somehow counts less if the movie is only 90+ minutes long. I don’t understand why - if through proper pacing and clever editing, which is usually only ascertained by actually trying ideas out and seeing how they work in the larger context of the edit - the only way to make the movie better seems to involve keeping all the broken bits that are already there and that we know don’t really work very well, and then adding even MORE broken bits to it and trying to tape them all back together, for the sake of not much more than being able to say “well, it’s not too short, at least.”

What are the targets that are most important to aim at and hit when it comes to making a better version of this film? Is overall run-time really one of those targets?

It’s not like Star Wars stops being “Star Wars” because it’s not over 2 hours long. Being a fan-editor is tough enough as it is considering all the things that have to be compromised before you can even start. Why add even more unnecessary complications and roadblocks to making the best thing you can?

My point is that the movie feels like it’s rushing through itself enough as it is. I don’t think that making it go FASTER is the way to resolve the pacing issues.


I don’t know if it has been discussed … but suddenly an idea occurred to me …
and if king, instead of palpatine’s granddaughter, is a being created by palpatine with the dark side (like the legend of darth plegueis).

the way to fix it, would be a voice impersonator of kylo ren, eliminating the granddaughter’s, and adding new lines.

even if we had a palpatine impersonator too hahaha, we could add lines at the end of the movie, in exegol, like these:

First I created Anakin skywalker, but his body burned, then I tried with his son, but his father killed me.

And then, I created you … to possess your body, and be eternal

I know, it’s crazy hahaha


Random idea regarding Palpatine:

One gripe I’ve heard people bring up before is Palpatine committing the “Evil Gloating” trope when he tells Rey that if she kills him, his spirit will pass into her.

Palpatine: You want to kill me. That is what I want. Kill me, and my spirit will pass into you, as all the Sith live in me.

This may have been suggested before, but I was thinking this line could be moved to Kylo’s first scene with Palpatine, replacing Palpatine response after one of these two lines:

Kylo: I killed Snoke. I’ll kill you.


Kylo: You’ll die first.

I personally think it would fit better to replace Palpatine repeating the “to cheat death” line that doesn’t do anything beyond being a callback. Either way, I think this change would accomplish a few things. First, we get a stronger explanation and understanding of Palpatine’s true nature and means of survival at the beginning of the film rather than the end. Second, it provides a good reason for why Kylo didn’t just immediately kill him. And third, it creates dramatic irony during the climax, because we know what is at stake if Rey kills Palpatine, but she doesn’t. So hopefully the audience would react by thinking, “No no no, Rey, don’t do it he’ll possess you!”


Brilliant idea.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Hal 9000 said:

DominicCobb said:

What is the reasoning for removing the horses?

I guess feeling that they’re unnecessary and the ground attack feels more straightforward without them.

I don’t plan to remove them in my project, though.

Seems like a nice full circle nature vs. technology thing, plus its really the only “moment” that the battle has besides Lando and co. showing up.


omnimuffin said:

My point is that the movie feels like it’s rushing through itself enough as it is. I don’t think that making it go FASTER is the way to resolve the pacing issues.

shorter isn’t the same as faster. The movie as it stands feels like it’s rushing because it’s constantly stopping to address a bunch of unnecessary shit all the time

Streamlining the narrative might make it shorter, but also might make it way more coherent, focused, and intentional, as opposed to jumbled, scattered, and distracted by every “HEY COOL IDEA THIS IS A COOL IDEA LETS PUT IT IN NO MATTER WHAT” moment it can think of.

I’m mainly advocating that runtime shouldn’t be a target anyone’s aiming at. Let it be the length that it is when the best version of it seems to have been arrived at - and you can’t really get a feel for what that is until you try a bunch of ideas out and see how they flow in the larger context.

If you stop yourself from making cuts for not much more reason than “Well now it’s too short” (as if “too short” really means anything in a context where there aren’t tickets being sold or timeslots being filled) I don’t know if that’s a good enough reason in and of itself.


jonh said:

I don’t know if it has been discussed … but suddenly an idea occurred to me …
and if king, instead of palpatine’s granddaughter, is a being created by palpatine with the dark side (like the legend of darth plegueis).

the way to fix it, would be a voice impersonator of kylo ren, eliminating the granddaughter’s, and adding new lines.

even if we had a palpatine impersonator too hahaha, we could add lines at the end of the movie, in exegol, like these:

First I created Anakin skywalker, but his body burned, then I tried with his son, but his father killed me.

And then, I created you … to possess your body, and be eternal

I know, it’s crazy hahaha

Some version of this has been in my head for a while also. It solves so many problems and can probably be done with light trimming and a bit of dialogue replacement (Kylo is doable as this forum has proven, and there’s a decent amount of very good Palpatine impersonators out there). Rey essentially becomes Anakin 2.0, thus eliminating Rey Palpatine, drawing a more concrete connection to the prequels, and giving more meaning to Rey taking the Skywalker name at the end. It could also add some subtext to the force dyad, as both Rey and Kylo have that origin in their blood (albeit two generations removed for Kylo). Lastly, I think it is a good change that makes you re-examine Palpatine’s motives in the prequels. He created Anakin so that eventually Anakin would turn his blade on him and Palpatine could transfer his soul into Anakin’s body. But when Anakin became disfigured, Palps had to put his plans on hold, eventually hoping Luke will take his place. We all know how that worked out. After his defeat at the hands of Vader, he regroups and eventually creates Rey- the child of an ill-fated woman on a backwater desert planet.


Broom Kid said:

omnimuffin said:

My point is that the movie feels like it’s rushing through itself enough as it is. I don’t think that making it go FASTER is the way to resolve the pacing issues.

shorter isn’t the same as faster. The movie as it stands feels like it’s rushing because it’s constantly stopping to address a bunch of unnecessary shit all the time

Streamlining the narrative might make it shorter, but also might make it way more coherent, focused, and intentional, as opposed to jumbled, scattered, and distracted by every “HEY COOL IDEA THIS IS A COOL IDEA LETS PUT IT IN NO MATTER WHAT” moment it can think of.

I’m mainly advocating that runtime shouldn’t be a target anyone’s aiming at. Let it be the length that it is when the best version of it seems to have been arrived at - and you can’t really get a feel for what that is until you try a bunch of ideas out and see how they flow in the larger context.

If you stop yourself from making cuts for not much more reason than “Well now it’s too short” (as if “too short” really means anything in a context where there aren’t tickets being sold or timeslots being filled) I don’t know if that’s a good enough reason in and of itself.

100% Agree! I thought cutting so much would speed the movie up even more but when you remove the copious amount sof back and forth scenes and allow the audence to stay in the moment longer, despite the movie being shorter it feels a lot slower. I’m now a little worried that I’ve made some scenes a little too long…

Perfect example is Rey’s training scene. By removing Kylos flashback and staying with Rey it seems like you’re in that scene a nice length of time.

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I agree with Broom Kid as well. It feels rushed because it is trying to do so much in its runtime. By removing the extraneous bits and making it more focused on fewer threads, it starts to feel like a more normal movie.


RogueLeader said:
I personally think it would fit better to replace Palpatine repeating the “to cheat death” line that doesn’t do anything beyond being a callback. Either way, I think this change would accomplish a few things. First, we get a stronger explanation and understanding of Palpatine’s true nature and means of survival at the beginning of the film rather than the end. Second, it provides a good reason for why Kylo didn’t just immediately kill him. And third, it creates dramatic irony during the climax, because we know what is at stake if Rey kills Palpatine, but she doesn’t. So hopefully the audience would react by thinking, “No no no, Rey, don’t do it he’ll possess you!”

Seriously, this works on so many levels. I don’t get how JJ and co could have written such a terrible climax with Palpatine literally giving reasons for Rey not to kill him. That’s beyond gloating and full on nonsensical dialogue where BOTH parties suddenly become stupid.